lend a HAND or lead the WAY

Number 10, October 2008

Reaching The Top. Part-2

by Md.Shoaib Khan

We had a brief discussion on” Reaching the Top” in Bakhabar dated 8-8-08. We will continue the same. What we learn depends on (i) how we learn, and (ii) why we have to learn. A simple reply of the second question is: We are human beings so we have motivation and intention. Our motivation may be basic needs (e.g., food, water, shelter) or self-esteem or self- security or an object, or goal or ideal. So, we have to uplift ourselves. This is possible only on the condition that we learn. We know that there are two different methods of learning: by memorizing and by understanding. The first belongs primarily to the perceptual level of human consciousness, the second to the conceptual. The first form of learning is shared with man by the higher animals. The second method of learning by a process of understanding—is possible only for human beings. Thus the conceptual method is superior to the perceptual method.

We will focus on conceptual method. The dictionary meaning of “understand” is: to grasp with mind; to infer; to be able to follow the working, logic, meaning etc of. To infer means to arrive at as a logical conclusion. Thus, the word “understand” is a process that involves: (a) meaning of the content/premise/evidence/situation and (b) achieving the result/solution/conclusion. In other words, (i) what we have as (a) and (ii) what we want to achieve as (b)? Between these two statements, the term “logic or reasoning” plays a crucial role. The degree and quality of our achievement /result/ solution depends on the degree and quality of our reasoning. Systematically we may write it as:

Meaning of the content/situation Reasoning Result/solution/conclusion.

Integration/connectedness of (a) to (b) by way of reasoning is the essential part of understanding. Reasoning acts as a mathematical function of (a). We have several “surat” in Holy Quran regarding the words “reasoning/understanding”. “So will you not use your reason? (Surat al-Mu'minun: 79-80);….Why did you not use your reason? (Surah Ya Sin: 60-62); …There is a reminder in that for people of understanding. (Surat az-Zumar: 21);…… But only people of understanding pay heed.” (Surah Al 'Imran: 7). Many Muslim scientists eg. Al-Khowarizmi (780-850), father of Algebra; Ibn Sina (Avicenna)-father of modern medicine and momentum; Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber)- father of chemistry; Ibn-al Haytham (Alhazen)- father of optics and "pioneer of the modern scientific method " etc. pondered on the contents and followed the above Holy Commands to achieve such glory. All these “fathers” are our forefathers. But today most of us do not reason in the ways they did.

The academic achievement of Japanese students is high by international standards. Japanese children consistently rank at or near the top in successive international tests of mathematics (TIMSS). Japanese teachers emphasize upon ideas, so that the concepts stir students' natural curiosity. Use of diagrams, tables, simple graphs and sample data by Japanese teachers reveal that they put stress on understanding and thinking, while German and American teachers emphasize merely on skills. A conventional American Maths problem might ask, "What is the perimeter of a rectangle with a height of 12 inches and a width of 8 inches?" Compare that to a Singapore Maths problem, which might ask, "A rectangle has a height of 12 cm and a width of 8 cm. A square has the same perimeter as the rectangle. What is the height of the square?"

The definition of logic or reasoning is the act of using a methodology to derive a solution from certain given conditions, and the two most commonly used explicit methods to reach a conclusion or solution are deductive and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is further sub-divided into logical reasoning, conditional reasoning, specialization reasoning, and backward chain reasoning. Inductive reasoning consists of pattern and generalization, analogy, proportionality and analytical reasoning. (To be Contd...)

can be reached at: shoaib_khan567@yahoo.com

The 7 habits of highly successful Muslims.

1. Be Truthful
2. Be Trustworthy,
3. Be Self-Restraint and Be God-Conscious,
4. Be Thorough,
5. Be Focused,
6. Be Punctual,
7. Be Consistent

Health Corner - Getting rid of Warts:

Contributed to Bihar Anjuman by Tarique, KSA

Wart is a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin and is caused by infection with the human papilloma virus. Firm, flesh colored, dome-shaped, scaly papules or nodules usually appear on the hands and fingers. They typically disappear after a few months of infection but can last for years and can reoccur.

Treatment is aimed at destruction of the warty growths rather than elimination of the virus. Sub-clinical infection probably is life-long, and there is no cure. Some home remedies:

1. Apply the white milk from the green leafy weed that grows in your garden and in your lawn, "ragwort". Dot the white milky liquid on the wart every day, it will eventually turn black and fall off.
2. Paint ‘clear nail vanish’ liquid, one coat every day, over the wart for similar results.
3. If it's a small wart, you could use Eucalyptus oil and cover it with the oil overnight for several weeks
4. Cut a slice of fresh garlic and tape it over the wart. Keep it covered for 24 hours. The wart will turn black and fall off. If it doesn't work the first day, repeat. Garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and totally awesome.
5. Go to a beauty parlor where they do threading. Ask the person to use the thread and tie it under your wart. She should be able to tie a knot between your skin and wart. With this the blood will not pass through the wart and it will fall within 7-10 days.
6. Crush an aspirin. Apply a drop of water to the wart (for stickiness) and apply aspirin powder generously. Put a bandage on it. Repeat twice a day until wart is gone.

moremore.... Time Management : Set Your

Respond in terms of the best interest of the person asking. Make sure the person knows that you are not just blowing them off, but that you genuinely want to help them. Communicate that your time constraints would actually prevent you from doing the kind of work they deserve.

Defer creatively. Come up with an alternative. Think of something that would help them complete their task. Give them confidence that they can do it, or that you can help find someone who will. This will aid them in finding a solution to their problem.

Making the Most of Your Time

Make "to do" lists: Write out what you want to accomplish.

Set your priorities: After you make a list, find the most important things in that list and put them at the top.

Avoid perfectionism: Don't aim to do something perfectly if it ties up too much time and paralyzes you from progress. Do things with excellence, but perfectionism may be an extreme you need to avoid.

Question everything: Don't allow any "sacred cows" to keep you from eliminating items from your calendar and "to do" lists. If it doesn't work, get rid of it


Welcome tension: Stressing out about something doesn't' get you any closer to completing your goal. Have the understanding that tension is a part of life. Many times however, tension can actually improve your focus and enable you to complete the job more effectively.

Avoid clutter: Clutter will just get in the way of what you are doing. Try not to waste time in searching for things. Have a place for everything, and everything in its place.

Avoid procrastination: Don't just do what is fun first, get what needs to be done first! Control interruptions and distractions and minimize the amount of time that people take you away from your main objective. Block out time to get away and pursue your priorities.

Learn to read faster and selectively: Reading quickly as well as understanding what to read will give you more time to accomplish your goal. Use a calendar: Organize your days and weeks to organize your time and your priorities.

can be reached at mjamali@tawam-hosp.gov.ae

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