PLUCKING EYEBROWS: A topic we pretend does not exist
Today's topic is about something we DON'T really want to talk about. It's about.... PLUCKING EYEBROWS This
is a topic we just want to avoid or hope it would just go away
Although, not thinking about it does not mean that the Hukum (order)
isn't there. And you know what? It is sad to say that at least 90% of
our sisters (if not more) are guilty of doing it. But dear Sister, have you really thought about it? What does Islam REALLY say about shaping the eyebrows? Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen says: "Plucking
of women's eyebrows is not permissible. That's because the Messenger of
Allaah (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) cursed the one who does it. It
is haraam and is not permitted." The
1) Removing or
plucking the eyebrows implies changing the creation of Allaah, as
Allaah tells us that the Shaytaan said: ".....and indeed I will order
them to change the nature created by Allaah." [al-Nisa:119] 2)
Abd-Allaah ibn Masood said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sal
Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) say:"Allaah has CURSED the woman who does
tattoos and the one who has them done, the woman who plucks eyebrows
and the one who has it done, and the one who files her teeth for the
purpose of beauty, altering the creation of Allaah." (Bukhaari, Muslim)
Can you do it if (you think) it makes you look ugly? Dear
sister, do not forget that Allaah is Wise in whatever He decrees for
His slaves.Some people are beautiful in appearance and some are not;
that's just how it is and the entire matter is entirely in the hand of
Allaah. Therefore, it is essential that you be patient and seek reward
with Allaah, and not transgress His sacred limits for the sake of your
looks. Just think....even if the whole world were to tell you that
you look beautiful with your eyebrows shaped, would it even be worth a
dot or an atom, if in Allaah's eyes you were ugly? And if the whole
world were to tell you that you are ugly, would it really matter as
long as you were beautiful in front of Allaah????
What about the hair on her face (like chin, upper lip,etc.) and the rest of her body? If
you want to remove hair from your upper lip, thighs, calves and arms,
then according to the Ulama, it is okay. That's because this is not
part of the plucking that is forbidden. It is one of the things
concerning which Sharee'ah did not say anything, so the ruling is that
it is permissible, since whatever Sharee'ah did not say anything about,
in the Qur'aan or Sunnah, is allowed. The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said: "What
is Halaal is that which Allaah has permitted in His Book, and what is
haraam is that which Allaah has forbidden in His Book, and whatever He
has not said anything about is allowable." (al-Tirmidhi-hasan) What about plucking the hair BETWEEN the eyebrows? The Ulama tell us that it is permissible to pluck it, because it is not part of the eyebrows. Can a woman do it if her husband asks her to do so? The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said: "There can be no obedience to a created being in disobedience to the Creator." (Ahmad- saheeh) Ask
yourself this? Why do you obey your husband? Because Allaah told you
to, correct? But then the same Allaah is telling you not to shape your
eyebrows. Wouldn't you then, want to obey Him Who is giving the orders
in the first place? Wouldn't then the Orders of Allaah take precedence
over the obedience to your husband? "It is not permissible to
remove the hair of the eyebrows because this is the plucking for which
the Messenger of Allaah (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) cursed those
who do it, and it is a kind of changing the creation of Allaah, which
is the action of the Shaytaan. If a woman's husband tells her to do it,
she should not obey him, because it is a sin, and there is no obedience
to any created being if it involves disobedience towards the Creator.
Rather obedience should only be with regard to things that are good and
proper, as the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said." (Fataawa
al-Lajnah al-Daaimah)  OKAY fine. I'm not plucking it. But can I shape it, cut it, wax it, thread it? Shaykh
Ibn Jibreen said: "It is not permissible to cut the hair of the
eyebrows, or to shave it, reduce it or pluck it.This is not a matter of
beauty, rather it is altering the creation of Allaah Who is the Best of
creators. A warning has been narrated against doing that and the one
who does it is cursed; this implies that it is forbidden." So, this is it. The evidence is clear. There is no difference of opinion among the Ulama about it. Plucking your eyebrows is HARAAM..... Plain and Simple No ifs and buts about it. The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said it....the Ulama explained have been informed about it. And you have been WARNED. Now, it is up to YOU to decide. Do you want to be the one who ˜listens and obeys? Or are you going to be like the one whom Allah describes...... "And
when Our Verses are recited to such a one, he turns away in pride, as
if he heard them not--as if there were deafness in his ear. So announce
to him a painful torment." (al- Luqman:7) Read the above Ayah carefully. Surely, YOU are NOT going to be that one. Right? Then,
give it up, my dear Sister. It's simply not worth it.You look beautiful
even if you didn't pluck your eyebrows. I Promise You. Don't let the Kuffaar get to you. Don't let the Shaytaan deceive you. Don't be the one whom Allah curses. Imagine! ALLAAH'S CURSE!!!! Just think! How can anyone expect goodness and success in this life OR in the Hereafter if Allah's curse is on them? O Allah.... save us from Your Curse and guide us to the Right Path. Aameen. And
Allah knows best.

