Significance of Eid al-Fitr
Extracts from an EID AL-FITR
has set out several rulings concerning Eid, including the following:
Almighty Allah
Exhort us in the Holy Quran: "Complete the prescribed Period of fasting
and Glorify Allah (With Takbeer). In that He has Guided
you and perhaps you will be grateful" --- And: -
“Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for
Allah, the Cherisher of humankind, jinns and all that exist. Allah has
no partner; this I am commanded and I am the first to bow to the Will
of Allah” (Quran, 6:162-163).
The Prophet
(PBUH) stated - THE ONE WHO FASTS (for the sake of Almighty Allah only)
(1):-WHEN HE
The Day of resurrection).
- Allahu Akbar!
How deeply the Takbeer touches our souls as it rings out in our homes
and our Masaajids! Allahu Akbar! How strong is the combined voice of
the Ummah as we glorify Allah SWT together! Allahu Akbar! Through the
Takbeer we realize our tremendous power as an Ummah.

The Day of Eid
then is a Celebration of a remarkable achievement of the individual in
the service of Almighty Allah, and a day of Thanksgiving where Muslims
assemble in a brotherly and Joyful atmosphere to offer their gratitude
to Allah for helping them fulfill their Spiritual Obligations. 
Together we
sacrificed our food; together we abstained from vain talk and useless
acts. And, together we performed our Taraweeh and recited Qur'an. For a
whole month we and our Muslim brothers and sisters in other parts of
our town and, indeed the whole world have bowed together in complete
obedience. We shared a common desire to gain Allah's satisfaction, we
cherished a common goal, that is, to move nearer to Allah SWT. It is
our 'Ibadah, our acts of goodness that have brought us together and it
is in serving Allah with our lives and our possessions that we will,
Insha-Allah, remain together.
on this joyous day Allah SWT keeps His Promise when he says in the Holy
Qur'an: "So, verily, with every -- difficulty,
there is relief: -- Verily, with every difficulty there is
relief." (Q. XCIV : 5-6)
From this we
must understand that after great sacrifice there is always joy --After
Fasting and sacrificing in the days of Ramadan there is this joy at
Iftar and the joy of Eid al fitr. Also after sacrificing our
whole life In the Way of Allah - there will be great joy and happiness
on the Day of Hisaab when meeting Almighty Allah.
On this day we
reap the rewards of our efforts. With humility, we celebrate our
achievements. This is a day on which we appreciate the changes we have
undergone during the month of Ramadhan. Changes which have directed us
towards Allah SWT. To now make a complete about-turn is to commit
spiritual suicide and nullify every effort we have put into our
fasting, our Dhikrullah and our actions for the sake of Allah. -today,
make Du’aa in the few brief moments of privacy you may get, rededicate
yourselves. Make your niyyah with all sincerity and truthfulness to
continue with the acts of 'Ibadah which have brought you so much joy.
This is a day on
which we rededicate ourselves to forge a more cohesive solidarity among
the Ummah. And in these times, when political and interest groups are
talking of alliances or of a constituent assembly, it is necessary that
we, as Muslims, establish a basis for co-operation among ourselves so
that we can make a positive contribution and give a united response to
national questions. We can no longer afford to be divided. Divided we,
and all that we stand for, will be destroyed and our children will grow
up with the shame of an impotent Ummah.

Day of Eid is also a day of Forgiveness: When we assemble for the Eid
Salah we all wholehearted Pray to Almighty Allah for Forgiveness and
strength of Faith, and almighty Allah has assured those who approach
Him with sincerity of His Mercy and Forgiveness. "You will
not be forgiven unless you forgive". The virtue of forgiveness will be
Mercifully exercised by Allah and Widely exchanged between Muslims -
and that marks a true Day of Forgiveness.

The day of Eid is also a day of Unity. This Day is Marked by
Generosity, Kindness, Compassion and joyous brotherhood - a Muslim is
never confused about the Unity of the Ummah. But this unity must not
only be demonstrated during Eid and Hajj. This Unity must be
demonstrated under all conditions, in prosperity or adversity. We are
not only Brothers during Celebrations We are also Brothers during
Hardship and Suffering. Let us swallow our personal pride and renew a
badly battered friendships and relationships. Let us accept the
differences among us, the variety of interpretations of religious
issues as a sign of the wealth of ideas of a vibrant Ummah. Let those
of us who are leaders remember that Allah Alone knows His Deen. Our
understanding as Scholars is not absolute, cannot be final ... Allahu
'alam. Do not let our loyalty to personalities blur our vision or
prevent us from listening to the insights of other members of the
Ummah. Let us heed the call of our Nabi Muhammad SAWS: "Do not hate one
another, and do not be jealous of one another and do not boycott one
another, and be servants of Allah as brothers (and sisters)."
The Day of Eid is also a Day of Remembrance. Even in their most joyful
times Muslims Remember Almighty Allah. With the Eid Salaah, we
demonstrate our remembrance of His favours by glorifying Him with
This is a day on which we recall our family and friends who are no
longer with us.- Perhaps it is your mother or your father whom you
loved dearly, a brother or a sister or even a little child who had
given you so much joy and pleasure and whom Allah had called away. Last
year or just a few days ago you may have laughed together or shared a
meal. Today they are no more. We can remember them by visiting the
MAQBARAH and saying a prayer in their memory.

We commemorate this day by sparing a thought for, and visiting the sick
the orphans and the widows, our less fortunate brothers and sisters in
hospitals, institutions for the disabled and homes for the aged. Let us
not forget those who are languishing in the prisons - for fighting in
the cause of justice. On this day, they too, yearn for the warmth and
comfort of a home and to share the joys with their mothers or their
children. We should
commemorate this day by spending time with our parents. Help them to
forget the agony and loneliness of old-age or the pains of physical
weakness. Remember that that same mother who is now so bent and
wrinkled, who can now hardly speak, was once young and would have cut
off her arms for you. What are you prepared to do for her? "Heaven lies
at the feet of mothers!"
We, as parents commemorate this day, by creating opportunities for our
children to enjoy themselves. Children are not only part of our little
families, but an important part of our Muslim community. You are part
of us, and all of us feel proud of your efforts during the past month.
You fasted, went to school and still found the time and the energy to
come to the Masajids with your fathers for Taraweeh. You have learnt
values no school book can teach you.
We MUST Also Remember that we are celebrating the Completion of a
Training Program, which MUST be implemented during the other Eleven
Months. (Like a soldier having completed His training now ready to go
into Combat.)
I Pray Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful: O, Most Gracious, Most
Merciful Allah, we turn to You in prayer, to express our
thanks on this blessed day of 'Eidul-Fitr, that You have bestowed on us
the blessings of this Great Day.