BaKhabar ![]() |
encourages Lawful earning and prohibts unlawful earnings and lustful
lifestyle ... By
Ali Asghar Shah" <>
All praise and blessings of Allah be upon his Beloved Prophet Muhammad al Mustafa saws , his Family and all his companions. Amen Today we find that the people are turning cold hearted. For most of the people life means only to earn and eat and to marry and to show and boast your wealth to others and that is the purpose of life for them. It is true that earning lawful living is one of the greater forms of struggle (Mujahada in this life) which pleases Allah. But know that Life has a greater purpose; this life which mankind has been given is not given in Vain O reader! This purpose is served if we hearken unto the calls of the Prophets and the last and Final Prophet is Hazrat Muhammad al Mustafa saws. He (saws) is the chief of all Prophets. He (saws) completed the mission of all Prophets and established the Flag of Tawhid and expelled the darkness of Kufr and Shirk and united the people who were in disarrayed ranks within mankind under the banner of One true Allah and his teachings. Correct beliefs ( Sahihul Aqeedah) along with lawful earning save us from the wrath of Allah. It has come in a Sahih hadith that the prayer of the person is not answered, who consumes unlawful wealth or who earns through unlawful means. Now by this hadith we come to know that one who consumes Riba or works in Banks and other financial institutions where the earning of the organization is mainly through lending on interest and borrowing on interest then this is Haram and Allah’s wrath is on that person. This is because Islam promotes general well-being and establishes means to remove poverty. Riba(Interest) transactions(lending and borrowing) aims to monopolize the circulation of money within a selected few. Hence rich becomes richer and poor , poorer. No wonder we hear so many cases of suicides committed by farmers who end up in huge debt. Today the global economy is in chaos due to this massive deficit which has brought them into debt, the cause of which is mainly Riba. It is the Jewish community which controls most of the financial institutions and lending in the world. Islam promotes circulation of wealth, it teaches us to take from the rich and give to the poor. The zakat which is the third pillar of Islam and every able Muslim is obliged to give out 2.5 percent Zakat( charity) from his annual savings to the poor , needy and the destitute. Islam promotes Business, profession but it forbids Lending on interest, for this is great injustice indeed. This leads to a gain of few and loss of many. Humanity has suffered a lot with this Dajjalic financial system. ![]() Islam has come to break these shatters of slavery and oppression and liberate mankind from these clutches and teach them the real meaning of freedom, which is freedom from lust, greed, sins, oppression, injustice, tyranny. Islam makes man a servant , a slave , a bondman of Allah alone and liberates from the obedience of any tyranny and from the servitude to else other than Allah who alone is worthy of servitude as all belongs to him alone, he alone is the creator, sustainer and the cherisher, the Judge of the day of Judgment, the giver of life and death. This is what is also meant by Laa Ilaha Illalah ( There is no deity other than Allah) Islam permits, rather encourages lending but without any interest. The principal amount alone, rather in lending if someone even gives more than needed it is more meritorious. Those who cheat and earn in their business by treachery, lying and deceit, those who deal in alcoholic beverages, drugs and flesh trade they are all under the haram earning bracket and hence none of their Amaal will reach Allah and they will be among the losers in the hereafter. May Allah grant Hikmah and understanding to those brethren of ours who are willingly besides having other means of livelihood engulfed in the stream of the unlawful spring water. So they can find lawful means of livelihood. Allah says in the Quran al Kerim that those who indulge in Riba( Interest), they have waged war against Allah and his Prophet saws. Now O reader what will be the plight of this person! The Holy Prophet saws did not like idleness and always encouraged his followers to earn livelihood for themselves. Beggary is strictly forbidden in Islam. We come to know from a hadith that it is better for a person to carry a rope and an axe and go to the jungles and cut the trees/woods and sell them rather than to beg from people. The Holy Prophet saws himself used to do business to set an example for his followers. The honesty which the Holy Prophet saws showed in his business dealings even before proclamation of the call of Islam earned him the title across whole of Arabia as Al-Amin ( The Trustworthy). Even the enemies of the Prophet saws, those who did not hearken to the call of Islam gave their valuables to the Prophet saws. It is really saddening to see people indulge in treachery, cheating and unlawful means of earnings even after being told its forbiddance in the Shariah. After reading and listening to the Sahih hadiths of Prophet saws we see people not turning their back on the unlawful means of livelihood. Do they even realize the fate of their actions once they die and are lowered into the grave and when they will be raised up on the Day of Judgment and cast into the flames of fire. What excuse will they have before Allah on that terrifying day? If Allah does not guide them and have mercy on them surely they will be doomed. I want to keep this as a short and precise Risalah very short so people will read it and I will just add few more words to this topic, even though I know I will not be able to do justice to it but I pray to Allah that the purpose of conveying this message