On other Pages:
> RAHBAR-e-Banat school-cum- madrasa distributed Uniforms and Sweaters to all 111 girl students > Our Journey To The Day Of Resurrection, Part-IX [Page-3] > RAHBAR University for Muslim Women proposed [Page-4] > The role of Social networking sites in Communal harmony[Page-6]
> The need of a social code for marriage [Pages 7] Publisher: biharanjuman.orgChief Editor: Dr. Mohd C. Jamali Editors: Fasi Haider, Mohd. Allam, Tanveer Fatma, and Seraj Akram Email: bakhabar@biharanjuman.org
Publishers Note: ![]() Bihar Anjuman does not guarantee the originality and accuracy of any information, interpretation, opinion, or view presented in this newsmagazine. The views and opinions expressed in this online magazine are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect that of Bakhabar. We, however, reserve the right to edit any material submitted for publication, on account of public policy, or for reasons of clarity and space. Pictures have been picked form available public sources. ![]() Together we can change our society
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School and Madrasa, for holistic education &guidance [Only for
Girls of weaker sections, in Bihar& Jharkhand]
Readers, Even one extra year of education can lead to achieve significantly broader avenues for women, which allows the women to lift themselves up, their families, and contribute to the community. Education leads to more choices, opportunities, and information on how to live one’s life; and most of the ill will starts to decline when education level rises. Yet women represent about two-thirds of nearly a billion of illiterate adults around the world. No society can achieve its full potential when significant portion of the population is denied the opportunity to achieve theirs. Today we are feeling proud to join with Bihar Anjuman to launch what we hope will be an important new stride towards achieving greater education for women around us. Today we do not have a precise picture of whether educational institutions are serving women as well as they should, whether they are learning to read, write, do arithmetic at the levels they need to succeed. We do not even know much about what the obstacles are. Our small tiny step will help us to make the case that advancing the rights and opportunities of women is not a marginal concern, but a central challenge of nation’s development. Let me say how pleased I am that founders of Bihar Anjuman are focusing with such intensity on education for women! I am sure that their efforts will pay great dividends to all of the people who wait to see that we can actually bring about some change in their lives. With best wishes Editor-in-chief
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