Muslim Personalities: Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani
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Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani - A
Precious Islamic Personality
---- Contributed by Syed Bahauddin Gilani
(, UAE
Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani was a renowned Islamic scholar
of Deobandi school of thought, which is one of the major
Islamic schools in Indian subcontinent. Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani is
often referred by the Islamic scholars as:
- Muhaqiqe Islam (the
researcher of Islam),
- Sultanul Qalam (King of
the Pen)
- Mutakallime
Millat (The Philosopher of the Nation).
Birth and Family:
He was born on the 9th of Rabiul Awal 1310 H (September 1892) in a
village called Gilani in Bihar (India). His father’s name was Abul
Khair Gilani. Their Arab descendants reached the Indian subcontinent
about three centuries ago via Iran and finally settled in a village
which came to be known as Gilani (based on surname of their ancestors).
His elementary education was at home and then he studied six years
under the revered Maulana Syed Hakeem Barakaat Ahmad in Tonk (Princely
state of British India - Ruled by Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Khan, military
leader of Afghan descent), presently located in Rajasthan, India.
Thereafter, he was admitted in Darul Uloom Deoband (1912) and studied
Bukhari and Tirmizhi from Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mehmood-ul-Hasan
(Rahmatullahi Ta’ala) and also accepted Shaikhul Hind as his spiritual
mentor. He also studied Muslim from Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri. His
other teachers at Darul Uloom Deoband include: Maulana Shabir Ahmad
Usmani, Mufti Azizur Rahman Usmani, Maulana Habibur Rahman Usmani and
Maulana Syed Ashghar Hussain Deobandi. While at Darul Uloom Deoband, he
was noticed by his teachers to have special qualities which outshined
him from the rest of the students.
Career, and academic Contributions:
After graduating from Darul Uloom Deoband in 1913, he stayed in Deoband
until 1919 working for the monthly magazine “Al-Qasim” of the Darul
Uloom. During this time his literary works such as “Savanih-e-Abu Zar
Ghifari” (Biography of Abu Zar Ghifari) and “Kynaat-e-Roohaani”
(Spiritual World) made him famous amongst the academic and literary
circles of the Ulama of the Indian subcontinent.
The next twenty-five years of Maulana Gilani’s life were spent in
Hyderabad (Princely state of British India - Ruled by Nizams), where he
was the head of the religious department in Osmania University. During
this time, thousands of people benefited from his precious personality
and matchless knowledge. In 1948, he retired from Osmania University
and returned to his homeland of Gilani, where he devoted most of his
time to writing.
Maulana Gilani was a master of the Urdu language and a talented and
prolific writer. He enlightened the hearts and minds of thousands with
his unique style of writing and speech. After reading his first book
“Savanih-e-Abu Zar
Ghifari” (Biography of Abu Zar Ghifari),
Maulana Ashraf Ali
Thanvi said: “The writer of this book will prove to be a
great researcher of Islam.
Notable Famous Works (books):
- Musalmano ka Nizame Taleem-o-Tarbiat
(System of Education and Upbringing of Muslims)
- Islami Muashiyaat (Islamic Economics)
- An-Nabiul Khatim (The last Prophet)
- Imam Abu Hanifa ki Siasi Zindagi
(Political life of Imam Abu Hanifa)
- Tadween-e-Hadith (Compilation of Hadith)
- Ad-deenul Qayyim (Established of
Perfect System)
- Tadween-e-Quran (Compilation of Quran)
- Tadween-e-Fiqh (Compilation of
Jurisprudence or Law)
- Muqalaat-e-Ahsani (Sayings of Ahsan)
- Tafseer-e-Soorah Kahf (Commentary of
Soorah Kahaf)
- Tazkara-e-Shah Waliullah (Remembrance
of Shah Waliullah)
- Musalmano ki Firqabandio ka Afsanaa
(Tale of sectarianism among Muslims)
- Rahmatulil Alameen (Mercy to the worlds)
- Kynaat-e-Roohaani (Spiritual World)
- Hazar (1000) Saal Pehley (Thousand
(1000) Year Earlier)
- Savanih-e-Abu Zar Ghifari (Biography of
Abu Zar Ghifari)
- Savanih-e-Awais Qarni (Biography of
Awais Qarni)
- Savanih-e-Qasmi (Biography of Muhammad
Qasim Nanautawi)
Al-Qasim to Al-Qasim:
His last book was the biography of the founder of Darul Uloom Deoband,
Muhammad Qasim Nanotawi, called “Savanihe Qasmi”
(Biography of
Qari Muhammad Tayyib Saheb Says: “When I requested him
(Maulana Gilani) to write the biography of Maulana Qasim Nanotawi, he
accepted it very happily and he replied to me: ‘My academic career
began with Al-Qasim (the monthly magazine of Darul Uloom Deoband) and
looks like my academic career will end on Al-Qasim (meaning Maulana
Qasim Nanotawi).’ Indeed this is what happened, he had only written
five pages of the fourth volume of this book, when his temporary life
ended on “Al-Qasim” at Month of Shawwal 1375 H (June 1956).
