BaKhabar, Vol 6, Issue 6, June 2013
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Quick Update on Bihar Anjuman's activities of May 2013Index Page  ||  [Page-2]  ||  [Page-8]

> Editorial: I have a Pressure Cooker and I Am Not a Terrorist: A Take on Boston Marathon Blasts [Page-1]

> Beyond Excellence, Part-5: Better Deeds, Best Rewards [Page-3]

> OUR JOURNEY TO THE DAY OF RESURRECTION, Part- XXI [Mediation by the Prophet] [Page-3]

> “If you have no shame, do whatever you like”!  [Page-4]

> A Fabulous Narration about Taqwa... Toubah and Pardon [Page-4]

> US: No Entry for Mr. Modi, by Ram Puniyani [Page-5]

> Lauren Booth's response to 'The Hindu' article 'Seeking Allah in the Midlands' [Page-5]

> Sex and Religion  [Page-6]

> Saving The Planet, One Drop At A Time [Page-6]

> I have a Pressure Cooker and I Am Not a Terrorist: A Take on Boston Marathon Blasts [Page-7]

> Will the biases about terrorists remain permanent? [Page-7]

> Lessons of History which we forgo [Page-9]

> The Maulanas who are imparting competitive ability in Muslim youth [Page-9]

> Changes in Madrasa Curriculum Is a Must [Page-10]

> Fresh Water: Important Gift from Allah [Page-10]

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Chief Editor: Ms. Asma Anjum Khan

Seraj Akram,
Mohd. Allam
, and
Ms. Farhat Shakeel


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BaKhabar, June 2013

I have a Pressure Cooker and I Am Not a Terrorist: A Take on Boston Marathon Blasts  

First of all as I belong to a religion which raises eyebrows and prison doors each time a bomb goes bang anywhere in the world, let me condemn the latest in the series, Boston Marathon Pressure Cooker blasts. So never mind how many of my fellow citizens of the world have condemned the violence in Gujarat or Iraq or Afghanistan. Why does the world find it hard to accept the fact that like everyone else we the Muslims too are severely opposed to any kind of violence against the innocents? We are also; for a fair trial against an accused as he/she is to be taken innocent until proven guilty. But as we all now well realize, there seems to be a pattern to this madness. The moment some insane person commits a blast, all fingers are pointed in one direction, Muslim and Islam. And this Muslim doesn’t know where to hide his face and goes on a condemning spree, lest he is done ‘in’ too. This is a fierce Psychological war that is going on post 9/11, with the Muslim minds. It was reflected in the universal Muslim prayer, after the Boston tragedy Oh, God, let it not be a Muslim, this time! While the world was waiting for the details of the blast, we were fervently praying that may the culprit/s not be one among us. Bad luck, this time too. Slayers of innocents, be they of any hue, are slayers of humanity, our Book asserts. Neither we are terrorists nor do we want to atone for someone else’s crimes. Send him to hell if he is guilty, we don’t care. The terrorist is simply just that, a terrorist. Never mind bombing Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan brings you Noble Peace Prizes and Presidential libraries. This whole psycho-warfare is repeated once more now. It begins with how the Muslim youth is becoming radicalized, how his religion makes him an extremist and leads to the racial profiling of the worst kind. This never happens when an Anders Breivik [Germany] or an Adam Lanza [Sandy Hook] commits mass murders as heinous as done by the Tsarnaevs. TV shows abound with details of how the elder bomber went to the mosque each day,[ the younger Dhzarkov Tsarnaev never did] how he asked his women, his mother and his American wife Katherine Russell[ who converted to Islam], to cover themselves as per the Quranic edicts and his religious training during the Dagestan trip. As the telecast of the tragedy began on Television, the journos and anchors were competing with each other to blame the eternal suspects. With each piece of freshly arriving info in the media, we held our breaths and said a prayer for peace. A well known Muslim journo finished off that fateful day tweeting, Today the world goes to sleep at peace in Boston but we do not know what the morning will bring about or what the future holds for us.

Read the full essay here ..... (just a click away)

Ms. Asma Anjum Khan

BaKhabar (Hony.)



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