BaKhabar ![]() |
Update on Bihar Anjuman’s Activities during June 2012
RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Siwan @ Barhariya inaugurated on 17th
June 2012 ![]() Website: Location: D. A. Public School, Barhariya, Siwan In-charge of location: Dr. Wasimul Haque Sb, B.U.M.S. (AMU), P.G.D.H.M., Medical Officer (Govt. of Bihar), Mobile: 9135265767, Email: Project: Coaching of School Students to minimize drop-out & raise percentage of Minority students in Colleges and Universities Focus: Transforming non-meritorious (poor) students into meritorious ones. We would like to share with you the good news of 22nd RAHBAR Coaching Centre, popularly referred to as RCC, ready to launch within a few days, insha-Allah. Approval was granted to it, on the 25th May, alhamdolillah, after a long three months of preparation by its initiator, Dr. Wasimul Haque, a BUMS graduate from AMU, currently working for government of Bihar. We are grateful to Almighty Allah and all the benevolent servants of Allah for making this possible. May Allah bless all the sponsors, supporters, donors, volunteers, and well-wishers with acceptance of their efforts, investment of time, energy, and money in the way of Allah. We pray that Allah fulfills all their just desires! Kindly do come forward to sponsor a Coaching centre yourself, or along with some of your benevolent friends or relatives, and make a difference in the lives of at least 60 students of one centre. Budget for one centre is Rs. 11,000/= per month (annual budget: Rs. 1.32 lakhs). Currently almost 1,650 (one thousand six hundred fifty) school students, who were on the verge of dropping out of school, are benefitting from this coaching program [please review program details @]. Kindly do pray for their success. ![]() This becomes the 16th centre in Bihar to be approved, covering 15 districts. There are still 23 more districts of Bihar and 18 more districts of Jharkhand to get a RCC. We appeal to all the brothers and sisters belonging to these districts, which are going blank as yet, to make sincere efforts to establish a RCC which will becomes a source of sawaab-e-jaariya, insha-Allah, bringing about positive changes in the lives of many. 9th Awards Ceremony @ RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Motihari (East Champaran), on 03-06-2012, in the campus of Al-Ameen Educational and welfare trust, Siswa: [] As Chief Guest, Janab Shakil Ahmad Asri (Teacher Imam Jamia Ibn Taimia), graced the occasion while Janab Dr. Nasim Akhter, Janab Dr. Sibgatullah Sb., Janab Zeyaur Rahman Sb. (Lect.), Janab Sohail Sb, and Janab Hasin Akhter Sb., were the special invitees for the event. The award ceremony started at 5 p.m. with recital of the Holy Quran by Tarannum Jahan. Rahmat Jahan and Shaista Mukhtar (Student of Class X), recited Naats. Special invitee, Dr. Sibgatullah Sb., addressed the students and guardians. He said to the students, “You try hard to get 1st position in your respective classes. To get the best education is the duty of every Muslim towards the society and the nation! As a Muslim, it is your duty to invite the whole society towards Islam.” ![]() After this, the chief guest Janab Shakil Ahmad Asri Sb. distributed prizes among the meritorious and punctual students and addressed the guardians and the students. He advised the students to respect the teachers and elders of the society at all times. He said to the them, "Because you have to learn from your teachers, and it is impossible to take anything from anybody without respect, you must take proper care on your words when you talk to your teachers. Even the guardians must be respectful, when they talk to the teachers for the development of your children." Janab Shamim Akhter Sb. thanked the chief guest, the special guests, the guardians and the teachers for attending the ceremony. The function concluded at 6 PM. ![]() RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Chapra conducted its 17th Awards Ceremony on 17th June 2012, at Islamia High School, Olhanpur ![]() Janab Shakeel Ahmad Sb, Moderator of Bihar Anjuman, graced the occasion as chief guest, while Janab Nooruz Zoha, Team Leader, RCC, Tajpur, Samstipur, Janab Salam Khan Sb, and Janab Nurul Islam Khan Sb were the special invitees. The program started at 8:30 am with recital of the Holy Qura’n by Hafiz Janab Mohd. Arshad Ali Sb. The