Shakeel Ahmad
In part-3, we concluded that
our actions should be compatible with our role as brand ambassadors of
Islam. We must set examples of whatever is perceived as the best; we
must work very hard to raise our attractiveness index; we must become
the true Khalifa (appointed vicegerent) that Allah wants us to become. Where do people look for,
today? Individuals apart, even the Muslim
nations look towards the non-Muslims, and probably rightly so. Who are
the Nobel prize winners? Who developed various modern technologies? Who
is a pioneer in Physics? Chemistry? Biology? These are difficult areas!
What about Sociology? A few months back, I visited a madarsa which is
one of the best in Bihar, with about 1,000 students getting trained to
be future Khalifas. When I saw a few boys playing in a mango garden, my
curiosity grew, and I asked the manager who was taking me through the
madarsa facilities, "Do you have a period for sports activities?" Well,
I bet you know the answer! All
the madarsas under the infamous Madarsa Board, in Bihar, became
centers of be-hayaee (shamelessness) and behisee (insensitivity), and
the Muslims are silent spectators, as they think those who cannot do
anything else will at least get employment by grabbing some
certificate/ degree. What message is this Ummah giving to those whom
they ask to accept Islam? Cheating the system, openly and with no
regard to any modesty, insulting the Quran during the exams, by tearing
off pages and molesting them in so many different ways (e.g., hiding
under the buttocks) – insulting a book that should carry more value to
Muslims than their physical self, holding the sanctity of which compels
them to kill those who even hurl insult by their tongues (considered as
blasphemy). What are we? Blasphemous Muslims? Possibly using “Muslims”
for those who indulge in such blasphemous acts, and those who promote
these, would be no more than shamelessness. Where has our haya
(modesty) gone? Hazrat 'Abdullah bin Umar (Raziallahu Anhu) reports
(Sallalloho Alaihe Wasallam) said, "Haya and
Imaan are joined together;
when one of them leaves, the other is lifted too."
(Baihaqi). And,
what are
our youth being taught in large number of Islamic
institutions? To cheat, to insult the holiest of scriptures, to
manipulate the system for personal worldly benefits, with complete
disregard to the teachings of Islam? Deception is the characteristics
of Shaitan (devil/Satan) alone. Those of us who indulge in such
deception are the agents of Shaitan while those who abet, encourage, or
support directly or indirectly are worthy friends of Shaitan. These
agents of Shaitan would be the Ulema of tomorrow; and what message
would they give away to the society? We, the so called Muslims, never
try to stop this from happening. What happened to Allah's commandment
of Ahya-anil-munkar? On the contrary, we encourage them, by giving our
donations to them, by sending the worthless boys and girls of our
community there to become Mullahs, Maulvis, etc., by bribing the board
officials to grant acceptance to a new madarsa that gets established by
our donations, and so on… These Mullahs and Maulvis, and the character
that we have portrayed in making them, form the core of our Dawah, and
we think we are doing great service to the cause of Islam! If this is
not a blatant shameless waste of our precious resources, what else is! Write
your comments toDawah:
Are We Wasting Our Precious Resources on It? [Part-4]
When we do not feel shy
in doing prohibited things but feel ashamed of praying obligatory namaz
in office, feel proud in sporting a neck-tie, but feel shy in sporting
a beard, when we feel great visiting a musical concert, watching
scantily dressed film starts perform live while feel awkward attending
Islamic programs, time has probably come for our destruction and
replacement by another Ummah (Quran, 9:39).
As best of peoples
(Quran, 3:110), that Allah created us to be, we are supposed to strive
continuously to reach that level of perfection worthy of being termed
as “the best”. If we, the Muslims-of-namesake, reach that level and
become true Muslims, we would not even need to invite anyone to Islam.
Everyone would then queue up to accept Islam with total assurance that
no other way of life could be any better. When we are perceived as
harbingers of all that is bad, our Nafs-e-Ammara (Nafs that commands us
to all that is wrong, as an agent of shaitan; a nafs that is lower than
that of animals) commanding us all that we do, however hard we try to
convince others that ours is the best religion, who would believe the
"worst of peoples"?
When we invite people to
all that is good, and all that is just, let us make sure that our
culture is storehouse of all that is good, and all of behavior is just
and fair, otherwise what use is for the invitee to come from bad to
worse? We are an Ummah which is commanded by our creator to enjoin what
is right, and forbid what is wrong (e.g., Quran 3:104, 3:110, 3:114,
9:67, 9:71, 9:112, 22:41, 31:17), but we may in fact be doing exactly
the opposite – enjoining what is wrong (sectarianism, casteism,
nationalism, nepotism, patronizing the strong and oppressing the weak,
apart from the more common ones like telling lies, deceiving
individuals, groups and systems, etc.) and forbidding what is good and
just, e.g., depriving one set of children (the poor) from conventional
(modern) education, by sending them to madarsas that don't teach
science and English; and depriving (forbidding) another set of children
(the rich) from Islamic education (Where is the time for this? He has
to do so much of home work, and watch serials on TV for relaxation).
Are we not enjoining what is wrong by pursuing the worldly pleasures
alone, while forbidding what is right by nurturing a culture that makes
fun of those who grow beard, spend time on social work, come to us for
chanda (donations), call for prayers - after all these are things to be
done in old age (after retirement from active life)?
long as the bad seems
bad, there is a chance to stop doing that, and return to good, but when
the bad starts appearing good (e.g., murder of own brother, Quran
5:30), it becomes embedded in our culture, it becomes just impossible
to revert back. We are so sure that all these are good deeds (cheating
in exam, bribing the board officials to get affiliation of madarsa,
indulge in sycophancy and bribing to progress in life, getting rid of
hijab to look enlightened, roaming around in skirts or shorts to be
termed as progressive or coool, etc.) that anyone who terms them as bad
is outdated or an enemy. When Shaitan makes every bad deed fair-seeming
(Quran, 6:43, 6:122, 9:37, 10:12, 13:33, 15:39, 16:63, 27:4, 27:24,
29:38, 35:8, 40:37, 41:25) – there is at least someone else to blame,
although Allah says Shaitan, the open enemy, has no power over
Believers (Quran, 16:99) – what will happen of our Dawah (inviting to
bad deeds seeming good)?