practical tips for a Hajj Mabroor, by Asma bint Shameem
is the Ultimate journey. They say it is the journey of a lifetime. Yet
I see so many people, brothers and sisters, confused, angry, frustrated
or just simply ignorant. So here is a piece of sincere advice for all
of my brothers and sisters going for Hajj this year.
Educate yourself before you go
This is the most important point. They say "Knowledge is Power." And
how true that is. I see people confused, not knowing what to do,
looking left and right...bewildered. And in the end, they just follow
what the rest of the crowd is doing without even knowing whether what
they are doing is even from the Sharee'ah of Muhammad (Sal Allaahu
'Alaiyhi wa Sallam) or not!
Indeed, I know people who have gone and come back from Hajj, and yet
they dont know what kind of Hajj they performed, how many minimum days
one is required to stay in fact, they dont even know that it
takes seven rounds around the Kaabah to make one Tawaaf!
Going to Hajj without knowing the basics of how to perform Hajj and
Umrah is like placing someone who doesnt know how to offer Salah, in
the middle of people praying in Jamaah. He may follow their movements
in ruku and sujood, but does he really know how to pray? Did such a
prayer even count?
So study the rituals of Hajj before you go. Learn how to perform this
magnificent journey closest to the Sunnah. Because the closer to the
Sunnah it will be, the more acceptable it will be to Allaah, Subhaanahu
wa Taala.
Know the various rulings about the Meeqaat, Ihraam, Tawaaf, staying in
Mina, stoning the Jamaraat, visiting the Prophet (Sal Allaahu 'Alaiyhi
wa Sallam)s Masjid, etc.

Educate yourself on the various common mistakes done by the pilgrim, so
you can be aware of them and avoid them. And Insha Allaah, you will be
able to perform your Hajj with confidence, according to the Sunnah,
hoping for it to be accepted by Allaah.

2. Go
with a prepared heart
Every year at Hajj, you see only two kinds of people. So for example,
when stuck in traffic for 5 hours, you will see the first kind of
people, sitting there calm and cool, with patience, wisely utilizing
his time making dhikr of Allaah or reading Quraan....while the other
kind of person will grumble and complain, fidget restlessly in his
seat, cuss at the bus driver and waste his whole time fighting with
whoever is sitting next to him. Why is that? Because the first kind of
person came with a prepared heart and the second one didn't.
You see, Hajj is not only a journey of the body to the house of is also a journey of the heart and soul. And just as it is
important to know the manners of performing Hajj, it is equally
important to prepare yourself spiritually.
Remember, this is Hajj.... an act of Ibaadah....the fifth pillar of our
Deen....something Allaah loves. So have khushoo in your
Ibaadah....submit your heart and soul to Him, to the One Who has
invited you to His Honorable House. Reflect on why you are here. Have
tawakkul in Him and complete faith. Be sure to know that He will take
care of you. Be kind to His slaves, have patience and forbearance, take
everything in stride and look for the positive in everything, even if
it seems bleak.
So when the bus breaks down, its was the Will of Allaah that
it happened. And when the guy next to you pushes you, or your shoes get
stolen, forgive him. And if your luggage gets lost for a day or two, be
patient. And if you get stuck in traffic for 8 hours, remind
yourself...whatever time Allaah has decreed for me to get there, I will
get there, not a second before and not a second after.
3. Know
Salatul Janazah
There is hardly any Fardh prayer in the Haram, that is not followed by
the prayer for Janazah. And I see so many brothers and sisters who just
sit there and not participate in this great act of worship, just
because they dont know how.
The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:
"Whoever attends the janaazah until he offers the prayer will have one
qeeraat (of reward), and whoever attends until (the deceased) is buried
will have two qeeraats."
It was said, " Messenger of Allaah, what are the two qeeraats?" He
said, "Like two great mountains," meaning, of reward. (Saheeh - agreed
And remember the reward of a prayer in al masjid al-Haraam is equal to
100,000 prayers anywhere else. [Tabarani]. So dont miss out on this
great opportunity to add to your good deeds.
4. Don't
get overwhelmed with the crowd
When you look at the large number of people there for Hajj, dont get
overwhelmed or bothered. Instead, raise your head up high, feel proud
and thank Allaah. After all, all those people are none, but your own
brothers and sisters in Islaam.
This is the Ummah of your beloved Prophet, Muhammad (Sal Allaahu
Alaiyhi wa sallam). They are from you and you are from them. They are a
part of you, just as much as you are a part of them. All of you are
there for one and one purpose worship One God, Allaah,
Subhaanahu wa Taala. So love them...and have mercy for them....and make
dua for them.

