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am a Muslim, alhamdulillah! Is my pocket also a Muslim? --- By Muqeet
Mujtaba Ali
![]() Zakah and Ramadhaan are seen as twins. In Ramadhaan, we not only fast but we also give Zakah, alhamdulillah. Even though it is a not a rule that the Zakah be given only in this month, we give Zakah in Ramadhaan because of amassing greater rewards in this blessed month. We have to give Zakah anyway, so why not give in a Month which is Full of Blessings Unlimited? Interesting point to note is that both Zakah and Sawm (Fasting) were made obligatory in the same year, the Second Year of Hijrah. Zakah is an obligatory act of worship in Islam. ![]() There are Muslims who marvel at their outer appearance: Look at my beard, how long it is! Looking at my dress, don’t you understand I am a Muslim! This cap which you see on my head was purchased in Makkah, you know! Abu Bakr Siddique (radiyallaahu anhu) declared war against those who refused to give out Zakah! With whom do you wage war? With your own brothers? Just think over! Qur’an gives us a crystal clear message: You can’t keep one leg in one boat and the other leg in another boat and sail in the voyage of your life! ![]() “O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy”. (Surah al Baqarah: 208) May Allah give us the Tawfeeq, Hidayah and Istiqaamah to live by His Guidance. Aameen Source: Related Article: Are Muslims insensitive to causes pursued by their NGOs? |
will this mass slaughter stop?
--- By Muqeet
Mujtaba Ali
At the outset, let me say that
I do not intend to hurt or make fun of
anyone. I am addressing this post to everyone’s reason and logic, and
not to anyone’s emotions and sentiments. Thank you and Jazakallah
Al Qur’an is a Book whose first chapter begins in the name of Allah and the last chapter ends with seeking refuge in Allah. Between these two, flows life as such. How fortunate are those Muslims who are able to read the Qur’an in an excellent manner. Also, how fortunate are those Muslims who are able to listen to the Qur’an being read in an excellent way. And how terrible it is to stand behind an Imaan offering taraweeh prayers in a ridiculous way! Terrible, not because you are standing for prayer. Terrible, because this person whom you call as an ‘imaam’ is a butcher of a different kind! Not an ordinary butcher. An accomplished mass slaughterer!! The one who indulges in mass slaughtering of the Qur’anic verses. Fracturing a verse here, breaking a limb there! Creating distortion and spreading corruption – all in the Way of Allah! In the name of Allah! With the Kalaam (Speech) of Allah! And in the very House of Allah!! ![]() The wide-spread slaughter of Quranic verses in the name of Taraweeh must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. I wish Hazrat Umar ibn al Khattab (radiyallaahu anhu) come back to life and whip all those Imaams who lead taraweeh prayers for the heck of taraweeh! What is the purpose of Taraweeh? To listen to the Qur’an. To spend active time in conscious worship of Allah. To develop closeness with Allah. To uplift oneself, spiritually. To be thankful to Allah for revealing the Qur’an. But no! Now, Taraweeh is not for listening to the Qur’an, it is to finish the Qur’an! Not to stand in conscious devotion, it is to do unconscious physical exercise! Not to uplift oneself spiritually, it is to get the iftaar food digested! (so that you can get back home and eat a lot!!) Not to develop closeness with Allah, it is to play an indoor T20 match! Not to be thankful to Allah, it is to get rid of the heavy burden laid upon the shoulders! As Allama Iqbal says: Reh Gaye Rasm-e-Azaan, Rooh-e-Bilali Na Rahe! Only the form remains, and the spirit is missing! The management of the mosques and all the Imaams leading Taraweeh prayers must understand that Taraweeh is not a T20 cricket match to bat and bowl wildly and finish it off in a given time-frame! We also need to understand that completing Twenty Rak’ahs or reciting the whole Qur’an in Taraweeh is not compulsory. Listening to the Qur’an attentively and reciting the Qur’an at a moderate speed and in a beautiful manner - these aspects are not only compulsory but they should also become every Muslim’s prime concern. Humility, tranquility, remembrance and reflection are important elements of Taraweeh Prayer. We all need to connect to these missing links, Inshaa’Allah. May Allah give us the Tawfeeq, Hidayah and Istiqaamah to live by His guidance. Aameen. Jazakumullah Khayra for reading this post of mine. I know everyone is busy in their own world. If anyone wants to comment or even criticize, he can log in here: |
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