Beings are Superior to Angels – a supremacist conversation
... by Shakeel Ahmad
Supporter (Humanist): Human beings are superior to angels.
Angel Supporter
(Angelist): Really? Is it because of the free will - the
freedom to choose a life of their own? But, Is that not quite
dangerous? Compared with the life of the angels, guided by the Creator,
the freelancing human being is more likely to wander in darkness by
deviating from the light of guided path too far. Going astray is more
likely a course than many would love to believe, particularly because
of the free guidance his perpetual enemy, the satan, is ready to offer
by luring him towards desires he craves for. The satan may argue that
angels cannot enjoy their lives, while you can; the Creator has blessed
you with senses that need to be satisfied, desires that must not be
tamed; live life to the fullest by making every moment bring you
pleasure. How logical, and convincing! The likelihood of falling into
this trap is very high; after all, our father, Adam Alaihis Salam,
could not resist the tempting call of the satan! Angels run no such
risk, and they are bound to bag the heaven without any trial or
tribulation. The angels are symbols of purity, destined for the Jannah,
while we have to earn it for ourselves; and, from all that we know, it
comes the hard way. So, how are we humans superior to them?
Supporter (Humanist): We are superior to angels in terms
of knowledge – both types – that which comes straight from the Creator
through prophets or transmitted through angels (original, divine
knowledge), and that which we acquire through the cognitive abilities
we are blessed with, or derive from the original.
And He taught
Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels,
and said: "Tell me the names of these if ye are right." They
said: "Glory to Thee, of knowledge We have none, save what Thou Hast
taught us: In truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and
wisdom." [Quran, 2:31-32]
Our Creator Who is perfect in knowledge and wisdom gave us knowledge
(taught us) upon which we are expected to act, and take our decisions;
and if we do this, we would be acting wisely, and earning the Jannah
would be easy. So, we can minimize the risk of losing Jannah by
accessing the sources of perfect knowledge and wisdom which Allah has
unleashed only for humans, not for angels. Equipped with this perfect
knowledge and wisdom, we can easily recognize the deceit of Satan, if
we want to, and can win eternal pleasure and enjoyment.
… whosoever
follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
[Quran, 2:38].
Angelist: But, men misuse
knowledge to do just the opposite of what is expected from them - they
inflict pain on other men, indulge in bad deeds, and rebel against the
Creator by disobeying His clear commandments. The enticement of this
world is so attractive that it distracts men from using knowledge for
their own benefits.
Humanist: Angels do not
have access to the vast body of knowledge and wisdom that Allah has
blessed us with. That is what makes us superior to them. Right?
Angelist: What use is knowledge
that can ruin men of akhirah’s unlimited bounties? What use is the
knowledge that would make them fuel of the hellfire? [Quran, 2: 24, 3:
10, 21: 98-99, 66: 6, 72: 15]
Humanist: Humans are
vicegerent of Allah on earth, not the angels. Angels are merely
programmed to perform orders, like machines that we humans can also
make to do our work. By declaring us as His vicegerent on earth, Allah
has delegated to us humans some of His powers by sharing His knowledge
and wisdom so that we take the right decisions on His behalf. For this
purpose, He has blessed us with intellect that angels do not possess.
So, are we not superior to angels?
Only righteous men fulfill the responsibility as vicegerent of Allah on
earth. Most others pursue their own selfish desires, mislead other men,
and fall into the trap of Allah’s enemies. Men become rebels by
refraining from worshipping Him; they even start worshipping other
beings (or, obey others in violation of Allah’s orders). Men even
declare partners to the Creator, by ascribing to them powers that are
unique to the Almighty. Angels never ever tire worshipping their Lord.
“But if they are too proud (to do so), then there are those who are
with your Lord (angels) glorify Him night and day, and never are they
tired” [Quran, 41:38].
Indeed, those (the angels) who are near your Lord are not prevented by
arrogance from His worship, and they exalt Him, and to Him they
prostrate. [Quran, 7:206]

Humanist: Angels worship
their Creator because they were programmed to do so; nothing great
about it! Humans worship their Creator even when they are given a
choice of not doing so. So, who is superior among the two? Angels
perform duties, as ordered, while men perform good deeds by their own
choice. So, who is superior among the two? When a man sees another man
in pain, he comes forward to help; angels would not do this unless
ordered to do so. So, who is superior among the two?