program was anchored by Janab Islamuddin Sb., he welcomed the Chief Guest Janab Shakeel Ahmad and introduced him to the audience. He informed that Janab Shakeel sb is moderator of Bihar Anjuman, he did his B. Tech from IIT BHU, then MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur and currently working in a Dubai based company. He is native of Samstipur district. Janab Nooruz Zoha explained the Rahbar coaching centre objective to educate student from zero to become a hero. He emphasized that students’ target is not only to pass 10th exam but to prepare for Diploma engineering and other professional courses. Janab Shakeel Ahamad Sb. encouraged students to continue their studies with sincerity and hard work to achieve exceptional results. He advised student to prepare for Dip. Engg. MANU, AMU, Jamia & other ITI entrance test. He informed that girls are also doing well these days & they must also opt diploma engineering as profession. He gave the example of Sachar committee report that Muslims are below Dalit, He wondered why we only demand from the governments to ‘help’ us in this regard, and rather we should help ourselves for our development. A good number of parents were present in the program. The ceremony was followed by prize distribution to the students who had scored well in May exams. The Vote of Thanks was delivered by local team leader Janab Salam Khan Sb. The ceremony concluded at 10.00 am.. RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Ramgarh @ Chitarpur conducted its 8th Awards Ceremony on 7th June 2012: , at Darsgah Islami, Chitarpur: Chief Guests on the occasion was Janab Abrar Ahmad Sb, (President JIH,Jharkhand & Chairman Al-Manar Educational Foundation,Jharkhand) Special invitees on the occasion were Janab Mojahidul Islam Sb., (District Organizer JIH,Jharkhand ), Janab M. Ahmad Khan, (Secretary Darsgah Islami, Chitarpur), and Janab Faiyaz Ahmad Sb., (Social Worker). ![]() The 8th Award ceremony of Rahbar Coaching Centre, Chitarpur, Ramgarh was organized on 07-06-2012 at Darsgah Islami, Chitarpur. The award ceremony started at 7pm with the recital of the Holy Qur’an by Faizanul Haque.He is a student of Class IX of Rahbar Coaching Centre , Chitarpur. Br. Ahmad Ullah Falahi has introduced the inaugural speech and told the features and details activities of Rahbar Coaching Centre,Chitarpur. Jb.Mojahidul Islam sb. has said that it is a golden chance for me and you all that we are present in the prize ceremony of Rah bar Coaching Centre. We are very surprised that you are not only getting education, but also you are being a perfect man by Coaching Centre. Your teachers can tell you better about your performance, but when I have come here, I’m reading your activities and behavior. Therefore, I’m telling you that you are being a good and perfect student. Some matters have come in the inaugural speech from which I have conformed about your activities and behavior. We pray to Allah that you may success more than my willing and you may success more and more. Jb. M. Ahmad Khan and Jb. Faiyaz Ahmad sb. Have also told the same sentences with that has appreciated the supports and guideline of Bihar Anjuman and praised the activities of Coaching Centre. Jb, Abrar Ahmad Sb., the guest of prize ceremony, said, "Alhamdulillah, I have got a chance to meet you all. It is a fact that you have to be prepared as a good student and as an ideal man, then society and your family will get profit from your abilities, otherwise many students are aimless in life, which is a burden for the society. At least you are not among them, but you are being trained so that you could become good Muslims. Hope that you will play a better role in the society, and fulfill the needs of the society. Our attention is deeply concentrated on all of you. You are Muslim Ummah and the future of this country and the society, construction of the society depends upon you. If you recognize yourself and pay tribute. If you have studied the history you will have got the knowledge of Changing of the society by the young students. Now, you have a lot of time and you have to complete many steps then you will be able to give something to the society. You work hard, respect teachers and go on your way. It is my willingness and dua." The programme has been concluded at 8pm with dua. |
Awards Ceremony cum Felicitation Ceremony of 10th pass students @
RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Darbhanga on 10-06-2012, , at Bibi Pakar Middle School:![]() The event was presided over by Janab Neyaz Ahmad sb. (retired ADM). Chief Guest on the occasion was Janab Shakeel Ahmad Sb. (Moderator Bihar Anjuman). Special guests on the occasion were Janab Er. Zafirul Hasan Sb., Retired Director, JMIT, Darbhanga, Janab Maulana Ahmad Hussain Sb., Madina University, Janab Er. Abrar Ahmad Sb., Faculty, MANUU polytechnic, Janab Dr. Badre Alam Sb., Principal CM law college, Janab Ahmad Rasheed Sb., member Bihar Anjuman, Janab Shahid Athar Sb., member, Bihar Anjuman, Janab Dr. Aasif Shahwnawaz Sb., DMCH, Janab Ahmad Ansari Sb, DDO, government of Bihar, Janab Md. Ehtesham Hejazi Sb., retired D.C.L.R, Janab Md. Zaifee sb. Faculty, zakir hussain teacher training college., Janab Dr Jawaid Zulqernain, Director Bihar region, Janseva. The 12th Award Ceremony of RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Darbhanga, was organized on 10th June at coaching’s venue, Bibi Paker govermenet middle school, darbhanga. The Award Ceremony started at 7:00 PM with recitation of the Holy Qura’n by class 8 student Abu nasar followed by naat shareef by another grade 8 student Md. Ahmad. The ceremony was conducted by Maulana Irshad Nadwi Sb (deniyat/urdu teacher, RCC Darbhanga) and Janab Noorullah Ameen sb., team leader of RCC. Md. Zubair Ahmd sb, Maulana Ahmad hussain sb,, Er. Abrar sb shared their thoughts and experiences with the audience which included students, guardians, and local public. Janab Shakeel Ahmad sb (Moderator, Bihar Anjuman) briefed audience about working principle of BA in detail and updated about RAHBAR coaching project. He mentioned that first time 3 RCCs was established in 2009 and now alhmdolillah 22 RCCs are running in different districts of Bihar and Jharkhand. He presented 2012 board results of all RCCs, and informed the audience that 40% students passed with first divison, 45% passed with 2nd division with few cases of 3rd division and very few cases of failure. He told that it is extremely happy news for Darbhanga community that top 5 students among all RCCs are from RCC darbhanga and he congratulated local team for this success. Explaining about Bihar Anjuman’s work he informed that this is the only organization which works without having office and staff. All members are volunteer leaders, communicate with each other by taking full use of internet and work for their personal satisfaction and reward in aakhirah. He urged the muslim community to take up the assigned role of Allah’s khalifa on earth, and help the society around the them and the country. This means that they must stop begging or demanding from the government, and focus on giving alone, because “beggars can’t be choosers”. He further said, “Leadership role can only be assigned to those who are always ready to give, which is confirmed by the holy Quran which talks about giving, not about taking, seeking, begging from others. The first word that was given to the prophet destined to lead the world was Iqra, read, and that’s what would make the true believers lead the world once again. So, we need to focus on education alone, if we want to take up the important role of Alla’s khalifa, and lead in contributing to the development of the country and the world.” Janab Neyaz ahmad sb. in his presidential speech talked about condition of Muslims at central and state level. He informed audience about government bills which may harm Muslim community and called audience that we should be ready to protest in democratic way against such bill. Top 3 students of matric exam also shared their experience of being students at RCC Darbhanga. Later, prizes were distributed to the matric passed students and to the regular students as part of monthly awards ceremony. 