Prayers: As the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) prayed ... a
simple guide
... Adapted
from Islam Q&A

Praise be to Allaah.
A. Place of Eid Prayers:
The Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) used to
offer the Eid prayers in the prayer-place (Eid-Musalla). There is no
report of his offering the Eid prayer in his mosque. Al-Shaafa’i said
in al-Umm: It was narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (Sallallaho
Alaihe Wasallam) used to go out on the two Eids to the Eid prayer-place
in Madeenah, as did those (caliphs) who came after him, unless there
was an excuse such as rain etc. The people of other lands did likewise,
apart from the people of Makkah.
B. The Attire for the Occasion:
He used to do ghusl (bath) before going out on the
day of Eid. He used to wear his most beautiful garments to go out to
pray. He had a suit (hullah- two-piece suit of the same kind of fabric)
which he would wear for Eid and Jumu’ah (Friday prayer).

C. Break Fast with Meat of
Sacrificed Animal: On Eid al-Adha, the
Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) would not eat anything until he
came back from the prayer-place, then he would eat some of the meat of
his sacrifice.

D. Go for Eid
Prayer Walking, not Riding: And he (Sallallaho Alaihe
Wasallam) used to go out to the Eid prayer walking, and come back
walking. [Ibn Maajah (1295) from Ibn ‘Umar, and Tirmidhi (530) from
‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib] It is mustahabb for us not to ride unless we have
an excuse.
E. No Ahaan
(Azaan) or Iqama before Eid Prayer: When the Prophet
(Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) reached the prayer-place, he would begin
the prayer with no adhaan or iqaamah, and without saying “Al-salaatu
jaami’ah (prayer is about to begin).” The Sunnah is not to do any of
these things. And he did not offer any prayer in the prayer-place
before or after the Eid prayer.
F. The Eid
Prayer’s Format: The Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam)
would start with the prayer, before the khutbah. He prayed two rak’ahs,
with seven consecutive takbeers in the first rak’ah, including
takbeerat al-ihraam (the takbeer with which the prayer begins), and a
brief pause between each two takbeers. Ibn ‘Umar Razi Allaho Anhu, used
to raise his hands with each takbeer.

When he had completed the
takbeers, he would start to recite. He would recite al-Faatihah then
recite Soorah Qaaf in the first rak’ah and Soorat
al-Qamar in the other. Sometimes he recited Soorat al-A’laa
and Soorat al-Ghaashiyah. Both were narrated in saheeh reports, but no
other soorahs are mentioned in saheeh reports. When he had finished
reciting he would say takbeer and bow. When he had finished bowing and
prostrating and had stood up again, he would say five takbeers. When he
had completed the takbeers he would start to recite again. The takbeer
was the first thing that he would do in each rak’ah and his recitation
was followed by rukoo’ (bowing). [Timridhi]

G. Khutba
after the Eid Prayer: When the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe
Wasallam) had finished the prayer, he would move away and stand facing
the people, with the people sitting in their rows, and he would address
them, preaching and exhorting, with commands and prohibitions. If he
wanted to dispatch anyone on a mission he would do so, and if he wanted
to enjoin anything he would do that. There was no minbar on which he
would stand, and the minbar of Madeenah was not brought out. Rather he
would address them standing on the ground.
The Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) started all his khutbahs with
praise of Allaah. It is not narrated even in one hadeeth that he
started the khutbah of Eid with takbeer.
H. Listening
to Khutba is Optional: The Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe
Wasallam) granted a concession allowing those who attended the Eid
prayers either to sit and listen to the khutbah, or to leave. [Abu
Dawood (1155) narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Saa’ib, classed as
saheeh by al-Albaani]
I. Different
Routes to and from the Eid Prayer Ground: The Prophet
(Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) used to vary his route on the day of Eid.
He would go by one route and come back by another. Bukhari (986) from
Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah]