is served. Islam encourages marriage and does not preach monasticism. Islam teaches us to live in a society with the highest morals of Humanity which Islam alone teaches. It has come in a Sahih hadith that a single morsel of food which a Husband earns for feeding his wife is written as a sadqa( charity) for him. Which means it is highly rewarded by Allah. The Holy Prophet saws said that best among you is he who is best towards his Family. We also come to know from a hadith that son of Adam is never satisfied in this life with material wellbeing. If he were given one large valley of Gold even then he will desire another Valley of Gold and that the desire of the son of Adam will be filled when dust will be cast on him( when he will smeared with dust at his grave). The Holy Prophet saws said that the root of all evil is fondness/love for this world. Listen O reader O despise death because you love this world more than its due. Why is not your love more for him who gave this life and can give a life better than this one, such that you can never imagine. Surely the Mominee’n and Mominaat will be joyed and relaxed in their houses in paradise and unbelievers will be in hellfire. The Promise of Allah is true. Man alone does wrong on himself and he alone is to blame for the consequences he will face. Lush green trees, river flowing beneath the purity of its water is unmatched, the earth will be of musk, fruits will be very near to reach, beautiful companions to be with us for eternity, No one will die and no one will fall sick and all will be healthy and with shining faces, happy and overjoyed. What all will you miss o he o that person who will not turn in repentance to Allah and will not mend his/her ways. What all will you lose O disbeliever of the bounties of Allah when you will be cast into hell. Islam teaches us to live in this life in such a way that we consider it to be a passage, a means and not the end in itself. Like a voyage in the sea. Islam does not tell us to boycott the world no because this world is a beautiful opportunity for us to secure our hereafter. This world is the place of worship of Prophets alayhimussalaam, the place of the descending of Angels, the place where we have been given time to act and mend our ways if wrong. Islam encourages learning wisdom and to use it for the betterment of humanity at large. To be the true Vicegerents of Allah on earth is what Islam molds us into. Lust for ever increasing wealth coupled with miserliness is what Islam forbids as they are the root of destruction for the balance of justice in this life and the cause of man’s own ruin. Quran al Kerim which is the final Revelation of Allah to mankind, it is the final word and reveled book to mankind from our Lord who created us and is our sustainer and he alone is the One true Lord, He is Allah. Quran al Kerim is the light which stretches from heaven to earth, it is such a rope that one who holds onto it, to its teachings he will reach the pinnacle of excellence in Human morals, spirituality and all other attributes of chivalry, Goodness. The life of this world and the hereafter will be passed in best state, the hereafter which is till eternity for those who love Allah and his Prophet Muhammad saws and those who are loved by Allah and his Messenger saws. Know O reader that Quran and the authentic traditions (Acts, words and conduct) of Holy Prophet saws are the two lights which expel all darkness of ignorance and disparity and misery and inhumanity and evil lifestyle. Those who live by following these two lights live as Vicegerents of Allah who extract and use the resources and faculty given by Allah for the betterment of the life of this world, for humanity and these people will be given the Great and beautiful palaces and station in Paradise. This is so because they are true followers of Prophet Muhammad saws. I do not wish to write more as I want the readers to grasp the Message I have conveyed and Allah alone is the one who gives Success. Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon his Beloved Prophet Muhammad saws, his Family and all his companions. Amen. ![]() |
for an Amazing Ramadan
Imagine!... By
Asma bint Shameem
![]() Someone really, really important is coming to visit you. Surely, you would cook, clean, shop, prepare and plan everything for them, well ahead of time. You would make sure they are comfortable and well taken care of. You would ascertain that everything is perfectly ready and adequately in place before they arrive. Now imagine someone coming to visit you that is even more important than that....more precious, more valuable, more honorable. Wouldnt you prepare even more and give it the best you got ? Well, the best month of the year, the most blessed and most precious, is coming up. The month that brings the fragrance of Jannah and the sweetness of Imaan....the tears of Taubah and the forgiveness of your Lord. And its bringing with it a night that is equivalent in worship and reward, to more than a thousand months. Wouldnt you want to prepare for that? Wouldnt you want to be ready for it with all your heart and soul so that you don't miss this great opportunity? They say the more prepared you are for something, the easier it is for you to handle it and the greater the chances that you will be successful at it. And what better opportunity to prepare for something than preparing for the blessed month of Ramadhaan. This is a month of Rahmah and Barakah, a month of taubah and istighfaar, a great opportunity for training oneself... to give up your bad deeds and build on your good ones. So what to do? Prepare yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually for this great month. The first thing to do is to purify your niyyah from now: you are going to fast because it is the order of Allaah and