of Indian Muslim: the solution lies within
- - Seraj
Akram (
Even after 6 decades of
freedom, Indian Muslims failed in bettering their condition.
development is observed in this community is meager and can better be
labeled as maturing. As a phenomenon of aging, the condition of Indian
Muslims improved slightly on educational and economical fronts. The
irony is that, as per Sachar committee report Muslims in India are even
backward than the scheduled castes.
Loads of hue and cry had happened on the backwardness of Indian
Muslims: mostly the debates hover around some known facts.
Come, let’s think in a different perspective on the reasons behind the
backwardness of this community and the solution for that:
Some common facts that fuel the never ending debates on this topic are:
of India, Political Biasness, communal riots, Educational backwardness,
lack of fair leadership, Etc. Etc. Etc. are a few reasons to quote that
contributed in the degradation of the social, economical and
educational backwardness of Indian Muslims.
aforesaid had been the topic of numerous debates since a long time, but
these debates seem to be “tongues in action” and the tangible outcome
remains nil.

Let’s analyze this
problem differently:
basic reasons posing hindrance to the development of Indian Muslims can
be categorized into external factors and the shortcomings prevailing
internally in the community.
External factors: These are factors
that are contributed by external agents viz. political parties, other
communities etc. For the elimination of external factors not much can
be done with in the community as we have dependencies.
Factors: These are the ills that prevail within the community viz.
attitude, laziness, irresponsibility, lack of unity etc. To reduce the
impact of these factors on the progress of community, much effort were
put in the recent past and positive results have been observed also.
But the resultant development still lags far behind of being
Indian Muslims is in dire need of progress to be
able to stand with other communities and contribute more in the
progress of India.
If a man is poor, unemployed and in a
miserable condition, he strives hard to overcome his sufferings and in
quest of that he even goes to extremely challenging extents.
Are Indian Muslims as a community not even capable enough to do
something for them..?
Its time to spearhead actions with new ways, ideas and dedication to
change our condition..
this article I am trying to
draw your attention towards a few solutions that can bring a
significant change in the condition of our community. These solutions
are based on the resources we have, its al about channelizing the
resources in a constructive way.
The focus had always been on
educational and economical empowerment, but today we will throw some
light on the resources that if used properly can change the destiny of
our community in particular and the nation in general.
1. Property
of “Waqf”
property of waqf till today had not been brought into play. In India,
waqf owns 4000 properties and about Rs. 10,000 Crore can be collected
from it.
Just Think..! how much can be done with an amount such big.
universities, polytechnic and educational institutions of various
domains can be run with these resources…

Is the community
not into a loss by not utilizing these resources..?
2. Zakaat
The actual benefit of zakah lies in the
collective use, but alas..! we distribute the zakah as per our wish.
Just imagine, what if the zakah given by 20 crores Indian Muslims is
used collectively.?

Let’s have a look on the data
Total Population of Muslims in India: 200 Million (Approx)
Suppose 1 family constitutes of 8 members: 25
Million families
If 25 % of these families are liable for zakah: 6.25 Million
Average zakah by one family on Rs. 0.3 million: Rs. 7,500/
that family distributes half the Zakah among relatives and neighbors
and half is given to the All India Zakah Fund, the amount will sum up
to: Rs. 23,437.5 Millions
Does not it sounds magnificent? And will it not prevent the community
from begging for help from others.?
3. Hajj
year around 0.16 Million Indians go for hajj. Those who afford hajj are
generally more capable economically. If all people going for Hajj
contribute Rs.10,000 extra for the sake of community
a fund of Rs. 1600 Millions can be raised. This fund can be used for
development of our community by various means.
4. Proper
Utilization of Mosques.
is very clear from Islamic history that the Mosque was not used only as
a place for worshipping but for promoting educational and other
activities of development of community.
Today also, if the same is followed and an honest and active committee
is appointed to do the same, a lot can be achieved.
5. Madarsa
(Religious Seminaries)
with religious education, madarsas shall make provisions for educating
in mainstream subjects and employment oriented vocational courses.
community owns such a big network of madarsas that if the aforesaid
educational pattern is initiated results will be revolutionary.
6. Avoid
Evils in Marriage
days, unnecessary social obligations and dowry system have engulfed our
community’s marriage system. The marriage of a girl pushes the family
economically several years back. Islam identifies dowry as haraam and
Allah doesn’t listen to the supplications of people who take dowry.
marriages are kept as simple as Instructed in Islamic laws, a lot of
resources can be saved, which can be used for better purpose.
the above is followed, the condition of our community can be bettered
to a large extent without seeking help from any one. People may say
that it is very difficult task. Shall we keep falling for the same
easiness that had been pushing back our community in the last 60

not the community which can sacrifice so much for the cause of a Mosque
come up with the same enthusiasm for changing the condition of the
whole community..?
150 years back Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was so
deep touched by the backwardness of Indian Muslims that he used to cry
in concern. But he understood the importance of action and resulted in
the establishment of the great “Aligarh Muslim University”
Have Allah stopped bestowing our community with visionaries like Sir
Syed Ahmad Khan.?
samjhoge to mit jaoge aey Hindustan walon
dastan tak na hogi dastanon me…!”