lend a HAND or lead the WAY

Number 7, July 2008

moreRole of Interpreters in ...

We are therefore, required to follow the Holy Quran, being the direct commandment of Allah, and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) being an indirect form of the divine commandments.

But the point is that the interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah is not an easy job. It requires an intensive and extensive study of both the sacred sources of Shari'ah, which cannot be undertaken by every layman. If it is made obligatory on each and every Muslim to consult the Holy Quran and the Sunnah in each and every problem arising before him, it will burden him with a responsibility which is almost impossible for him to discharge, because the inference of the rules of Shari'ah from the Quran and Sunnah requires a thorough knowledge of the Arabic language and all the relevant material which a layman is not supposed to have. This is exactly what the Holy Qur'an has ordained for the Muslims in the following words. This verse of the Holy Quran indicates in clear terms that a group of Muslims should devote itself for acquiring the knowledge of Shari'ah, and others should consult them in the matters of Shari'ah.

'So, a section from each group of them should go forth, so that they may acquire the knowledge and perception in the matters of religion, and so that they may warn their people when they turn back to them that they may be watchful'

Now, if a person asks an authentic 'alim (knowledgeable person) about the Shari'ah ruling in a specific matter, and acts upon his advice, can a reasonable person accuse him of committing shirk on the ground that he has followed the advice of a human being instead of Qur'an and Sunnah? Certainly not! The reason is obvious. He has not abandoned the obedience of Allah and His Messenger; rather, he wants nothing but to obey them. However, being ignorant of their commands, he has consulted an 'alim’ in order to know what he is required by Allah to do. He has not taken that 'alim’ as the object of his obedience, but he has taken him as an interpreter of the divine commands.

Nobody can blame the seeker of such instructions, with the accusation of committing shirk, and this very logic lays down a perfect rationale for the existence of a set of Islamic instructors in Muslim societies.

Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani sb. is one of the leading Islamic scholars living today having graduated from Dars e Nizami at Darul Uloom, Karachi, Pakistan. He also holds a degree in law and was a Judge at the Sharia Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan till recently. The above is an extract of his reply on Taqleed as appeared in http://www.alablagh.net and www.central-mosque.com.

Think of it
We have been all the way to moon and back but have trouble crossing the street to meet our neighbors.

Abu Raihan Al-Biruni

( 973 - 1048 A.D. )

Abu Raihan Mohammad Ibn Ahmad al-Biruni was one of the well-known figures associated with the court of King Mahmood Ghaznavi, who was one of the famous Muslim kings of the 11th century A.D. Al-Biruni was a versatile scholar and scientist who had equal facility in physics, metaphysics, mathematics, geography and history. Born in the city of Kheva near "Ural" in 973 A.D., he was a contemporary of the well-known physician Ibn Sina. At an early age, the fame of his scholarship went around and when Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi conquered his homeland, he took al-Biruni along with him in his journeys to India several times and thus he had the opportunity to travel all over India during a period of 20 years. He learnt Hindu philosophy, mathematics, geography and religion from the Pandits to whom he taught Greek and Arabic science and philosophy. He died in 1048 A.D. at the age of 75, after having spent 40 years in thus gathering knowledge and making his own original contributions to it.

From Doctor’s Desk

by Dr. Moiz Shams


Heart failure is a common, chronic condition in which a diseased heart decreases a person's ability to be as physically active as he or she should be. Having heart failure means that blood is not pumped by the heart efficiently, which can sometimes cause fluid buildup in the lungs and other body tissues.


Heart failure may occur suddenly or develop gradually. It may involve the right, left or both sides of the heart.

Symptoms of heart failure include:
1.Shortness of breath with physical activity (breathlessness) or while lying flat (orthopnia)
2.Tiredness,weakness,and feeling dizzy or faint
3.Irregular or rapid heart beat or pulse.
4.Coughing and wheezing, especially at night.
5.Weight gain due to excess fluid in the body, Can cause swelling of the abdomen, feet and ankles.
6. Kidney problems, which can lead to retention fluid.
7.Difficulty in sleeping.


1.Coronary artery disease :Narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. This can cause heart attack.
2.Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
3.Diseases of the heart valves
4.Heart muscle disease
5.Damage to heart from Alcohol or other drugs
6.Defects in the heart present from birth.

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