Recognition of his work:
Maulana Abul
Hasan Ali Nadwi says: “Maulana Gilani was an organization
in himself. He was the scholar of scholars, writer of writers,
historian of historians, jurist of jurists, Muhaddith (Hadith Scholar)
of Muhadditheen, Mufassir (Scholar of Quraanic Interpretation) of
Mufassireen, and researcher of researchers.” Indeed Allah Ta’ala had
blessed him with all these qualities. He belonged to that group of
Muslim elites who revolutionized the Muslim thought and upheld the
truths of Islam in the Indian subcontinent in such a time when both the
British and the Hindus were against Islam and Muslims. His writings are
a proof of his unrivaled scholarship and knowledge. The Ulama of Islam
gave the masses knowledge of the revelation and the Sunnah through
their writings and speeches and this knowledge would strengthen their
faith and conviction and would serve as their most powerful weapon
against the internal nafs [ego] and shaytan [devil]) and external
enemies of Islam.
Maulana Abdul
Hasan Ali Nadwi further says: “It can be said without
exaggeration that finding a like of him (Maulana Gilani) in the
present-day Muslim World in respect to his broadmindedness, enormity of
study and depth and vastness of knowledge and piety is very hard.”
Ulama of Islam meet the challenges posed by the demurrers of Islam by
their heavenly knowldege. They are the inheritors of the Prophets of
Allah, who used to respond to the challenges of people by means of
miracles, likewise the Ulama defend Islam by means of their knowledge,
which they inherited from the Prophets. Knowledge is the Karamat or
miracle of the Ulama. Ulama have always fortified Islam and did Jihaad
against all innovations and misconceptions with their pens and moving
speeches, which illuminated the hearts of the Muslim masses and
safeguarded them from falling in the traps set by the enemies of Islam.
One of the misconceptions that the astrayed tried to create in the
minds of the Muslims was to create doubt in the authenticity of the
Ahadith of Rasulullah. They are called Munkareen-e-Hadith (those who
deny the Ahadith or their authenticity). This chaos not only confused
the common Muslims but also posed a threat to the devoted Muslims. The
Ulama of Deoband combated this fitna with full force and opposition.
Maulana Gilani’s book “Tadween-e-Hadith” (the Compilation of Hadith)
has defended the Ahadith of Rasulullah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam to
such an extent that after a
Muslim studies this book, not only his misconceptions will be erased
but he will have plenty of proof to establish the legitimacy of the
sanctified sayings of Rasulullah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.
Maulana Syed
Ataullah Shah Bukhari says about this book: “When I
studied “Tadween-e-Hadith” of Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani, condition
of wajd and jazb (ecstasy and trance) came over me. When Hazrat Gilani
was writing this book, I thought as if all curtains between him and
Rasulullah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam were lifted and as if he was
writing the words of Rasulullah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam
himself. “Tadween-e-Hadith” is the last complete and successful thing
against the fitna of Inkar al-Hadith (denial of the Hadith).”
Ashraf Ali Thanvi says about Maulana Gilani: “All of the
Manazir (academic arguments) of Manazir Ahsan are Ahsan
Researched and compiled by:
Mohammad Bahauddin Gilani (Mintu)