Humans are also borne with animal desires, and find it difficult to
tame them. Angels are purified beings and carry no such characteristics
of the animals.
Humanist: But, we do use
our intellect to win over all such base desires, thus mounting over
internal challenges that we are borne with, and at the same time
defeating the external challenges from another creation of Allah, the
Satan. Angels don’t have to face any such challenges!
Angels don’t die; they are blessed with an eternal life free of pain
and suffering. They would not taste the torments of hellfire. All of
these are reserved for humans and jinns alone.
Humanist: You are
created to serve humans, and would remain a servant forever. In the
heaven, angels will have to fulfill all our desires, as promised by our
Creator. The life of angels is so dull; no excitement, no pleasures, no
recreations, just obedience!

note of caution: Any premise of who is better could be
correct only if the ONE Who created us both confirms this, else we run
the same risk as the Satan. The Satan, created out of fire, considered
himself superior to Adam Alaihis Salam who was made of clay. “I am
superior to the human being you have created”, he declared. That was
Iblees’s derived knowledge; derived from a fact; that he was made of
fire while Adam Alaihis Salam was made of clay. He faltered in defining
the parameters of superiority. Allah ordered the angels (and the Jinns)
to bow down before the human being He had created. Was it not to
declare the superiority of humans above all of His other creations? So,
if we claim that we humans are definitely superior to the angels, can
it be considered a fact, or merely, knowledge derived from some fact?
And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on
the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred
them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.
[Quran, 17:70]
Satan always sleeps in peace because his vast army of foot-soldiers
makes sure that truth forever remains elusive to us, and we are
confused with too many enticing options. If any of his soldiers
disturbed his peace with the news of one more human on Earth having
found the truth, he would casually say, “Go away, this must not bother
you. I have infiltrated the human race so deep that among them are more
of my warriors, known as intellectuals, who will get him caught in a
web of superficial scholarly thoughts wrapped in exhilarating phrases
that would soon disillusion him away from the truth to the illusory
frills and thrills of his present life.”
There is no need for us to get caught in such webs of words that bring
only superfluous knowledge. What benefit could possibly accrue to us if
we knew which was superior - humans or angels?
the Storm: a documentary on former terror-accused
Shubhradeep Chakravorty (

the Storm” is a documentary narrating stories of seven former
terror-accused persons set free by various law courts across
India. Mukhtar Ahmed, Mohammad Fassiuddin Ahmed, Umar Farooq,
Motasim Billah, Harith Ansari, Mohammad Musarrat Hussain ‘Bobby’ and
Shaik Abdul Kaleem are among thousands of Muslim youth arrested,
falsely implicated and then acquitted in terror cases. The film
narrates their ordeal and miseries and sheds light on their current
fight for survival. The documentary strongly advocates that they must
be compensated, cases against them withdrawn and an unconditional
public apology should be made by the authorities to reassure people's
faith in democracy and democratic institutions.
Forty-nine years old Mukhtar Ahmed from Bangalore was in retail
business of readymade garments when he was picked up by the Central
Bureau of Investigation on 3 September 1993 under Terrorist and
Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA) and framed in
the Chennai RSS (Hindu rightwing organisation) regional headquarters
blast case. In all, 17 persons were arrested in this case. He was
acquitted by all the courts and the final judgement came from the
Supreme Court on 6 December 2010. In all, he spent six years in jail
and was forced to remain in Chennai on conditional bail for eight years
away from his family and business. Though he has now achieved some
success in re-establishing his business but still struggles on for
Mohammad Fassiuddin Ahmed from Hyderabad was doing his graduation when
he was picked up on 1 September, 2007 by Hyderabad police as a suspect
in the blast at Gokul chat shop and Lumbini Park. Ironically, his
cousin died in one of these blasts. He was shown arrested on 5
September, 2007, i.e., five days after his actual arrest. He spent six
months in jail and finally secured his acquittal in February 2008.