are they targeting Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)?
... By
Mohammad Allam, Aligarh (mohammad_allam@rediffmail.com)
Muhammad!) We have sent you to be a real (blessing and) mercy (of
Allah) for the people of the entire world. [Quran, 21:107]
"O my Lord! judge Thou in truth!" "Our Lord Most Gracious is the
One Whose assistance should be sought against the blasphemies ye
utter!" [Quran, 21:112]
were first the orientalists (those having authority on Eastern culture
and religion), who tried to vulcanize the sanctity of the religion of
Islam by raising non-sense issues like the sacredness of the Holy
Quran, the revelation of Quran by Allah Rabbul Alameen through Hazrat
Gabriel, the character of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the problem of Jews,
the teachings of Islam, the status of women in Islam spreading of Islam
in the world, Jihad (Holy Wars) etc. These orientalists first tried to
create suspicion about Islam by raising questions and attacking on the
character of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Among these orientalists are John of
Damascus, David Hume, Sir William Muir, John Esposito, William
Montgomery Watt, Karen Arm Strong etc. Undoubtedly, they succeeded in
doing so by creating a class of Muslim
and non-Muslim writers in modern times
who are attacking Islam from all sides. The western scholarship and
their method of literary criticism are sharp weapons by which they are
maligning Islam. The so called secularist, extra-nationalist and
comrade (communist Muslims) are helping them by presenting themselves
modern and immune from love of religion; cited by the enemies of Islam
as role model for the rest of Muslims and Muslim society.
Among them are the prominent figures migrated from South-Asian nations
like V.S Naipaul (Beyond Belief), Salman Rushdie (SATANIC VERSES),
Taslima Nasreen(LAJJA) etc. These writers are attacking Islam just to
appease their western masters. The attacks by Muslim writers have
devastating impact on the mentality of non-Muslim about the image of
Islam. But from the time of the orientalists to present day, why has
the character of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) been targeted?
With the advent of Islam in 7th century, the two other faiths- Jews and
Christian lost their prominence. They did not accept Islam as Divine
religion. From the very beginning they targeted Islam, particularly the
Prophet (PBUH). Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has been centralized in Islam
by Allah Rabbul Alameen. No Mohammad (PBUH), no Islam. If the character
of Prophet is tarnished, then the whole system of Islam like revelation
of the Quran, Hadith and tenants of Islam automatically would be
tarnished. That’s why from the very beginning they tried to tarnish the
character of Prophet but failed miserably.
The defeat in crusade by Muslims in Medieval Age is still haunting the
minds of the European scholars. In present time the rising demographic
scale of Muslims in Europe and America-the traditional power houses of
Christendom and Jewsdom world has frightened them. So, to stop Islam
and tarnish its image in an era of multicultural world the
enemies of Islam have started onslaught on the character of Prophet
(PBUH) freshly in disguise of freedom of speech and power of reasoning.
Nationalism was
the mantra of Unity for European world whereas Islamic
nations have been divided on the basis of races like Turkish, Arab,
Iranian, etc from sixteenth century. Nationalism destroyed the very
fabric of the Western civilization in two World Wars in which millions
of people were killed but it lost the utility. The disunity among the
European nations forced the European scholars to look for an “ism” to
be a source of unity. The Red danger (the communism) declared as enemy
and also became a source of unity as the whole west was united against
this menace in blanket of cold war. The end of Communism and fall of
Russia again created the problem for the European unity (the Balkan war
of 1990 onwards) and hegemony. So, to maintain the unity and hegemony
of the West (Europe and America), the Islam was targeted from 1990. The
thesis of clashes of civilization was coined by Huntington and Green
Zone was declared as a potential threat to the hegemony of west. The
ally against Red Danger turned into enemy and enmity was started with
an invasion in Iraq. The story of nuclear weapon was cooked; the
concept of terrorism was coined and wars were started to give access to
Islamic world to American and European forces. The legalization of
action against terrorism by UNO even with violation of sovereignty was
accepted. To continue this, trend of terrorism, presence of the western
army in Islamic nations, unity of the west in defaming Islam to stop it
from rising in the west, the attacks on Islam have been continuing
systematically for the last 30 years.
The present episode is another design to create anarchy in the Islamic
nations by bringing people and the government into clash. The
Government would provide the safety to the western nation as an
obligation of Geneva Convention while the people who protest against
the insult of Islam and Prophet. This would turn into violence and no
peace in Islamic world. While the west will not take any
action against the culprit in the name of freedom of speech granted to
them by the constitution of the nation e.g. the case of America. No
peace means no progress in Islamic world. On the
other hand it will also provide an opportunity to the west to send
forces to Islamic world in the name of rising fundamentalism
and terrorism.
So, the duties of the Islamic Governments and Muslims around the world
are to understand the design of the conspirators. Who wants that there
should be a clash of Islamic and Christian world? Who are the people
using the Right of freedom of speech to defame Islam? Who are the
people who want anarchy in Islamic world? Who are the people who will
get a chance to promote their vested interest? Who are the people who
want to bring people and government into clash?
And then the government and the people should choke out a policy to
counter these designs. Let it be clear, to the west that there would be
no compromise on the honor of Prophet and Islam. If Islam and the
Prophet are targeted then there would be no protection to the economic
and political interest of any nations in Islamic world. Either you
choose to be with the attacker of Islam or with us.
The reaction of Muslims should be more economic oriented. Who are the
people who are doing the work of character assassination of Prophet?
For them there should be no market of Islamic nations. Ban their
companies, goods and services in Islamic nations. After rise of China
and India, the markets of Muslim nations are very much important for
the west. The ongoing financial crisis in the west is nothing but loss
of market to other emerging powers of the world like China, India and
Brazil etc. Also have a look on all those companies and ban them which
have any relation with the culprits. Allah Rabbul Alameen is Khairur
Razeqeen and not these companies.
This is good that Muslims around the world are showing their Islamic
spirit of Imaan. The Muslims around world must understand that they
have to show love for the Prophet ( PBUH) to prove
themselves Muslims. Many verses of Holy Quran and Ahaadith remind
Muslims about the love for Prophet. But too much undue reaction should
not lead FITNA and Fasad in Islamic world. The Muslims should not be
like the western people who have lost every love for their religion and
Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH). For example in many countries of the West
the denial of HOLOCAUST is a crime but denial of God, making fun of
Jesus Christ (PBUH) and Bible are not crime. Muslims around the world
should act wisely and cautiously. So, the interest of Islam and Muslim
nations along with their friends do not jeopardize.