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For Ramadan, The 'Month Of Mercy'
.... By Sister S Bemath
As the dawn of Ramadhaan approaches, offering us glimpse of its golden rays of purity, every Muslim around the world prepares to experience the warm ambience which only this month can bring. From Suhoor to Iftaar to Taraaweeh Salaah, Ramadhaan brings together brothers, sisters, parents and children. In order to derive the utmost benefit from the sacred month of Ramadhaan, it is crucial to recognize the spiritual significance and importance of this month. Fasting during this month should be only for ALLAH TA'ALA, and that HE will give the reward for it, for the reward of ALLAH, the Bountiful and Munificent, is greater and vaster than anyone could imagine, Subhaan-ALLAH! A Hadith so beautifully encapsulates:"The reward for every good deed of Adam will be multiplied anywhere between ten and seven hundred times. ALLAH said: 'Except for fasting, because it is for ME and I MYSELF will give recompense for it. He gives up his food and his passion for ME.' For the one who fasts, there are two times of rejoicing, one when he breaks the fast, and one when he meets his Lord. Verily the smell that comes from the mouth of one who is fasting is more pleasing to ALLAH than the scent of musk." (Hadith:Bukhari and Muslim) ![]() Beloved Reader! This is a month which ALLAH TA'ALA has designated for the revitalization of the soul and one's spiritual ascension after a year full of sin and spiritual retrogression. However, all this will only be possible if we value this precious month and prepare for it accordingly. It is reported that Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) used to commence His preparation two months prior to Ramadhaan by reciting the following supplication at the beginning of Rajab, "O ALLAH! bless us in Rajab and Sha'baan and make us reach Ramadhaan” .This shows the importance of conditioning oneself mentally and spiritually for the advent of this month. Ramadhaan is a long- awaited celestial guest; accordingly, we ought to prepare the grandest reception in appreciation for all of it's beautiful blessings and barakah. It is only through such yearning and longing that the significance of Ramadhaan will develop in our hearts serving as a catalyst to increase our good deeds and to fulfil the objectives of Ramadhaan. Therefore, we should strike a balance, during this all-too-short blessed month, between our domestic duties and the opportunity this month brings, to draw closer to ALLAH through worship and good deeds. Do not let our household chores and other work distract us from performing the obligatory Salaah at the appointed times or from reading the Qur'aan Kareemf or Nafl Salaah. Nor should we let traditional late-night family gatherings keep us from performing Qiyaam al-Layl and making Du'a. There are three main objectives to attain from this blessed month, namely absolution of one's sins, attainment of piety and enhancing one's communion with ALLAH TA'ALA. In regards to absolution of sin, Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) mentioned, "Whoever fasts and stands for worship in Ramadhaan out of faith and anticipation of reward, all of his previous sins will be forgiven." (Ibn Majah) The main element mentioned in this Hadith is that our effort and striving in worship throughout the month should be with the zest of Imaan and zeal of reward. The recompense of this will be a thorough effacement of sins. The veil of inhibition that impedes a person from his or her Rabb will be removed and the doors to a life of spiritual bliss, ecstasy and harmony will be flung open. Subhaan-ALLAH! ALLAH TA'ALA states, "O you who believe, fasting has made compulsory upon you as it made compulsory upon those before you so that you may become ALLAH fearing." (Quran:2:183) ![]() Alhamdulillah! Fasting is one of the best spiritual exercises to establish piety, patience and a perpetual consciousness of ALLAH TA'ALA and the reward for true patience is Jannah. In this beautiful month four things you should continue to perform in great number, two of which shall be to please your Rabb, while the other two shall be those without which you cannot do. Those which shall be to please your Rabb, are that you should in great quantity bear witness that there is no diety to worship except ALLAH (i.e. recite the Kalimah Tayyibah Laa Ilaaha Illallaah) and make much Istighfaar (beg ALLAH'S forgiveness with Astaghfirullaah)." And as for those without which you cannot do, you should beg of ALLAH, entrance into Paradise and ask refuge in HIM from Jahannam(Hell)." Once a person feels the bliss of being completely pardoned and relieved from the burden of sins coupled with the feelings of ALLAH'S Omnipresence, he or she would have reached a very high pedestal of divine communion. This pedestal is what referred to as the stage of Ihsaan; where a person worships ALLAH as if he or she is seeing HIM or with the full conviction and cognizance that ALLAH is watching him or her. Beloved Reader! The Mubarak month of Ramadhaan requires special preparation because it requires complete dedication on part of the Mu'min. Below are a few easy ways to Inshaa-ALLAH (ALLAH willing) help prepare our minds and hearts for this upcoming Month of Mercy. 1. INTENTION TO PREPARE: One of the most essential elements of preparing for the arrival of Ramadhaan is to make the intention for preparation for verily “every action judged by it’s intention”(Hadith-Bukhari). The preparation begins the day you start practicing humility and patience and learn how to control your nafs (desires) and anger. 