NOT because it is culture or your family does so, or even because you want to lose weight. "O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for people before you so that you will (learn how to) attain Taqwa" [al-Baqarah, 2:183] Next, be really excited for this upcoming month and be absolutely determined to do your utmost best and exert yourself for this magnificent month of Forgiveness and Mercy from your Lord. Race with one another and compete with each other for it. Come on. Be excited. Be energized. Get electrified. Get all pumped up and feel vitalized. After all, this is a time when the gates of Jannah are all open. W..I..D..E open. And all the gates of Jahannum are closed. Yes, alhamdulillaah CLOSED. And here is a chance for you to get all your sins forgiven. Get invigorated and motivated. Realize that the month of Ramadhaan is a month of amazing ibaadah and intense dua, astounding khushoo and remarkable hope, sincere taubah and extraordinary istighfaar. And it is NOT a month of laziness or sleeping, cooking and feasting, or just being plain grouchy and irritable. Dont let the thought of the heat or the long day get to you or dampen your spirit. It is only the Shaytaan trying to play with your mind and spoil this wonderful time for you. Have full intention from now, to read as much of the Quraan as you can. Love the Quraan. Build a close relationship with it. Realize that these are the Words of your Lord....Words that will take you to Jannah, your Ultimate Goal. Dont just read it with your eyes. Read it with your heart. Let it sink in yoursoul. Savor the joy and cherish the delight in reading the Book of Allaah. Taste the sweetness of Imaan. Dont be in a rush to quickly finish the reading. Rather, take your time to ponder over the words and understand the meanings. Dont think..."when am I going to finish this Surah? Rather....when am I going to implement this in my life?" Remember, nothing is sweeter and more pleasurable than the ayaat of the Quraan that you can understand. Prepare yourself to do plenty of sujood....long, drawn out sujood, in Taraweeh and Tahajjud. Feel close to your Rabb when you do that sajda. Realize that this is most honorable position for you...placing the thing you value most, your head, on the ground, humbled before your Creator. You are the slave and He is the Master. You are the abd and He is your Owner. Resolve from today, to make a lot of dua. Make a dua list. Prepare it fromnow. And when you sit down to break your fast, or when you stand in front of your Creator in Salah, in Taraaweeh or in the middle of the night, or any time during the night or day, spread out those hands and ask al-Kareem, the Most Generous, the One Who gives to one and to all. Make sincere, heartfelt dua whenever and wherever you can. Don't let a moment slip by. And don't forget to be thankful to the One Who gave you everything. Be ready from now to do abundant istighfaar, lots and lots of it. Do it every single day. In the darkness of the night, when the whole world is asleep, have full realization, that this is no ordinary time, no time to waste away sleeping. Ar-Rahmaan is calling. Wouldn't you want to respond?? So knock on the door of the Almighty. He is al-Ghafoor, the Oft-Forgiver and you are nothing....just a weak and sinful human being. Bend your head with shame, and cry. Cry like you've never cried before. Ask for His forgiveness. Make firm resolve never, ever, to go back to your sins...never, ever to do those bad deeds again. Go ahead...spread out those hands and be sincere and then be certain He will surely respond. And most importantly, have firm determination from this moment on, to continue all the good deeds and habits that you will develop during Ramadhaan to continue even after Ramadhaan is over. Remember, you are not a good Muslim just during a special month of the year. Rather you are a Muslim throughout the three hundred and sixty five days. Use the upcoming month of taqwa and training to coach and develop your nafs, to cultivate virtuous deeds and actions and to give up your bad ones. Tell me, are you going to let all that hard work of fasting, waking up in the middle of the night, reading all that Quraan, standing up for Taraaweeh and prayers, and all that dua go to waste??? Other tips: 1. Get to know the rules of fasting from now, so that your fasting can be closest to the Sunnah and thus be more beloved and acceptable to Allaah. 2. Clarify any doubts that you may have and don't be afraid to ask a scholar. 3. Cleanse your heart of any anger, hatred, grudges, etc from now. And forgive everyone. Thats because forgiveness is delayed for the one who has anger and grudge against his Muslim brother/sister. The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam) said: “The gates of Paradise are opened on Monday and Thursday, and everyone who does not associate anything with Allaah is forgiven, except a man who has had an argument with his brother. It is said: ‘Wait for these two until they reconcile, wait for these two until they reconcile, wait for these two until they reconcile.” (Muslim) 4. Finish up on your Ramadhaan and Eid preparation, cooking, shopping, etc. from now so that you can free up all the time during Ramadhaan for Ibaadah. 5. If you are like most people who give their zakat during Ramadhaan, get it all calculated and worked out before the month starts. To conclude, think positive and have firm resolve. Strive with all your effort to do your best so that this will be an amazing, hair-raising, awe-inspiring, heart-stopping experience of a lifetime. Your best Ramadhaan ever. Set your goals at the highest. Don't settle for anything less than JANNAH. And Allaah knows best. Related Article: Emotional Intelligence, Ramadan and Muslims |
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