Though he finished his graduation somehow yet mental trauma and fear
still haunt him.
Twenty-eight years old Umar Farooq was picked up by Ahemdabad police on
11 May, 2006 in the conspiracy case to kill rightwing Hindutva leaders.
He was shown arrested on 9 June, 2006 along with five others. After
spending four and a half years in jail, he finally secured his
acquittal on 29 July, 2010 but his life stands ruined today. Currently
he is unemployed and his family is debt-ridden as a result of his
arrest and fighting legal cases.
On 5 March, 2008 engineering student Moutasim Billah was sitting in
front of his house in old Hyderabad when he was picked up by the police
and then, along with 20 others, he was framed in Hyderabad conspiracy
case. He spent six months in jail before securing his acquittal on 31
December 2008. Though he spent a relatively shorter time in jail but
his education got ruined and he is yet to finish his engineering course
and marriages of his sisters are not getting fixed due to his social

Harith Ansari is
son of Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, a prominent Ahmedabad-based social activist
and politician. Harith was in the profession of medical transcription
and was doing well. He was picked up on 7 December, 2003 from his home
but his arrest was shown on 11 Dec, 2003. Along with five others,
Harith was framed in conspiracy to conduct bomb blast in prominent
buildings of Ahmadabad. After remaining six years in jail, he was
finally acquitted on 12 December, 2009. Currently he is unemployed and
struggling to find his way in life.
Thirty-five years old Mohammad Musarrat Hussain ‘Bobby’ was working in
a printing press when he was picked up on 5 March 2002. His arrest was
shown on 7 March 2002. He was charged as a conspirator in the firing
and killing of policemen at the American Center, Kolkata. He spent
eight years in jail and remained on death row for five years. Finally,
Kolkata High Court acquitted him on 7 Feb 2010. His family is in bad
shape today and along with his two daughters and wife, he took shelter
in the house of his father-in-law.
Shaik Abdul Kaleem is the person who was credited to influence Swami
Aseemanand by his behaviour and prompted him to confess the Hindu
terror plots. He was a paramedical student when he was first time
picked up by the police on 1 June 2007. His arrest was shown on 7 June
2007. He was framed in Mecca Masjid blast case and fake SIM cards case.
After spending one and a half years in jail, he secured his acquittal
on 20 September 2008 in the SIM cards case and on 22 Jan 2009 in the
RDX case. Currently he is studying law.
Director of the documentary Shubhradeep Chakravorty is a journalist by
training and documentary filmmaker by passion. He is a post-graduate in
Political Science and International Relations. He works independently
and is interested in making documentaries based on current
affairs. So far he has made four documentaries. His first
independent documentary film was Godhra Tak: The Terror Trail. It is an
investigative documentation of the barbaric incident of 27 Feb 2002, in
which coach S6 of Sabarmati Express was burnt down at Godhra railway
station in Gujarat. Fifty-nine passengers including several Karsevaks
died in that fire. The film tries to find out what actually happened at
Godhra railway station on that day and how far the allegation of a
conspiracy is true. This incident was used to start anti-Muslim riots
in Gujarat in 2002.
In 2008 he finished his second documentary ‘Encountered on Saffron
Agenda?’ which is a film based on investigative documentation of
encounters of Sameer Khan Pathan (22 October, 2002), Sadik Jamal (13
January, 2003), Ishrat Jahan & Javed Seikh (16 June, 2004) and
Shorabuddin Seikh (26 November, 2005) which all happened in Gujarat.
Those killed were said to have been on a mission to kill the Chief
Minister Narendra Modi who had allegedly organised the 2002 genocide of
Muslims in the state after Godhra train burning incident. The film
tries to find out the truth behind Police stories and politics of
encounters in Gujarat.
In 2012 he came out with his third documentary ‘Out of Court
Settlement.’ It is based on the tales of killings, beating up and
intimidation of several defense lawyers across the country who were
appearing in terror-related cases. This documentary tries to put forth
the ensuing danger to rule of law in the country because of such
For more info and to order, contact the author.
This article appeared in The Milli Gazette print issue of 1-15 August
2012 on page no. 3