2. PERFORM REWARDING ACTIONS: In the spirit of Ramadhaan, it is best to start preparing for the blessed month by performing actions that are rewarding and appreciated by our beautiful ALLAH. According to a Hadith, “If a person says, “SubhaanALLAH”(Glory be to ALLAH) 100 times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away.” ![]() ![]() 3. INCREASE THE WORSHIP: To start preparing for the blessed month of Ramadhaan, it is best if you start increasing your worship. This will allow you to adjust your routine for the arrival of Ramadhaan. Increase all forms of Ibadah(worship) such Fasting,recitation of Qur’an, Zikr, Sadaqah(Charity) , Nafl (voluntary) Salaah etc 4. DETERMINE SPECIFIC DAYS FOR FASTING: To adjust your body to fasting, it is best that you start fasting beforehand. You should define specific days for fasting. For example, if you fast every Monday and Thursday, you will be more fully prepared for Ramadhaan making the adjustment much easier. 5. READ THE MUBARAK QUR'AAN REGULARLY: For individuals who have not prepared for reading and reciting Qur'aan during Ramadhaan, Qur'aan Kareem recitation while fasting becomes difficult. It is best if you start reading the Mubarak Qur'aan after Fajr salaah on a daily basis just to prepare for the Ramadhaan spirit. ![]() 6. ADJUST SLEEPING HABITS: Ramadhaan teaches us to adjust the way we lead our life. Therefore, before the arrival of Ramadhaan, it is ideal if you start adjusting your sleeping habits. You should start off by going to bed early and rising early. If you are used to this routine, you will not feel sleepy and tired when Ramadhaan arrives. 7. DEFINE OBJECTIVES: Ramadhaan is the ideal month to embark on your journey to fresh objectives. If you are a smoker and want to quit this habit, you should start off with this month. If you want to be an early riser, still Ramadhaan is the perfect month for you. In essence, Ramadhaan is the most blessed and rewarding month. Therefore, all Muslims should try their best prepare for this auspicious month of Ramadhaan. Regular recitation of Qur'aan, voluntary charity and recitation and offering prayers will help you prepare for the Ramadhaan spirit. Inshaa-ALLAH! O Beloved Reader! Let us embellish our Akhlaaq (character) in this beautiful and blessed month with gifts presented by the Prophet of guidance (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam). Let us make this Ramadan a means of gaining nearness to Allah Ta’ala and preparing for the eternal journey that each and every one of us must traverse. ******** To subscribe to our mailing list please send a blank email to: Feedback and constructive comments are most welcome and appreciated. Contact/feedback details: For general & motivational articles on Islam visit our website: ![]() |
Way To Benefit From Ramadan
--- by Mustafa George
![]() Based on a lecture at Masjid Rahmah, Newark NJ. Practically benefitting from Ramadhaan should be divided into 2 Categories: Goals and Preparations Each person should make goals that he wants to achieve in the month of Ramadhaan. The following are just examples and they should be modified according to the person’s abilities and circumstances. Here are some examples: 1) I want to finish the Qur’aan from cover to cover 1 time, or 2 times, or 5 times, etc. 2) I want to start Riyaad us-Saaliheen with my family, or I want to start teaching my family from Kitaab at-Tawheed or other beneficial books. 3) For the sister – I want to fix that which is between me and my sister. 4) I want to start praying Tahajjud regularly in Ramadhaan and continue after Ramadhaan 5) I want to memorize some dua’s from the Sunnah which I can continue saying even after Ramadhaan. Each person should make a daily planner for Ramadhaan - If the person prays fajr at home, then he should pray in congregation in the month of Ramadhaan. - Then after coming home, let him sit down with his family, either his wife and kids or with his parents and siblings and read the Qur’aan together. So each person reads one page or two pages. - Then when the brother has to go to work, instead of listening to 1010 news station or some other radio channel that he usually listens to, he buys some beneficial lectures and listens to those while going to work and coming back. Its best if he listens to a series of lectures for example on ‘Aqeedah or the Correct Manhaj. - At work, during his lunch time, he reads the Qur’aan or memorizes some du’as from the Sunnah which he is not familiar with. The person can also tell his co-workers that – “This is the month of Ramadhaan, so please do not curse around me. Do not make too many jokes around me. Do not listen to music at your desks when I am around, etc.” Then when he is coming back home, similarly, he listens to the Qur’aan or listens to some beneficial lectures to use that time wisely in Ramadhaan. (Note: Even though, this should be done outside of Ramadhaan as well because free time is a blessing from Allah. It should be used for the worship of Allah or in doing actions which will increase us in knowledge of the religion and help us to do righteous actions.) - When he gets home, he can take a short nap and ask his wife or family members to wake him up in half an hour or 45 mins. Its important that we don’t sleep the whole time from ‘asr till maghrib so as to make use of this time with our families inshaAllah. ![]() After getting up, he again reads the Qur’aan with his family or if he wants to read Qur’aan in the morning and a beneficial book like Riyaad us-Saaliheen in the evening, then he does that. So if he reads Riyaad us-Saaliheen for example, each person can read a few ahaadeeths and then you ask everyone, “What did you benefit from that hadith?” This questioning is done as a way of teaching and this was also the way of Prophet Muhammad sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam with his Companions. It will also make everyone think about some of the benefits that can be derived from the ahaadith which were read. And other people can add other benefits which they thought of to make this more fruitful inshaAllah. - At iftaar time, the parents can ask their kids to bring over their friends for iftaar. This will achieve several things bi’idhnillah. 