lend a HAND or lead the WAY

Number 10, October 2008

A Flat Denial

by Dr. M. A. Haque

The recent statement of Ms. Shabana Azmi with regard to the denial of the sale of a flat to her, made a big splash. She was of the view that the same happened because she carried a Muslim name. Many stalwarts of the secular society took umbrage upon this sacrilegious statement of hers. Our concern is not whether she was right or wrong in her allegation. But it is a known fact that Muslims do face problems in the society not only in Mumbai but elsewhere too. One of the problems faced by Muslims is that it is not easy for them to purchase a house or get a house on rent. Flimsy arguments are advanced to deny them the deal. In fact in 1985 on my return to India from foreign assignment I had also suffered on this count in Delhi. Advance rent paid to the house owner by me was returned on some ‘lame excuse’. Later I learnt that few family members of the house-owner were against letting the house to a Muslim.

This recent controversy has reminded me of another 30-year old incident. In a University hostel, for the first time arrangements were made for Sehar and Aftaar. We had arranged to gather in one of the dining halls for Sehar and Aftaar followed by jamaat namaaz. Finding the exercise a little cumbersome a ‘progressive’ Muslim student stated in presence of large number of students, majority of whom were non-Muslims, that we should give up these ‘rituals’ of. Roza and namaaz etc which have continued ‘unnecessarily’ for over 1400 years. I had to tell him equally publicly that he was destined to suffer double jeopardy in India. Because of his remarks about roza and namaaz etc. he could not be considered a Muslim and as per the Islamic principles he could not expect to get salvation after death. On the other hand if there was some communal disturbance, he could equally suffer as any other Muslim on account of his name. No one would enquire from him at the time whether he followed the Islamic way of life or not. The name was enough for becoming a victim.

I understand, Mr. Jawaid Akhtar holds similar views. I was told by a friend that during one of his TV talks he was proudly mentioning that in his family no one did namaaz or roza etc. If I am not wrong he went to the extent of saying that in his family these and other related words were as good as ‘prohibited’.

The problem is that these so called ‘progressive views’ of persons like Mr. Jawaid Akhter, Ms. Shabana Azmi are suitably ‘utilized’ by people who try to brand all practicing Muslims as anti-progressive. But, when it comes to the basic struggle for existence, Muslims, with the ‘progressive views’ in India have to suffer in the same way as any other Muslim.

What a tragedy it is for the progressive ones who have to lose on both the fronts!!

can be reached at asrarulhaque@hotmail.com.

Time Management Tip: Set Your Priorities

by Dr.M.C.Jamali

How to Determine Priorities

Below are three R’s. They will help you start to find out where your focus should be. Knowing your priorities then will help you schedule your time better. Ask yourself these questions and see if they help you.

Reward: What gives me the greatest joy? Finally, as you sort through your personal priorities, look of the element of personal fulfillment. There is deep satisfaction in doing what you are gifted, and perhaps even "called" to do. There is nothing easier than not finding time to do the things you don't want to do.

Requirement: What is required of me? When you feel overwhelmed by obligations, stop and sort out your "must dos" from your "choose to dos" Our obligations in life are the biggest priorities we have, but more often than not, you will find that you really do not have to do many things; you choose to do them. Simply ask: what must I do? What is required of me here?

Results: What gives the greatest return? When sorting our priorities, ask the question: What brings the greatest results when I do it? You should spend most of your time working in the area of your greatest strength. He is a wise man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which he is not fitted; and he is wiser still who from among the things he can do well, chooses and follows the best. Find your gift and capitalize your time using it.

Checklist for making decisions

Is this consistent with my priorities? Is this within my area of competence? Can someone else do it better? What do my trusted friends say?

Too Much On Your Plate?

How to Say "No" Gracefully. Many times the problem we have is not that we have much to do, but more so that other people have too much they think we should do. In times like this, when the task would not further your goal you need to just say "no." However, many times, the way you say no, is just as important as, when you say it.

Say no to the proposition - not to the person. Make sure the person understands that you are not rejecting them, just what they want you to do. Try giving them an affirmation about what they are doing, but that it just doesn't' fit in with the things you need to accomplish. moremore...more in page-6

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