is not always the Mullah!
... By Asma Anjum Khan
This was how a dear friend teased me when I decided to use the Islamic
veil for my outings. Of course, she was speaking only the half truth.
It was a decision I made for myself as I felt happy about it. Contrary
to the alleged reports of the Mullah Mafia forcing women to don a burqa
, my decision to wrap the black garb around myself was a voluntary one.
Sorry to disappoint my liberal and moderate friends.
I arrived on the burqa scene after due deliberation and because I
simply loved it. It was irresistible, this long and flying robe gives
me a certain confidence to move around, perfect in satisfaction that,
no one would dare throw a nasty look or a remark at me, or act smart.
a Muslim woman not make her own choice in deciding to put on a hijab?
I felt confident and free in my garb. Earlier when I didn't wear one, (
I never thought I would!) I was perennially concerned about my
appearance and the way I would like to present myself before others. A
Make up kit is something which I have always stayed away from. But
there were other crucial questions. Are my sapphire ear studs analogous
with my light azure sharara? Is my dupataa going well with my ensemble
or is it a bit muted? And most importantly my crowning glory, Tangled I
was! Have always had a hard time, keeping this tangled glory in place!
But with the donning of the black abaya , all these questions were put
to rest and I felt a rare calm in my being. The natural desire of a
woman to look /appear beautiful/presentable for her immediate outside
world, gave way to focusing on my inner virtues. The outward gave way
to the inward progress and I felt a mysterious ecstasy, the moment the
soft flowing robe engulfed my little being. It became my universe. [Not
forgetting to add, I still worry about azure ear studs, but not so
Hailing from a middle class Muslim family consisting mostly of
academicians, my choice didn't go down well with my immediate audience.
No one, absolutely no one, in my family, paternal, maternal or the in-
laws, used an abaya or burqa. I became the trend-setter. Feedback
ranged from absolute shock, discomforting looks, weird commentary or a
shrug of shoulders, from friends, relations and well wishers. You will
die of heat, was the common rejoinder I got tired of hearing. My swift
move to cotton cools instead of the nylon ones was wiser and a dampener
on their free flowing and easily available teasing spirit. Even dear
hubby, initially, didn't take to it very kindly, refusing to accompany
me for outings....with a snobbish remark..."I don't have the courage to
be seen with a burqa clad woman. My friends would think, I forced it on
He feared. He was right.
She must have been forced to wear this burqa!
Why do people have to jump to this one and only conclusion ,the moment
they see a woman clad in the black, that she must have been FORCED to
wear it?
Yeah, there may be instances where women might have undergone this
ordeal but not always. We must try to be valiant enough to look at the
other side of the story as well. The arguments can be done on both the
sides, but as I am not a lawyer, I can only present my side of the
story , as it exists.
Public in general gives mixed reactions to burqa wearing women. But
mostly I find them treating us with respect and I often get the first
preferential spot in the queue, if the room is overcrowded with men and
of course with great respect and sounds of “Sister, you go first,” kind
of kind things, said to me.
But the so called liberal fraternity doesn't take kindly to the veil.
They are generally hostile and the common perception, even among them,
is that a burqa wearing woman must be a backward illiterate female with
little common sense. I face it almost on a regular basis. The judge on
an influential renowned university panel 's remark after my winning all
the three academic competitions , hands down, was telling enough.
“I can’t believe you have done it!” She declared.
The reference was to my being behind a black veil, all the while.
I think it’s high time for those among us with the sobriquets of
moderates and liberals, that it’s not always the Mullah! By saying so,
you are insulting my intelligence and doubt my capability of
comprehending things for myself and entirely on my own. There may be
and there are increasing instances of women opting for Islamic veil, of
their own free will, of their own accord. It’s their choice, made
without any sort of compulsion . The Mullahs won't be able to make any
moolah here, with us the educated Muslim women of today.
By saying that the Mullahs force us to do so, you are also questioning
my right to use an ensemble which fits as per my religious and ethical
norms. It’s against their own liberal spirit.
And as I cherish the concern of my well wishers for the deficiency of
Vitamin D, due to the black robes drowning me into their yielding folds
,and disallowing any sun rays, let me tell them, I also have vitamin I.
Hence in my place of dwelling I emerge out of my abaya and soak in the
soft sunlight, to my heart's content. And if some liberal insists even
now on my allegedly being forced to do it, I'd rather say, leave me
The supple touch of my soft abaya soothes my soul too. My veil gives me
a delight indescribable in words, it gives me a confidence, I didn’t
find earlier in my being , and most important of all, it defines me ,
it gives me my sense of a dignified identity and tells me who I am.
A woman in black.
Yes, it’s not always the Mullah!
P.S.: I respect all the scholars whether they are called Mullah,
Maulana ,Sant , Sadhu or Father or Priest. I have used the term Mullah
here as it is this term our liberal friends use liberally to ridicule
us and our practices.
You a Sagittarius or a Scorpio?” Ah! So you Believe in Horoscopes!
From “Beyond Education”
collection – Nissar
Nadiadwala’s Editorial for Young Muslims

Amongst the best sellers are the books that can be the best corrupters.
For example: Linda Goodman's “Love Signs”. In my college days, almost
every student discussed love signs. They chose friends on the basis of
star signs. Proposals for affairs were carefully chosen on the basis of
birth dates. Even today people are made to believe in a very gullible
manner that people born with certain star signs will make good partners
in love.
I remember in the late eighties when Saddam invaded Kuwait, suddenly a
book that became the best seller overnight. Nostradamus was not known
by many, and then he became a household name amongst the book lovers.
The publishers claimed that Nostradamus had written a book some 400
years back and had predicted what was going to happen in each century!
Nobody cross checked the translations, but accepted it, because one of
the so called prophesies matched with the appearance of Saddam Hussein.
I saw many Muslims who were regular in worship also falling prey to the
fraud book. The publisher really made a fortune out of the book, which
perhaps was not predicted by Nostradamus himself.
Today there are fortune tellers among Muslims too! They guarantee
swiftness in success, blessings in your wealth, and increase in your
children. They call you in the name of religion. They are companions of
Shayateen. I would rather say that they are the PROs of Iblees. They
bless you with the information of ghaib, news about a son or a good
job. They give religious title to support or claim.
How many of you have noticed that there are even certain newspapers run
by Muslims (Urdu too) publishing forecasts for the readers? I declare
this to be a massacre of faith when Muslims open up the page of a
forecast to see what lies for them in future and believing it
religiously not realizing that they are washing off their faith.
If you believe in horoscopes then know this: in your horoscope, there
is “more horror and less scope.”
I say this because this is predicted in the hadith:
“Whoever believes in an astrologer has disbelieved in what Muhammad
(peace be upon him) has brought, i.e. The Qur'an,” declares the Sahih
Hadith of Abu Dawood.
The other hadith of Sahih Muslim: “Whoever approaches an astrologer or
a palmist (or a Tarot reader, or a Fengshui or Linda Goodman, or
Nostradamus or Vastu Shastra) and believes in what they say, he will
have 40 days of Ibadah discredited from his accounts.” Very simple!
