BaKhabar ![]() |
ESSENCE OF ISLAM Islam is not a religion in the Western understanding of the world but a faith and social order, a set of values and a social movement. Islam claims that it is capable of solving every problem of humanity. Certainly the capability lies in the fact that Islam is not a religion alone but a way of life, a code of conduct, a doctrine. The path that Islam has depicted, when followed, revolutionizes the whole of life. It brings about a transformation in character and galvanizes us into action. The action takes form of purification of the self. One becomes ready to enjoin what is right and eliminate what is wrong, based on truth, justice, virtue and goodness. It is done by freeing people from all other bondages. There lies the essence and not the religion of Islam. The basic tenet Of Islam is monotheism, i.e., Tauheed; that all the invocations and prostration are for Allah and Allah alone and not for a king or a master or for a saint. The Holly Qur'an says, Surely Allah forgive not the setting up of partner with Him. (4:48) The Holly Qur'an stresses the supreme importance of knowledge, the second most often used word in the Qur'an after the name of Allah. In at least 300 places in the Holy Qur'an human beings have been enjoined upon to use their mind and think. Every individual is equally accountable by Allah for his or her deeds. Every person has got social and individual responsibilities. Education has been declared incumbent on every male and female. Islam recognises no caste of priesthood, allows no monopoly of spiritual knowledge or special holiness to intervene between man and God. Each human being is his own priest. The Holy Qur'an declares: And most of them believe not in Allah without associating (other as partners) with him. (12:106) Allah's word should be studied with the heart and lips in absolute accord. Parrot-like recitation of the Qura'n is of no avail. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "It is not a sixth nor a tenth of a man's devotion which is acceptable to Allah, but only such portion thereof as he offers with understanding and true devotional spirit."(Abu Daud & Nisai) The celebrated Imam Al Ghazzali has pronounced that in reading the sacred book (Qura'n) heart and intelligence must work together. (The Kitab-ul-Mustatraf, Ch-1) ![]() Obeying every order of Allah is Ibadah. Islam is a way of life and leading life as per this doctrine is Ibadah. The worship is not ritual that is seen by us but the spirit of worship lies in one's obedience for the pleasure of Allah. Maulana Maududi in his famous book Towards Understanding Islam defines Ibadah in these terms: "The Islamic concept of Ibadah is very wide. If you free your speech from filth, falsehood, abuse etc. and speak the truth, they constitute Ibadah. If you obey the Law of God in letter and spirit in your social, commercial and economic affairs are also Ibadah. Enjoining right and eliminating wrong is Ibadah. A set of formal Ibadah has been drawn up as a course of training." The glorious Qura'n says: It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces (in prayer) towards the East or the West; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah; who giveth money for God's sake unto his kindred and unto orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and for the redemption of slaves; who is constant at prayers and giveth alms. (2:177) ![]() The five-time prayers remind a person of Allah's injunctions and one finds oneself answerable, in the prayer, to Allah, for one's deeds. The institution of fasting has the legitimate object of restraining the persons from all the gratification of the sense, and directing the overflow of the animal spirit into a healthy channel thus to create a sense of piety. The Holy Qura'n says: O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may (learn) self-restraint. (2:183) Zakah is not simply a voluntary contribution, but, rather, it is a duty enjoined by Allah in the interest of society as a whole. It purifies one's property and one's hearts from selfishness and greed for wealth. "Zakah", states Mohmudah Abdalati in his book Islam in Focus, "is vivid manifestation of the spiritual and humanitarian spirit of responsive interactions between the individual and society." The true spirit of Haj lies in monotheism and universal brotherhood. People belonging to different modes of living, speaking different languages, having social and geographical differences behave as one people. Haj makes manifest the basic importance of a world congress, at the centrality of Makkah, for the establishment of peace and fraternity. The Hajis repeat humbly these words of the patriarch, Say, truly, my worship and my service of sacrifice, my living and my dying are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds. (Qura'n, 6:162) While sacrificing animals on the eve of Id-ul-Adha Muslims the world over recall the event of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) in which he had offered sacrifice of his son for the pleasure of Allah. The spirit of this symbolic sacrifice lies in one's resolve to surrender before Allah all the belonging including one's life. The Holy Qur'an (22:37) clarifies the essence of it in these terms:It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your righteousness that reaches Him. The ultimate objective of Islam is to abolish the lordship of man over man, and to bring him under the rule of one God. Maulana Maududi points out the importance of Jihad in these words: "All acts of worship have been reduced to their spiritual content… Merely exhortations and good counsel will not help. If you want to eradicate exploitation of men by men, prevent misuse of human wealth and talent, stop oppression and establish justice, erase exploitation and immorality, corruption, stop bloodshed, give dignity to the downtrodden, restore equality, prosperity and peace for all. Stand up and fight against corrupt rule; take power and use it on God's behalf. It is useless to think that you can change things by preaching alone." (Let Us Be Muslims) You are the best community evolve for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. (Qur'an, 3:110) Holy Quran (4:75) further says: And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and (for) those who, being weak, are ill treated (and oppressed). Spirit of Islam These are the revolutionary message and spirit of Islam. Unfortunately most of the Muslim scholars are sitting over these and fear to propagate. While Holy Qur'an declares:"Whatever misfortunate happens to you, is because of the things your own hand have earned." (42:30) Some Muslim leaders have got us immersed in rituals alone. They are hopelessly ignorant of the essence of our great faith. Islam is to be rediscovered at least by its followers and its spirit is to be regained. We must try to understand the doctrines of Islam by our own selves instead of depending on others. Allah says in the Qur'an,"And we have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember."(6:155) In the words of Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi,"There is an urgent need to imbibe Islamic teachings in their pristine form as expounded by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and practiced by his companions which have the way for our unity, safety and welfare. We must revert to the glorious Qur'an."(Plain Speaking to Muslims) The guidance offered by the glorious Qur'an is enough for the community as a perfect and infallible guide for all times and under all conditions however worse they be. It is high time we started organizing our community on the slogan of Taleem(education), Tanzeem(unity), Tijarat (business/service) and Tahaffuz(security). Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change their own condition. (Qur'an, 13:11) ![]() |
