of Education
... By
Mohammad Atiqur Rahman
the lives of young students it has been drilled into their heads that
if you get good grades and study hard then you’ll get into a good
college. A good college leads to a good job. That’s how education is
perceived, but there is much more to it.
The purpose of education is to acknowledge not only one’s
career but also one’s character. It provides one with the ability to
make decisions and achieve their goals. It is to develop logic and
reason. It should help learners to discriminate between knowledge and
ignorance, light and dark, space and time, life and death, illustration
and illusion, image and mirage etc. In addition, common values such as
punctuality, following rules, cooperation, learning to work and get
along together as well as a sense of responsibility are all important
factors of education. The combination of knowledge and skills as well
as the common values help young students bloom into mature adults and
become responsible and productive citizens.
Many of the problems we face today—corruption, injustice, oppression,
poverty, etc.—are man-made, i.e. they are largely traceable, directly
or indirectly, to the education system that produced the people who
perpetuate the problems. The rulers who sell out to their own selfish
agendas and subjugate their people; the bureaucrats who enforce laws
based on injustice; the generals who wage war against their own people;
the businessmen who exploit and cheat; the journalists who lie,
sensationalize, and promote indecencies; they are all educated people,
in many cases highly educated people. Their education was meant to
prepare them for the roles they are playing in real life.
Influenced by
the mere materialistic approach, present
education system is based on only the career development to produce a
workforce for the industry rather than providing good human beings for
the society. For sustainable peace, prosperity, growth and stability of
the society we need an education system which is based on human values.
Each and every individual should be taught moral and ethics as a
primary and compulsory education and then s/he should be trained for
the science and technology, commerce and trade. Without that we are
producing lots of doctors, engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, etc.
but no good human beings.
Students who are the future leaders of the society must study
the practical social sciences with a complete knowledge of social
well-being, social reforms and social systems. I recently came across a
very old advertisement for the post of an Imam for the Grand Mosque of
Istanbul at the time of Khilaafat (Khaleefa Sultan Suleyman) during
1520 – 1566 AD. In those days an Imam used to be a government official
(like an IAS officer, or a minister, today). The qualifications asked
in the advertisement were:
- To have mastered the languages of Arabic, Latin and Turkish and
- To have mastered the Qur'an, the Bible and the Torah.
- To be a scholar in Shari'ah and Fiqh.
- To have mastered physics and mathematics up to teaching standard.
- To be a master of chivalry, archery, dueling and the arts of Jihad.
- To be of handsome countenance.
- To have a strong melodious voice.
(Source: Al Ahram newspaper 22nd September 1986, Egypt)
Practically, it is impossible to find one such person with this
qualification in any part of the world today. You may find a person who
has mastered in Physics and Maths but it is highly unlikely that he is
master in the Arabic and Quran as well. Even if he is master in
Physics, Maths and Quran but it will be almost unrealistic to expect
that he is master in Bible, Torah or other scriptures. It is all
because we have not made our education system to take care of these
educations. There are very few schools in the country that have got
good infrastructure and facilities to teach sports along with science
& technology but there are no educational institution to teach
master students in various scriptures.
In reality, social knowledge, growth, peace and prosperity depends upon
the study of scriptures alone. How well are scriptures gone inside the
social fabric of society? More we study the scripture better is our
understanding on of social responsibilities and development. Scriptures
are sent to us by The Creator who has created all human beings
(societies) and made an arrangement to teach us all about the society
through Prophets (pbut). Only through Him we can achieve true education
that can bring peace to an individual and society as a whole.
Isaac Newton used to spend more time in study of Bible than science;
George Gamow (who gave theory of Big Bang) was a priest and a
physicist. Albert Einstein describes his thoughts about God as “I want
to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this element
or that, in the spectra of this element or that, I want to know His
thoughts, and the rest is detail. .
In earlier days Astronomy, Biology, physics, Maths etc were studied
under Fiqh that is where Muslims became the world leader and they were
progressive and advanced.
Discover Islam Education Trust, in Bangalore, organised a field work at
the Zoo, towards promoting an awareness on Islam. The program "Da'wah
Net" included about 140 members who donned white T-shirts carrying the
message on its back, "Worship the Creator; not the creations".
Some members are wondering why we chose the Zoo for the da'wah work. We
ask them, why not the Zoo. Zoo is a place which attracts tourists from
various parts of the world. Wherever there are people, then that's the
best place for da'wah.
Registration fees for the da'wah field work was Rs. 300, which covered
the expenses for T-shirts, breakfast, lunch, commute facilities and 2
bottles of mineral water. Every process was meticulously planned and
executed accordingly. We exhausted thousands of pamphlets and hundreds
of books; which means thousands have received our literature. Books on
oneness of God and the life of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi
wasallam, in English, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil were distributed.
Individual and group discussions with non-muslims were also witnessed.
The members who participated in the 'Da'wah Net' included about 80 men,
20 boys, 20 women and 20 girls. The little boys and girls of 5th and
6th standard of Al-Basheer International School too were engaged in the
da'wah program. In one of the incident, a boy of std 6 gave literatures
on Islam to a non-muslim man, and finally he even suggested the man to
embrace Islam. What makes me wonder is the daringness and the
conviction of the boy who was bold enough to
invite a stranger to Islam. It reminded me of the life of Ibraaheem
'alaihissalaam, who as a child was a forerunner towards inviting people
to Islam. May Allah make this child blessed in this world and the
Many people who heard of our preparation towards going to a Da'wah
field work to Zoo were inquisitive to know about our safety. They
feared repercussions from the mischief makers who might interrupt the
field work. They enquired if we have taken the permission from the
authorities and such. We didn't find any need to ask the authorities to
distribute the literature, as we follow the motto, "everything is
permitted, unless forbidden". There's no such law or such that
restricts the distribution of literature in public places; then how
could anyone stop us? Hence we left the matter to Allah, and went ahead
with our mission.

Alhamdulillaah, all praises and thanks be to Allah. It was more than a
field work. We had good food, prayed our salaah in congregation,
socialised with each other and played games; which made our day, a day
of Islamic recreation. What a way to have real fun!
I personally had couple of interactions with youngsters of other
faiths. Their minds were inclined towards darwin's theory and atheism.
Alhamdulillaah I did enjoy the discussions with them.
One of our participants was questioned by a Muslim woman at the Zoo.
She asked why we are forcing the passers-by to collect the literature.
For which the participant said there is no force;
it's up to the individual whether he/she wants the literature or not.
Many amongst our community are not quite clear of the importance of the
da'wah activity.
One of the lady who received the literature, enquired about DIET, and
was very happy to hear about our activities. She just pulled out 1000
Rs and donated for the work of da'wah. That was indeed a noble thought.
May Allah bless the lady.
The members who participated at the zoo feld work are looking forward
for more such events in the future. Inshaallaah a plan is on its way to
get into certain areas in the Bangalore city, with the similar field
work. We at our da'wah centre generally wait for the visitors to walk
in to our premises. But in the field work we get to meet many members.
Theres great scope for dawah in the field work. Inshaallah in the
coming days we have lots of dawah activity coming up. We need you. Lets
make a difference to the world through da'wah. Let our aim be the
pleasure of Allah. If you too want to join us, you are most welcome.
Monkeys and snakes that we saw in the Zoo, were kept in the cage; but
these animals are being worshipped by people in India. The people of
India are open to hear to our words; but are we ready to open our
mouths? The world is thirsty for the truth about their purpose of life
on earth. Lets just share the knowledge that has reached us.