BaKhabar ![]() |
world must follow Prophet Muhammad to achieve success and salvation!
![]() Ever since the release of the latest dirty video on our Prophet (PBUH), I was thinking to write on the historical reason behind mockery and the hate campaign. The question why Islam and its Prophet is always under attack by some groups of people has just one word answer: Jealousy! Read on….. The Jews and Christians were already informed by their respective Prophets – Moses and Jesus (PBUT) about the coming of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the need to obey and follow him. The Old Testament is old and outdated and the New Testament is no more new. Now, the world has to follow the Last and Final Testament, that is the Qur’an. This is the only way and there can’t be any other alternative to success. Arrogance and prejudice have to be shed and things must be seen clearly. Our Creator’s Mercy is – and will be – upon those who are conscious of Him. And the sign that a person is conscious of his Lord is his believing in the Last Revelation and thereby following the guidance accordingly. This is the sum and substance of verses preceding verse 157 of Chapter 7 of Qur’an. Allah then immaculately and eloquently continues in verse 157 declaring the status as well as the role of His Last and Final Messenger, the unlettered Prophet. In addition to this, the responsibility of the followers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is also clearly mentioned there. Jews used to call non-Jews as Ummi, the Gentiles, and they were considering themselves to be above everyone, an arrogance still found among them! Otherwise there is no reason why Israel defies everything and takes even the United Nations as a garbage bin!! ![]() 1. يَأْمُرُهُم بِالْمَعْرُوفِ – He commands them al Maroof. Al Maroof in Arabic means: a) recognised norms, b) established principles, c) goodness, virtues, actions or deeds the goodness of which is established by accepted norms. This ayah clearly indicates and declares that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) DID NOT preach, practice or propagate anything absurd, illogical, irrational, uncivilized nor did he call people towards cranky principles! Islam, therefore, is based and built upon the principles of civilized behaviour. 2. وَيَنْهَاهُمْ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ – and he forbids them al Munkar. Al Munkar in Arabic means: 1. False, untrue, blameworthy 2. Wickedness, abomination 3. wrong doings, wrongs (in contrast to al maroof). This tells us that Prophet Muhammad sal-lal-laahu-alaihi-wa-sallam DID NOT preach, practice or propagate anything that is false, untrue, blameworthy, wicked, abominable or wrong. By calling people towards al Maroof and stopping them from doing al Munkar, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), not only set the standard of his mission but also made it clear to the people of the world that Islam is a natural way to adopt by any human being who cares to imbibe civilized patterns in his thought and actions, those that are accepted as recognizable and civilized norms at any point in history. This, in other words, means that Islam is a way of life, acceptable at all times, at all places and by all people who care for the accepted norms and hate to commit wrong and evil. 3. وَيُحِلُّ لَهُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ ‘and he permits them as lawful the Tayyibaat. In Arabic, Tayyibaat means: a) good, clean, fair, wholesome b) chaste, pure c) agreeable, pleasant. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) allowed his followers all that is good, clean, fair, wholesome, chaste, pleasant and agreeable. The halal things in Islam are nothing but Tayyibaat, pure and wholesome! 4. وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْخَبَائِثَ ‘and he prohibits them from what is bad (and impure)’. In Arabic, khabaa’ith comes from kh-ba-th which means ‘impurities, to be impure, to be wicked, to be bad, to be corrupt, to be vicious, to be nauseated; bad deeds, crimes, sins, evil, adultery; obscenities, abominations, sins, evil deeds. In the Civil as well as Criminal Laws of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), all things wicked, bad, corrupt, vicious, criminal, evil, impure, obscene are considered haram or prohibited. 5. وَيَضَعُ عَنْهُمْ إِصْرَهُمْ وَالْأَغْلَالَ الَّتِي كَانَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ ‘He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them’. Isr in Arabic means ‘load, burden’. Islam is a natural and easy way of life. It makes matters simple and reasonable. It is devoid of illogical and irrational claims and sanctions. Islam frees people from superstitious restrictions and regulations imposed by both priests and the common people. Likewise, this Messenger makes their lives free from the fetters with which Jews and Christians themselves had bound their lives. Islam is the greatest liberating force on earth! Allah, then, continues in this verse and spells out the responsibilities of the Muslim Community: After believing in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the Last and Final Messenger of Allah to humanity, Muslims must: 1. Honour him: We need to obey, respect and honour the Prophet of Islam. There is no better role model than him.We need to send salat and salam, greetings and salutations, upon our Prophet (PBUH). Defending him against mockery and insults is also one way of honouring the Prophet (peace be upon him). 2. Help him:Presenting the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the people of the world – dawah – is one way of helping him. He is the Last Prophet of Allah. No ‘Prophet’ is going to come after him. So we, the followers, must take his message to those who are unaware. We need to convey our Master’s message. In this way, we will be helping our Prophet (peace be upon him) to spread his message, far and wide. 3. ‘Follow the light which is sent down with him’: I love the word Ma’a مع used in this ayah. Allah is not telling us that He has sent ‘the light’ to him. ‘The light’ has been sent ‘With Him’! The Prophet of Islam came to this world ‘with the light’. The the light of Al Qur’an Al Kareem and the Sunnah an Nabawiyyah. The Enlightenment that has comes to us ‘with the Prophet’ must be followed in letter and spirit. Then comes the last word: أُولَـٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ ‘it is they who will prosper’! Subhanallah! Prosperity and salvation lies in following the Islam of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There is no other alternative to success and salvation. Follow Islam, achieve success. The choice is yours! |
Alleged Dowry OF Hadrat Fatima
