to Islam
View of Your City
Dates to Hijri
Missions in India
Secondly Allah says to Muslims in Quran that for you the best example is in the
"Uswa of Rasoolallah SAS " (life and deeds of Prophet SAS). And
Prophet SAS got his most beloved daughter Fatima RA (the head of ladies of
Jannah) married to his own first cousin Hazrat Ali (R.A.). And Rasoolallah SAS
himself married his own first cousin Zainab (RA) after her divorce from Hazrat
Zaid. In fact Allah Himself performed Prophet's Nikah to Hazrat Zainab in the
heaven. Do we think that Allah Who is the ultimate source of all the knowledge
in the universe would go along a potentially and inherently harmful act for His
most beloved prophet and do his Nikah to a close relative? Certainly not.
That was the religious and also most important consideration which outweighs and
supersedes any worldly knowledge that turn out to be faulty, times and again,
and get ultimately discarded at later stages.
Now let us look examine some facts and figures. The highest number of congenital
deformity and very serious ones (involving brain) is found in Western people
where there e is no marriage between cousins and close relatives. I have
attended thousands of deliveries in operation theatre in UK and first question
the mother asks " Is he/ she OK and normal"? I used to be surprised by
this question , then I was told that there are frequent incidences of abnormal
births in Caucasians. The incidence is far fewer amongst Muslims, married to
close relatives or outside. Hindus don't get married to relatives and they have
fair number of children born with congenital abnormalities.
I am married to first cousin. Alhamdolillah , I have 4 children and none of them
have any physical , mental or intellectual disability, Alhamdolillah. There are
quite a few friends of mine who are married to first cousins and their children
have ended up in Oxford and Cambridge and are in top positions and have no
abnormality. On the other hand I also know couple of other Muslim friends who
were married totally outside ( not even a distant genetic link) and
unfortunately they had child without any brain. The genetic medical theory is
not backed up by facts on the ground.
(B) Dr.
Khalid Khan, one of the youngest doctors to become a
consultant in UK, writes
I will confine myself purely to the scientific side of the issue in general
terms. Clearly the appropriateness of a given rishta is something only you and
Aunty are in a position to judge. Furthermore, as a basic premise that which is
permitted and done by our beloved Nabi (saw) cannot and is not harmful or
1. 75% of the genes between first cousins are unique to them and not shared
between then.
2. Most individuals carry one very serious genetic mutation in their bodies and
thus nearly all couples related or unrelated will have abnormal genes in them
but by the amazing process Allah has ordained for babies, these rarely manifest
3. The vast majority of serious abnormalities in pregnancies do not progress
very far. Approximately 75% conceptions never go beyond the first 6-8 weeks of
pregnancy. These usually have very serious some developmental problem that Allah
does not allow to proceed. Remember that the birth of a normal baby is a
scientifically and spiritually amazing process.
4. Most of the genetic or congenital abnormalities that do arise are from new
mutations in eggs/sperm/embryo or development problems in utero e.g. Down’s
syndrome, heart defects etc – they have no correlation with consanguity (close
relationship between parents)
5. Many classically inherited disorders e.g. cystic fibrosis (the most common)
invariably happen with unrelated parents as the underlying disorder is carried
frequently (1:20) in everyone.
6. There are certain disorders such as haemophilia or thallassaemia that do run
in families and where two individuals are known to carry this disorder (related
or unrelated) then an increased risk of this disorder in the child exists –
here counseling is important. Even here having further children is not
prohibited in the modern medical world. In the Mediterranean where this is
common quite commonly 2 unrelated individuals will carry the gene – it does
not stop marriage etc.
7. Historically in the Royal Families of Europe over the last few centuries,
marriage was invariably between 1st cousins to build bridges and
maintain/propagate dynasties. Other than haemophilia in the Russian Royal
family, there are little or no record of disorders arising in the many princes
and princesses born.
I have summarized a few salient points that I hope you find helpful in your
understanding and decision making. Most of the people who raise concerns over
consanguity have little understanding of gentics and the risks and causes of
congenital (majority not inherited), hereditary and developmental disorders
which leads to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding as well as creating undue