of all let me correct the spelling, it is not ‘Koran’ the correct word
is “QURAN”.
Who is burning the Quran? A Christian pastor? Ask a question, if I
write the name of Jesus Christ on a piece of paper 29 times and give it
to him to burn it, will he burn it? If I write the name of Moses on a
piece of paper and give it to a Jew, will he burn it? What they intend
to burn is the same. In the Quran the name of Jesus Christ is mentioned
with great Honour 29 times and the name of Moses with dignity 129
times, while the name of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon all of them)
is mentioned just 4 times. In addition all the 24 prophets mentioned in
the Quran are there in the Bible. Make them aware that they are burning
the names of Jesus Christ, Moses and all 24 prophets.
The problem is none of them have ever cared to read the Quran. My
request to them is to read the Quran’s translation in their own
language (easily available for free in mosques and in Islamic Centers)
and then decide whether burning the Quran is justified or not. I may
assure them that they will highly regret in their lives when at a later
date they read it. All the immoral allegations on Mother Mary, Jesus
Christ and other prophets mentioned in different books have been very
neatly refuted in the Quran. The popular question raised is, how did
Jesus Christ born without a father? The answer given in the Quran is
“how did Adam and Eve were born without a father and a mother? How
difficult could it be for the Creator of such a big universe? {There is
a nice joke in this context, Eve said to Adam good that God created you
without a mother, otherwise you would have said that your mother was
preparing better food than my food that I cook. Adam said yes thank God
that you can not say that you had many better proposals of marriage
before marrying me.}
Mother Mary has been given the highest Honour amongst all the women of
the World in the Quran. Read it you will be enlightened. Birth of Moses
and his marriage has been described, in the most respectful manner. Not
a single derogatory word has ever been used any where in the Quran for
any of the prophets those mentioned in the Bible. Criticism based on
purely hatred is irrational. Paterson Cooper in an interview on CNN
asked Rev. Terry Jones “In whose memory are you burning the Quran?” He
said, “Those who died on 9/11?” When asked their names. He said, “I do
not know,” and then Paterson Cooper gave few of the names of Muslims
who died that day, and said, “In the memory of those Muslims you are
protesting then?” Same, is the case here, without reading, without
knowing what is written in it he is burning the Quran? Why burn the
Quran? Burn those books in which baseless allegations have been put on
many of the prophets of God. That will be fully justified. Once you
read its translation, you will be convinced that it is the best book on
earth; every word is of God, the God of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and
the last prophet Mohammed (peace is upon them all). Not a word has
changed in 1431 years. Two of its original copies are preserved in
Turkey and in Leningrad museums. One can obtain a copy and compare it
with the one that we have today. Not a word has changed.
It is totally a wrong concept that it was written by the prophet
Mohammad. How can a person, who did not know how to read and write, can
write a book of over 600 pages without any mistake, describing the
advance theory of science and space? He could not even put his
signature on the letters which he sent to the heads of states, take a
little time and search
“letters of the Prophet Mohammad”; he used to stamp all his letters
with a seal of his name. Moreover the Quran is in the highest literary
form of Arabic language, which he did not speak; he used to speak
colloquial Arabic. How can an unlettered man write a book, which
describes embryological development of a fetus, space science,
oceanography of which no one had any knowledge? In over 1400 years no
one has found any contradiction or any mistake? Every word of the Quran
is the word of God the same God of Adam, Abraham Moses and Jesus
Christ. How can anyone even think of burning the words of your own
What is radical about Islam or
the teachings of the Quran? Without reading it you call it radical!
Bring a single copy of the Bible, which is in its original form. What
amount of changes is made in the Bible by men to the words of God? Who
gave them the authority in the very first place to change the words of
God, revising and re-revising the Bible, which created lot of
discrepancies and mistakes? But still we do not call it radical. We
also appeal to the Muslims of the whole world not even think of burning
a single copy of the Bible in retaliation because the Bible has the
names of our 24 prophets whom all we respect from the core of our
hearts. Religion of Islam is not complete without having faith on all
the prophets those are in the Bible as well as in the Quran, just read
it at least once in your life.
Coming down to
the most crucial point of 9/11: The allegation is again on the Muslim
so they decide to burn the Quran, stop building an Islamic Center in
Manhattan two blocks away from Ground Zero (still termed as “near”).
Giving fabricated name as “Ground Zero Mosque.” Have you ever come
across a mosque anywhere in the world having a basket ball court,
swimming pool etc, and prayer facilities for all the major religions?
It is an Islamic center like any convention centers, where there is a
place of congregational prayer hall for Muslims, also.
So far as 9/11
is concerned, have a look at the documentaries made on the truth of
9/11. These documentaries are proved without the shadow of any doubt
that in the scenario of 9/11 in the year 2001, no Muslim was involved.
In one of the documentary it said loud and clear that no Muslim is
involved in 9/11. Amazing, all the documentaries and films are made by
Americans and that too Christians. Go through each and every
documentary listed on the U-Tube, you will be amazed, who did it? You
have to decide yourself, of course not any Muslim? The
preparation was done three months before 9/11. If anyone considers
these documentaries are not authentic and are fake, why don’t they take
the producers to the courts and involve FBI to investigate how dare
they can make such movies (e.g., Loose Change:
http://www.loosechange911.com/), which has tarnished the image of
America all over the world and sunk the economy of all the countries in
deep recession? What benefit did they achieve by doing so? Thousands of
Americans were killed and even are being killed today. Trillions of
Dollars have burnt in smoke, millions of innocent people were killed
and other multimillions suffered. Why don’t these preachers of peace go
after them who did it? Why Muslims and why Quran?

Source: Anonymus