1) You will gain the reward of providing food for the ones who are fasting 2) The parents will be able to know who your kids keep company with (i.e. who are their friends) 3) It can be said to the kids, “Let’s sit together since this is the month of Ramadhaan and read a book on fasting or any other beneficial book, or some ahaadiths” This will motivate the kids to take this idea to their parents so they can implement it in their households as well. This will earn the parents the reward of helping others onto something good and earn a copy of their good deeds without their deeds being diminished in any way. - Or one day, the husband can bring over the brothers for iftaar. Instead of talking about the normal things that brothers talk about when they get together, it can be said to them, “Since this is the month of Ramadhaan, let’s sit down and read a few ahaadiths so that we get some benefit from the time” Similarly here, they might take this idea to their households and start implementing this also so you can bring some goodness to others by encouraging them to get some benefit from the time. - Likewise, one day, the wife can bring over the sisters for iftaar and also encourage them to read from a book instead of talking about whatever the sisters talk about normally. - Then comes time for taraweeh. If the family is accustomed to praying taraweeh at home, then they take the initiative to go and pray in the masjid. And its important to the take the whole family to the masjid so everyone realizes that this is the month of Ramadhaan where we have to do extra worship to get closer to Allah and one of those extra acts of worship is praying Taraweeh. It is important to note here that many Muslims don’t understand that worship falls into different categories. For example, there are those acts of worship which are obligatory, such as praying 5 times a day and then those which are recommended (i.e. Sunnah in the fiqh sense of the word) such as Taraweeh. Its particularly sad to see that many of the Muslims neglect the obligatory duties such as praying in congregation for the men but they feel like they have fallen short if they don’t pray taraweeh in the month of Ramadhaan. Even though its good to see that the Muslims have zeal in the month of Ramadhaan to pray taraweeh, we need to understand that praying in congregation for the men inside and outside the month of Ramadhaan is more important and has a greater reward than praying Taraweeh. And Allah Knows Best. -Then after Taraweeh, you come home and this is the time now when you need to work on our personal connection with Allah. Think, o Slave of Allah, of the many blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you. Has He not guided you to the Sunnah and has made your feet firm upon it? Has He not chosen for you Islaam, out of so many people who are still wandering in the darkness of disbelief? Why did Allah choose you? When in fact, He is in no need of your worship. So remind yourself that this guidance is a blessing from Allah and its a gift that He bestows upon whomever He wills. Remind yourself that Allah has chosen for you the path of knowledge, such that He has placed the love of following the Qur’aan and the Sunnah according to the way of the Sahabah in your heart. Is this not a blessing from your Lord upon you? Remind yourself that it could be that He wishes for the path of Jannah to become easy for you so He has made the path of knowledge open for you. Remind yourself of all the blessings that He has given you in terms of good health. - Then you should get some rest so that it becomes easy for you to wake up for Tahajjud inshaAllah later on in the night. - For the last 10 nights of Ramadhaan, its a good idea to make a list of things that you want in the dunya and in the Next life. And then ask Allah for those things. Indeed, He gives without any measures. Keep in mind the hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam: It was relayed on the authority of Abu Dhar al-Ghifari, radiyallahu ‘anhu, that the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, said, "Allah said: O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of Jinns gather together on a sector of land and all ask of Me and if I were to give everyone of them what they asked, that will not in any way decrease what I have anymore than a needle decreases what is in the ocean when it is put into it." (Nawawi Hadith 24) And you continue to follow this throughout the month of Ramadhaan so that Your Day in Ramadhaan is not Like the Day when you are Not Fasting. Aside from that, there are many small and easy things which all of us can do to get more rewards in the month of Ramadhaan. Here are a few: • Buy a few pack of water bottles and put them in the masjid so the people can have water to drink during Taraweeh • Buy some tissues and leave them in the prayer area. • Sponsor an iftaar at the masjid for the people • Help out in setting up the iftaar in the masjid • Come early and clean the masjid so the people come to a masjid which looks very clean • Buy some air freshners and leave them to be used in the masjid • Buy some burning incense to be used during Taraweeh • Give rides to those who don’t have a means of transportation to the masjid for Taraweeh • At the MSA’s, sponsor and arrange iftaars for the Muslim brothers and sisters in college • Buy 30 or 40 copies of the Qur’aan and place them in the masjid for people to read during Ramadhaan So there are many easy things that each one of us can do which we have the capability of doing in the month of Ramadhaan to achieve more good deeds for the sake of Allah alone.. |
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