Riots and the Question of Economic development of Indian Muslims
... By
Mohammad Allam, Aligarh ( ![]() In the present world order, wherein the economic power carries far more weight than any other power, Indian Muslims lag far behind expectations in terms of economic muscle. With huge population of around more than 150 million, Indian Muslims should have been in a much better position than their counterparts. But due to lack of education, proper vision, planning for development, leadership crisis, and frequent occurrences of communal riots, they are in worst position. After 65 years of independence, if they are in this condition, not even in the stage of economic take-off, from where can the community start its journey of development? Burning of Assam in communal riots is not a new phenomenon. The 65 years of Indian history tells us enough about how Indian Muslims were deliberately destroyed economically, socially, politically and culturally through the tool of communal riots. Whether it was planned like Gujrat (2002) or not planned like thousands of other communal riots which broke out in various parts of India, they reflected the commercial angle of inflicting maximum economic damage. Eminent historian Bipin Chadra says that communal riots started in 19th Century but did not occur frequently till 1946-47. (Communalism in Modern India). The cost of these riots is worth billions of dollars. The shocking finding is that, in most of the cases of communal riots, Muslims suffered heavily in economic terms. A startling finding was that in most of the communal riots, the rioters targeted the property of Muslims on large scale. According to one estimate of State Government of Gujarat, the total loss of property, in 2002 pogrom, was around Rs 687 crores. This proves beyond doubt that these rioters had planned to block economic development of Indian Muslims. ![]() During the time of the British Government, most of the riots were termed as a tool by the imperialist power to divide India on communal line, so that the imperialist power could rule for longer period of time. But what about the present state of communal riots? Is it not a handiwork of the communal forces which want to divide the country on communal line? If so, then why does the government continue to be a silent spectator in all these cases? Has the government hidden wish to allow this trend of communal violence to be continuing against Muslims? If we analyse major communal riots of India, we find that the policy of government is less focused on preventive methods but mostly involves post-riot reactionary measures, while the need of time is to implement such policy which could prevent the occurring of communal riots. One example is the delay in passing of Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011. This delay shows that the government is under grip of hidden communal forces of India. Is it not shocking that communal riots are handiwork of the seekers of power through vote politic? If it is true then still the Indian Muslim are sufferers. The most striking aspect is that they are targeted by the communal forces through means of legally acquired democratic power, which is considered a blessing to the citizens of every country around the world? Most of the communal riots use to occur during the time of elections. Why? ![]() What should be done? The Indian Muslim should unite and strongly influence public opinion. The media should be in their hands by producing more and more journalists and experts of laws posted around the world, while politically they have to be neutral players in politics of vote. Every political party is the same for Indian Muslims. Some destroy Indian Muslims secretly and indirectly, while others hurt them directly and openly. The only difference is the approach. The Indian Muslim should invest more in developing human resources than in immovable properties. They should invest overseas through own banking systems. While the creation of a powerful centre for raising voice should be centered outside of India. A quick and well established relationship with all the maslaks of India should be top priority. These maslaki people should know that they are Muslims in the eyes of communal forces. It doesn’t matter how much they are secular. Indian Muslims should strengthen the hands of all those secular people who are fighting on behalf of them against the communal forces. A better link with the people of other Islamic nations and organizations would be better to defeat the communal forces in India who have become insane due economic development of the country. These communal forces should be made to realize that the economic development of India is directly or indirectly also linked to Islamic nations where the Indian Muslims are presented as progressive and well developed in India through agents (e.g., Indian diplomatic officers). This is really surprising that Indian Muslims earn hard currency for the nation and facilitate the “Oil Diplomacy” and “Market Facilitator” in Islamic countries while they are vulnerable at home. ![]() ![]() The holding of some high official positions by Indian Muslims does not mean that everything is fine for rest of them. In fact these post-holders are big stakeholders in the power politics and are of no use for the Indian Muslims. So, the communal riots whether killing the people on large scale or not, creating panic among the Muslims or not, one thing is certain that these riots have destroyed the economic power of Indian Muslims, and are not letting them reach a stage of economic take-off from where any community develops leaps and bounds. Wonder when Indian Muslims will get this chance! But it is certain that this will not be possible as long as communal riots continue to occur frequently and all the monetary savings of Indian Muslims are used for their survival, and rehabilitation of lakhs and lakhs of Muslims turned homeless, living in unbearable camps. Can anybody give an example from around the world where any group of citizens faces violence and damage on such a large scale, and still became an economic power? |
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