RAHBAR University: Exclusive Indian University for Muslim
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, on his vision of Aligarh Muslim University, said, "
may appear to be dreaming and talking like Shaikh Chilli, but we aim to
turn this MAO College into a University similar to that of Oxford or
Cambridge. Like the churches of Oxford and Cambridge, there will be
mosques attached to each College ... [reprinted in Aligarh
Institute Gazette, April 5, 1911]
says, “I am as My servant
thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes
mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he
makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an
assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I
draw near to him a fathom’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go
to him at speed.” (Hadith Qudsi, Bukhari)
suggestions can make the concept more valuable; write to myrahbar@gmail.com
in brief
As a tribute to this child prodigy called Arfa Karim Randhawa ... ...
Proposing to establish an exclusive Indian residential University for
Women, on the pattern of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), with the
difference that it would be open to female students only.
RAHBAR Women's University could be an alternative name for RAHBAR
are looking for some benevolent brother/ sister/ organization to donate
sufficient land (100 acres, or more) anywhere in India, preferably
within 25 kms of a railway station, and100 kms of an airport.
To start with, let's establish the following, with priority as listed
(First, establish number-1, then 2 ...):
1. B.Ed. college (adding M.Ed. later)
2. College of Pharmacy
3. College for paramedical courses
4. A Business School for BBA, then MBA
5. Law College
6. College for Islamic Studies (UG, then PG), including Islamic Sharia
7. Engineering College
8. General colleges - Arts, Science, Commerce
9. Dental College
10. Medical College and hospital
However, since our vision is to have a women's university, and not just
a cluster of colleges, land is of prime importance. We must have enough
land from the beginning.
Courses in the colleges may have to follow the syllabus of some open
university wherein the students would register and take their exams to
obtain their degree. We could become their
examination centres; and if they allow, their accredited centre.
This pattern would be followed until our own courses are approved by
pat-thar ki taamirein mazhab ka mafhoom naheiN
ki taameer bhi kijiye gumbad aur mehrab ke saath
Desired Schedule for construction and launch of colleges:
following desired schedle is an initial expression of what we desire.
However, it is subject to change depending upon the desire of
invsestors/ major donors, for each college, market conditions
(feasibility study).
1. March 2012: Discuss with potential trustees, other than land-owners,
to seek their consent to be included in the trust.
2. March-April 2012: Explore the regulatory environment for a
university, and chart out a route for conducting the courses.
3. April-May 2012: Finalize the courses considering the regulatory
environment for the university.
4. March-May 2012: Finalize a trust deed, in discussion with the land
June-July 2012: Register a trust and land (in the name of trust) with
11 trustees, including 2 trustees from the land-donor’s
July-August 2012, after registration of trust, and land: Formulate an
executive committee consisting of 7 members, to give shape to this
dream project.
7. September 2012-March 2013: Boundary wall construction;
finalize layout plans for all the colleges and hostels.
8. September-2012 to March 2013: Seek approvals for the construction,
licence to operate, etc.
April - December 2013: construction of B.Ed. college and hostel,
approval for B.Ed. college, approach other universities for bringing
their courses to this campus, plan colleges and hostels accordingly.
10. College of Pharmacy by 2016, with hostel
11. College for paramedical courses by 2018, with hostel
12. A Business School for BBA, by 2021, with
13. College for Islamic Studies (UG, then PG), by 2021,
with hostel
14. Engineering College, by 2024,
with hostel
15. General colleges - Arts, Science, Commerce, by 2027,
with hostel
16. Dental College and hospital, by 2030,
with hostel
17. Medical College and hospital, by 2035,
with hostel
Financing Mechanism
A mix of for-profit
and not-for-profit,
to make it a self-sustaining proposition. For this, fees would be
charged at competitive rates.
Initial financing by means of
(a) Donations
to support the community's educational pursuits, and
(b) Investment money by muslims looking for return (profit)
Share-holding pattern
The ownership shares would be allocated for
Part A: Land's
current value + Donations, and
Part B: Investments
Share-holding Structure: Each share of
Rs. 50,000/= to be floated; Part-A also gets shares allocated like
The profits earned from operations would be
distributed like dividends. A cap
on disbursing the dividends is proposed as follows:
- Initial 5 years (counted from first year of
profitable operation): 100% profits to be invested back into the
- 6th year to 10th
years: 75% of profits would be invested back,
- 11th to 20th
year: 50% of the profits would be invested back into the
university, for expansion.
- 21st to 30th
year: 25% of the profits would be invested back into the
university, for expansion.
- 30th year onwards: 100% of
the profits would be disbursed as dividend to
- The donor's
dividend disbursals would be used to award scholarship
to muslim meritorious students who need financial support.
Whether this kind of share-holding pattern would be permissible for the
trust or not has to be explored; clauses in the trust deed should
reflect this.
Muslims only?
It is proposed to be a minority
institution with minimum 50% students coming from the investing
community of muslims. Automatically, this means that non-muslim
students will be accommodated up to a maximum of 50% intake.
Shikwa-e-zulmat-e-shab se to kahin
behtar tha;
Apne hissey ki koi shamm'a jalaate jaatey. [Ahmad Faraz]
Better light a candle than curse the darkness
