millions of animals are “needlessly slaughtered in the name of God
during Bakra-Eid?”
By Asrarul Haque
from a non-Muslim: What
about the millions of animals that are needlessly slaughtered in the
name of God during Bakri-Id? When God permitted Abraham to sacrifice a
ram instead of his son, he did not ask all people to do this every
year. Why can it not be changed in more civilized times?
(Better to call it Explanation): First of all your saying
“needlessly” is not correct. It is not that the animals are sacrificed
just for fun or the meat is wasted. The meat is consumed. So it cannot
be called needlessly? Everyday so many animals are slaughtered or
killed for use as food. Is there any difference between daily
slaughter/killing and slaughter on Idul Azha (Baqraeid in India)? I
think there is no difference as far as slaughtering or animal life is
concerned. On day to day basis animals are used as food and on Baqraeid
also it is used as food. But there is a big difference in purpose
between the two. On normal days the animals are slaughtered/killed for
profit. On Baqraeid there is no motive of profit. In fact only those
who nurture the animals get profit. You may be aware that thousands of
families survive on the profession.
In the market at present the mutton is about Rs 250 to 300 per kg. Even
if one wants to buy 200 g, the cost will be Rs 50/60. A family which
earns Rs 100 in a day cannot afford that. On the occasion of Baqraeid
they get the meat as charity and they can enjoy the luxury for at least
during the three days of Baqraeid when animals are sacrificed by
I am quoting few verses from the Qur’an in this connection.
every people did we appoint rites of sacrifice that they may celebrate
the name of God over the sustenance He gave them from animals fit for
22: 34
those whose hearts when God is mentioned are filled with fear who show
patient perseverance over their afflictions, keep up regular prayer,
and spend in charity out of what We have bestowed upon them.
The sacrificial camels We
have made for you as among the Symbols from God: in them is much good
for you. Then pronounce the name of God over them as they line up for
sacrifice. When they are down on their sides after slaughter, eat ye
thereof, and feed such as beg not but live in contentment and such as
beg with due humility. Thus have We made animals subject to you, that
ye may be grateful. 22: 36

is not their meat nor their blood that reaches God. It is your piety
that reaches Him. He has thus made them subject to you, that ye may
glorify God for His guidance to you. And proclaim the Good News to all
who do right. 22: 37
From the above it is clear that God does not get anything when animals
are sacrificed. It is actually the piety of people which is tested. In
the verse 22: 36 it is clear that the meat of the sacrificed animals is
not only for those who perform the sacrifice. It is also for the poor.
In fact the suggested and preferred practice is that the meat is
divided into three parts. One part is kept for the consumption of the
family which performs the sacrifice. One part is for relatives and
friends, especially those who are not in a position to do the
sacrifice. The purpose is that they too get opportunity to enjoy the
delicacy. Otherwise it will happen so that family X will give to family
Y and Y will also give to X. The end result, no one will give to
anyone. The third part is strictly for poor but not for professional
beggars (see above the verse 22: 36). That is how the poor get the meat
at least on those three days when sacrifice is done. In the second and
third parts i.e. for friends/relatives and for poor there is no
restriction that it can be given to only Muslims.
the question is why on the occasion of Baqraeid only there is so
much talk about the sacrifice and animals. Reason is our media and also
some irresponsible Muslims contribute to that. Everyday so many animals
are killed/slaughtered. But media does not show them and does not talk
about them. On the occasion of Baqraeid they never miss the opportunity
just because it is fanciful and more so because it is connected to
Muslim community. On Dussehra, Sarhul, Holi and so many other occasions
and also in so many temples on normal days large numbers of animals are
killed by non-Muslims. But there is no news. Then there are some
‘Muslims’ who are interested in showing off their wealth. They purchase
goats for very exorbitant price and then they stand with them, get
photographed and give interviews for newspapers and TV channels. So it
becomes more fanciful news for the media. In fact it is totally against
the teachings of Islam. Islam totally prohibits
off in anything. Even in
Namaaz if someone does the Namaaz in a way that people may look at
him/her, the Namaaz is not acceptable to God. In case of charity too it
is best that it should not be made public.

The best suggested course is
that if the right hand
gives, the left hand should not come to know of the same. Obviously,
people who indulge in such show of wealth are not performing sacrifice.
They want name and fame. The purpose is defeated.
One last aspect.
Some people say that why cannot Muslims give up eating meat? The answer
is simple. Are there only Muslims who eat meat? If you go by statistics
more than 95% of the meat worldwide is consumed by non-Muslims. Even in
India most of the meat and chicken are consumed by non-Muslims.
Generally, Muslims are poor compared to other communities. Most of them
cannot afford something which is Rs 250/300 per kg. A random visit to a
meat/chicken shop can bring out the point. Even in restaurants and
other eating places most of the non-veg food is consumed by
non-Muslims. Muslims generally visit only those eateries about which
they are aware that only Halaal meat is served i.e. meat or chicken
etc. which are slaughtered by Islamic or Jewish method. There are more
restaurants and eateries serving non-veg food about which such
information is not available. As a result most Muslims shun from those
places. Then who consumes the non-veg food there?
Certainly there
is one interesting side of it. In so many families I personally know,
meat is not cooked at home. But male members enjoy the same freely
outside. Female members are denied in the name of
religion/ritual/tradition etc. In Muslim families there is nothing like
that. There is still another point. If eating meat is not good as
animals or birds are to be killed, should we eat only plants and plant
products? But plants are also living. You are an environmentalist. You
know it well. And we have to kill the plants to be consumed. For that
matter even milk should not be consumed. Nature produces the milk for
the young animals. But what we do? We encroach upon their food and in
turn we force them to eat grass or straw. Is it humane? Can we do it
with human babies? But it does happen. It may not surprise you. In
certain tribal belts there is so much poverty that lactating women sell
their milk by mixing the same with cow or buffalo milk just to get some
money. Also, it has been an age old tradition that when women in rich
families gave birth to babies, they did not feed them as the women had
the idea (wrong or right) that by breast feeding their body will go out
of shape. So, some poor woman was found with newly born child. She was
paid to feed the baby of the rich family. As a result her own child was
deprived of the mother’s milk. Can we consider it humane? Just one more
example. The eggs that we relish are meant for reproduction of the
birds (hens or ducks in Indian context) as they contain the zygotes
i.e. miniature birds. But we grab them and consume. An interesting side
of it is that the hens are kept in cages without cocks. As a result the
expense which could be there in nurturing the cocks is saved. But at
what cost? By forcing the hens to live without sex. We know
it very well that all living organisms want sex. When we force celibacy
on the hens, can we consider it humane? But it gives one more
consolation to our ego. People consider such eggs as ‘Vegetarian Eggs”.
So, even those people who do not consume non-veg food otherwise do not
hesitate to eat those eggs.
I would also
like to draw your attention towards the case of tigers, leopards,
cheetahs and for that matter most of the birds, lizards, snakes,
spiders etc. They kill other animals big or small and eat. Even the cat
we keep so dear is always looking for opportunity to kill a rat, mouse
or squirrel. Dogs also kill and eat if they get a chance. That is the
rule of nature. Can we make them vegetarian? If we want to stop killing
of all animals, we have to eliminate all these preying species. Then
what about the food chain and the ecosystem balance? The importance of
these preying animals cannot be overemphasized in maintaining the
balance in the ecosystems. You may be aware that the Andaman forests,
where spotted deer population has become a threat to the survival of
the forests just because there are no preying carnivores. Also, we must
desist from killing flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, snakes and all
sorts of pests. After all these are also living organisms.