… by Arbazul Hoda <>
our society, the marriage of a girl is a source of great honor and
prestige for the bride’s parents. They exhaust their utmost efforts to
discharge their parental responsibilities towards their daughters as
efficiently as possible leaving no stones unturned. However, in recent times the definition of marriage in our part of the world has been subjected to a bizarre altercation. From being “A Holy Union of two souls under the assurance and blessings of God Almighty” to some sort of a trade. To the rational mind the existing scenario seems to be some sort of commodity purchase saga i.e. we will marry our son to your daughter provided you provide as gift some fixed amount of money [usually in the Lakh denomination] and certain items of daily use which may range from jewelries to laptops to the entire household and kitchen accessories. These devilish dowry mongers and the pathetic and pervert attitude of the Indian society towards such a holy communion and its inability to eradicate this anomaly from its social and ethical scheme has brought about catastrophic changes. When people hear the news of the birth of a daughter they are engrossed by anxiety and turbulence thinking of the time when they will have to marry the daughter. The aftermath is visible in the form of large scale female feticide. We are currently residing in an era where every 86 out of 1000 men would find it impossible to find a female partner. We boast of harbouring a developing society whose foundations are laid on the pillars of rationalism and scientific spirit, yet practically we are regressing back to the days of Ignorance (Arabic=Ayyam al Jahiliyah). Allah SWT condemns such shallow and insensitive mentality. Allah says: ![]() ![]() Unfortunately even certain sections of the Muslim ummah have been entangled in the cobwebs of dowry mongering. To justify their wicked intentions they allege that it was the Holy Prophet (SAW) himself who initiated this practice by giving dowry to her daughter Hadrat Fatima when she was married to Hadrat Ali. A succinct and meticulous enquiry into their assertion would prove the futility of their argument. When Hadrat Fatima came of age (18 years old) many prominent personalities such as Hadrat Abu Bakr and Hadrat Umar sought her hand in marriage because establishing blood ties with the Prophet (SAW) was a matter of great esteem and reputation both in this world as well as the hereafter. The Prophet however kept silent and said that he was awaiting some sign from Allah. When Hadrat Ali approached the prophet for Fatima’s hand, the prophet sought Hadrat Fatima’s consent to which the latter kept silent which was obviously taken as her consent to the proposal. ![]() The Prophet enquired Hadrat Ali about what did he posses to give as “Mahr”. Hadrat Ali was an extremely impecunious sahabi. He did not have even his own home and used to live with the Prophet (SAW). He expressed his inability to the Prophet (SAW) in terms of any monetary possession. The Prophet (SAW) asked him about the shield he had to which the latter consented. The Prophet (SAW) ordered Hadrat Ali to sell the shield. Hadrat Ali sold the shield to Hadrat Uthman bin Affan who later on returned the shield to Hadrat Ali as a mark of goodwill and forbearance. The prophet summoned two women and handed them half the money and ordered them to prepare the bride i.e. Hadrat Fatima. With the remaining money the prophet bought some household accessories which would serve as Hadrat Fatima’s bridal gift or Dowry. The same consisted of a bed, a pillow filled with dried leaves of date palm tree, a water bag and a grinding stone. Points to Ponder #1. Hadrat Fatima and Hadrat Ali had the same Wali (guardian) i.e. the Prophet (SAW). Even the home in which Hadrat Fatima and Hadrat Ali embarked upon their marital life was gifted to them by an Ansari sahabi, Hadrat Harith bin Numan. #2. The Mahr (The money acquired by Hadrat Ali after selling his shield) was used by the Prophet (SAW) to: 1.
Get the bride ready for the marriage
2. To buy essential household items Note:-The Prophet (SAW) did not spend anything on his daughter’s marriage. The money was arranged by Hadrat Ali, the groom. Therefore it was Hadrat Ali (to be husband) who managed the fiscal affairs and not Hadrat Fatima’s father (The Prophet SAW). #3. The Resonance and Intellect of the Prophet (SAW) The Prophet (SAW) knew that when Hadrat Fatima would embark on her marital life, she would need certain necessities for day to day purpose Hadrat Ali was not having those items. The Prophet (SAW) knew that for drawing water from the well she would need a pot, so he gave her a water bag. Similarly, the Prophet (SAW) knew that for grinding wheat she would need a grinding stone. For sleeping she would need a bed and a pillow. Her dowry (water bag, grinding stone, bed and pillow) was in complete accordance and compliance only to her day to day needs. ![]() One Final statement which would deal a decisive blow to the farcical assertions of the dowry mongers and expose the fallacy of their argument Islamic history records no instance pertaining to the Prophet (SAW) giving dowry to his other three daughters, Hadrat Ruqqayah and Hadrat Umm Kulsum. Both were married to Hadrat Uthman bin Affan (he holds the distinction of being the only man to marry two daughters of a prophet. That is the reason that Hadrat Uthman is honored with the title Zun Noorayn- the one with two lights*). The Reason: Simple, explicit and concise. Hadrat Uthman was a wealthy merchant. Owing to his richness and generous nature he was also known as Uthman Ghani. Hadrat Uthman’s home was cushioned with every facility requisite for daily life. The Prophet (SAW) did not give anything (in dowry or as a bridal gift) to his other two daughters. People who allege that the Prophet (SAW) initiated the dowry system are nothing but defaming the Prophet (SAW) and his noble son in law, Hadrat Ali ibn Abi Talib, whose life is a tale of sacrifices espoused for the cause of Islam. Indeed the Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever defames Ali, defames me.” So, the next time you hear any of these dowry mongers using the prophetic name to satisfy their material lust, please give a reply to them with a suitable rejoinder which would expose the incongruity and discrepancy in their claim. And Allah knows best and He is the Source of all inspiration *It would be pertinent to note that the first daughter was married to him and when she died the second was also married to him. (This article is inspired by a Public Speech of the late Dr. Israr Ahmad. May Allah shower his mercy and blessings upon him). ![]() |
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