5. Time is precious
Utilize your time to the MAX while in Makkah and Madeenah. Do all your
5 prayers in the Masjid, no excuses allowed! When you pray in Masjid
al-Haraam in Mecca, your salaah is multiplied by 100,000
Just imagine, if youre there for about two weeks (14 days), and you
pray all five prayers in the masjid, thats equivalent in reward to
praying more then 3800 years! Subhaan Allaah!
When you get to Mina, busy your self with making dua, dhikr, reading
Quraan, etc. Your stay here is only a few precious days. You cant waste
it by talking, relaxing, doing nothing, as some people do.
And once in Arafah, this is THE day you were waiting for.
This is what Hajj is all about.
The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said, "Hajj is Arafah."
(Abu Dawud)
Put in all you got during the day of Arafah. Take advantage of each
hour, minute and second. Do not waste even a single moment. Make a dua
list and do lots and lots of dua, for this is the day to make
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The best
of dua is dua on the day of Arafah, and the best thing that I and the
Prophets before me said is Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka
lah (There is no god but Allaah alone with no partner or associate).
(al-Tirmidhi, hasan by Albaani)
6. Hajj is not your
annual vacation trip.
Its an act of Ibaadah
Some people forget that they are going for Hajj....they expect Mina to
be a five star hotel and the whole journey about relaxation and luxury.
So they complain about the food, they complain about the weather, they
complain about the crowds, the bus, the beds, the bathrooms, the tents,
the A/C in Mina, you name it. They complain about everything under the
Remember this is Hajj...not a cruise or a vacation. Remember when not
so long ago people traveled for months through dangerous terrain and
rough weather to get to Hajj, not to mention the heat, diseases, thugs
and other hardships of travel. They had to draw water from a well and
walk to the bushes to relieve themselves. 
Look around you, what is there to complain? Alhamdulillaah, you have
flowing water from a tap and running bathrooms. And even if they are
not as clean as they should be, at least they are there! And you have
hot food and air conditioned tents, a place to sleep and transportation
from one place to another. So be patient and thank Allaah.
7. Don't
just say it.... mean it
When you recite the Talbiyah, dont just say it like a parrot, without
knowing what it means and what it implies. Think about the greatness of
these words and an even greater Greatness of the One you are saying
these words to. You are saying Labbaik, Allaahumma Labbaik....
What do these words imply?
Oh Allaah I am to serve You, here to obey You, here to
submit my life, my wants, my desires only to You. I am ready for
change. Oh Allaah, I love you and I worship no one but you. So forgive
me and guide me. This is the implication behind these words. So say
these words from the heart....mean what you say...and let a tear roll
from your eyes when you say it.
And that goes for all the duas that you will recite.
8. Be nice
Obviously, everybody wants their Hajj To be Mabroor (accepted)..
.because the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said, "..There is
no reward for Hajj mabroor except Paradise." (Al-Bukhaari)
They said: "What makes Hajj mabroor, Messenger of Allah?" He said,
"Providing food to people and spreading (the greeting of) salaam."
(Fath al-Bari, 4/446)
Thus we see that being kind to the people, being generous and
considerate, serving and helping them is the KEY to having your Hajj
So go ahead and help that old lady with her luggage, and the older
brother across the street. Move over to make room in the saff for your
fellow Muslim so that they too can find a place to pray. Distribute
candy among the children, pass out glasses of Zam Zam, smile at
everyone and say salaam to those you know and those you dont.
In other words, just keep you eyes and ears open for every opportunity
to do good and jump at any chance you get to spread khair, all this for
the sake of pleasing Allaah Alone and Insha Allaah your Hajj will be
May Allah accept all the Hajj of all the brothers and sisters, and
teach the coming Hujjaj how to best prepare and earn a Hajj Mabroor.