A Network of Women, Empowering Muslim Women of Bihar
& Jharkhand
sister-group, BAJEE (www.bajee.org)
will, insha-Allah, instill more confidence in our sisters whose
positive contribution is essential in fulfilling the vision of Bihar
Anjuman - Striving towards educational and socio-economic empowerment
of Muslims - as sisters, daughters and mothers they can nurture a
culture of mutual respect better and help inculcate a habit of "giving"
among the younger generations. After all, women are Gems and Jewels of
our community who can turn the next generation into assets (rather than
a liability).
BAJEE Team Leader
Sister Atia Khan of Patna leads this women's wing of Bihar Anjuman. A
Yahoo!Group has been created so that they can discuss issues among
themselves, keep their contact details, and work hand-in-hand with the
Bihar Anjuman - every member of BAJEE will also be a member of
biharanjuman, insha-Allah.
BAJEE Network for Women only
They can use
bajee@yahoogroups.com as the email
address to communicate among themselves. To learn more about
Yahoo!Groups, request them to visit Yahoo! Group page of Bihar
Anjuman's website at
- they just need to replace "biharanjuman" with "bajee" wherever it
Please spread the word around so that the circle gets bigger everyday.
You can forward email address of all your relatives and Muslim friends
associated with Bihar (females only) to atiarabbi@gmail.com so that
they could be included in this network as well.
History of BAJEE
In April, 2006, two members of BAJEE conducted a survey in the
Kurji area, a questionaniare was made as to the choice of training the
girls/women want the options were
1 computer basics
2 adult education
3.tailoring /stiching/embroidery
4.papad making,mushroom/namkeen/achar making
Almost all of the girls opted for stiching/tailoring and were very
happy to know that we will offer the course in free.
Proposed location of the polytechnic: in a slum area of patna, near
Kurji Hospital
se to kahin behtar tha;
Apne hissey ki koi shamm'a jalaate jaatey. [Ahmad Faraz]
Better light a candle than curse the darkness