Tu bacha bacha ke na rakh ise [Save it not, let it be broken]
... By Shakeel Ashraf (
off to Bihar Anjuman yahoo group for giving us a platform to share our
thoughts. Recently a sincere member posted a wake up message to the
group on the issue of caste discrimination in marriages; others joined
the foray with fervor and blunt accusations, some others called it
disgusting, bogus and demanded to stop it while majority remained
silent to be safe.
We always try to be safe and secure. But
does Allah want us to be like that? I believe, no. The true message is
there in this awesome couplet, “Tu bacha bacha ke na rakh ise tera
aeena hai wo aeena ::: Ke shikasta ho to aziz tar hai negahe aeena saz

against discrimination is mandatory
according to the Divine injunction of ‘amr bil maaroof wa nahi an
almunkar’. But I have a humble suggestion to the whistle blowers, don’t
blow out all your energy on one issue without identifying and paying
due attention to the root of all the evils.

In exchanges
of responses, a brother tossed a quick suggestion; change your mindset
and don’t call yourself or others as lower or upper in caste. How to
change the mindset? Any change needs a driving force. If the driving
force is piety, there is great reward from Allah but what if changes
take place due to other motivations? The smartly tossed
piece of advice has scope of another question. Is there any harm in
recognizing caste as long as there is no discrimination of upper or
lower? Lots of people say that caste system has crept
into Indian Muslims as they are converted from Hindus. I don’t have any
study to support or deny it. By the way, why to brand Indian Muslims
specifically as converted ones? No one converts rather they revert to
Islam and Indians are no different from Arabs who too were idol
worshippers before the Holy Prophet Sallalahu alahe wasallam descended
among them.
 Discrimination can be in any form be it in
caste or something else. Discrimination is ‘zulm’ and in Quranic Arabic
this word has wide range of meanings. We find a plural word ‘zulumaat’
(darkness) against a singular ‘nur’ (light) in many verses (2:17, 19,
257, 5:16, 6:1, 39, 59, 63, 97, 122, 13:16, 14:1, 5, 21:87, 24:40,
27:63, 35:20, 39:6). Darkness has different shades though it has no
real existence but absence of light. One of my cousins
has been blessed with a baby today. But he looks sad. Many in our
society take birth of a baby girl as a curse or at least a burden
because marriage is no more a simple natural task. The simple event of
‘nikah n waleema’ now makes a big show either by compulsion or by
choice. The Prophet (PBUH) came to know about the wedding of his close
companion Abdurrahman Bin Auf when he (PBUH) saw the yellow traces on
his cloth and asked him about it (Bukhari Book#34, Hadith#264).
Amazing! How simple was that golden era! In today’s Arab
society boys don’t get girls to marry if they are not well off. So
under privileged men are deprived of a basic need. This scenario is
reverse of ours. Urdu speaking girls in Karachi are
educated more than their counterparts (boys) who join MQM and spoil
their life. Many girls seeking a compatible spouse never find one. In
some societies it is against their pride to search match for their
girls. If parents are not lucky enough to receive a proposal from boy’s
side they will helplessly look at the graying hair of their daughters
and curse their fate. There is suffering everywhere.
The causes appear numerous but they are all one; we are ‘Abdullah’ in
Masjid and ‘Abdulnafs’ or ‘Abduldinar’ elsewhere.