8th Awards Ceremony @ RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Bhagalpur, on 3rd June 2012, at Middle School, Puraini Chief Guest: Janab Dr. Faruq Azam Sb. (Eminent Physician and Social worker, Khiribandh) Guest of honour: Janab Shahin Anis Sb. (Principal of Eden Flora Academy, Khiribandh) As per guidelines, the monthly awards ceremony was held on 3rd June 2012 at 8:00 am. All members were present. The function was presided by Jb. Syed Ali Manzoor Sb. (Committee Head). ![]() Jb. Dr. Faruq Azam Sb. And Jb. Shahin Anis Sb. principle of Eden Flora Academy a reputed English medium school of the locality. Both belonging to native village Khiribandh were pleased to honour the function as the chief guest and the guest of honour. Elites of village Puraini present along with some guardians. It is desirable to mention here that in the matric result 2012 one student of the centre succeeded in 1st division and other three in 2nd division. It was proposed by the committee head that a separate award ceremony must be conducted for encouragement of passed out student. All present thanked the teachers of the coaching centre for their devoting service which resulted a good achievement in the poor social and educational back ground of village Puraini. After distributing the awards the function was concluded with the thanks of Dr. Fasi-uz-zama to the guests. More details: Jb. Mohd Anzar sb (teacher) delivering his guest lecture told that the present age is the era of knowledge explosion, and in this age, whoever will have knowledge will be regarded and respected, therefore, the students of RCC should be conscious towards their studies and try to acquire quality education with full dedication. After this, prizes were distributed among best performing students. ![]() The programme ended with dua of Janab Altamash Sb. RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Muzaffarpur conducted its 24th Awards Ceremony on 12th June 2012, at Hazrat Ali Academy, Chandwara. Janab Er. Shakeel Ahmad Sb, moderator of Bihar Anjuman, graced the occasion as chief guest, while other dignitaries who attended as special guests included Janab Mansoor Alam Sb., patron of RCC Muzaffarpur, Janab H. Tarique Sb (Joint Sec. H.A. Academy, Muzaffarpur), Janab Azam Rahmani Sb. and Janab Prof Mansoor Alam Sb. ![]() The ceremony started at 5:15pm, with recitation of Quran, by Maulana Mustahsan Sb. In his welcome speech, Janab Professor Mansoor Alam Sb, patron of RCC, briefed the mission of Bihar Anjuman. He mentioned that education is the best gift of parents to their children, because there can be no comparison between the educated and the uneducated - one represents light whereas the other reflects darkness. RCC's program is not a traditional program, but a program to bring our deprived children from the threat if impending darkness to light. Addressing the students, he urged them to take maximum advantage of this opportunity and get the best possible education to change their life forever. ![]() Er. Shakeel Ahmad Sb (chief guest ) elaborated on the objectives of Bihar Anjuman and RCC. Emphasising that being in govt schools cannot become an impediment to the RCC students, he confimed with the present guests that all of them had in fact studied in govt schools, therefore, all RCC students must believe firmly that their hard work would also be blessed by the Almighty. He suggested that Iqra (read), being the first word taught to the prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, indicates that the empowerment of the community will come through Iqra alone. Therefore, attainment of knowledge should be their focus, today, tomorrow, and the day after - throughout their life. He affirmed that poverty will not be a hindrance in their pursuit of knowledge and education. Bihar Anjuman wil financially support them til they get respectable job, insha-Allah. He urged all the students to assign their career goal around technical education, specially diploma & ITI which can bring prosperity to their families at the earliest. Hard work alone can bring them closer to success. Allah does not change the condition of any people unless they strive to change their condition themselves. This world is the place of practical and we have to prove as a good student, good citizen and obedient followers of the Creator (Muslim). He assured that every RCC student who is selected in govt ploytechnics will get his/ her fees reimbursed by Bihar Anjuman, and his/ her monthly living expenses will be provided by benevolent members and well-wishers of Bihar Anjuman. Anil Kumar, the head-teacher of RCC, presented the vote of thanks to all the attendees, and congratulated the awardees. The ceremony ended with dua of Prof. M. Mansoor Alam Sb for the success of Students and the whole Muslim Ummah. ![]() |
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