BaKhabar ![]() |
Update on Bihar Anjuman’s Activities during December 2012
Coaching Centre, Baghakuri, Kumardhubi, Dhanbad
(Jharkhand) conducted its 14th Awards ceremony,
on 9th January 2013, in its own premises, near
Jama Masjid: Chief Guest on the occasion was
Janab Rahmat Murtaza Sb, teacher of mathematics in JKRR +2 High School
Chirkunda, while Special Invitees who graced the occasion included
Janab Muhammad Faiyaz Baig Sb., Janab Muhammad Ashraf Sb.,
and Janab Muhammad Wakil Ahmad Sb. ![]() The program started, at 8 am, with recitation of “The Holy Quran” followed by its translation by Jb. Muhammad Faiyaz Baig Sb. After this, he welcomed the chief guest to the program and he delivered a brief introduction of Bihar Anjuman’s activities. Students of the coaching centre presented beautiful Naat and Nasheed. The chief guest Rahmat Murtaza Sb. Is a teacher of mathematics in JKRR +2 High School Chirkunda. He was very pleasant to attend the program. He appreciated the students for their beautiful presentation. Janab Muhammad Ashraf Sb, the teacher of the coaching centre, announced the name of Award winners, on the basis of fortnightly tests. Guests and teachers distributed awards in three categories: (a) Best Performance, (b) Best Achievements, and (c) Best Attendance. After the distribution of Awards, Jb. Muhammad Rahmat Murtaza Sb delivered his motivational speech, in which he told the students of class-X that they should work hard to get maximum marks in their matriculation exam as it is like the foundation stone on which they can build their bright careers. The program ended with Dua. 16th Awards Ceremony @ RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Motihari (East Champaran), on 4th January 2013, in the campus of Al-Ameen Educational and welfare trust, Siswa: [ Janab Md. Ali Umari Sb. (Principle of Kulliah Aisha Siddiqua, Siswa) graced the awards ceremony as chief guest, while special invitees included Janab Arshad Alam Sb., Janab Ejazul Haque Sb., and Janab Ali Ahmad Sb. The award ceremony started at 7:30 a.m. with recital of the Holy Quran by Saquib Ahsan sb. He told the audience about the success of man in the light of explanation (Tafseer) of Surah Al-Asar. ![]() After the Dars-e-Quran, Md. Ali Umari Sb. presented the Dars of Hadees. In the Dars of Hadees, Maulana Umari said, “The student who respects the teachers, he will be successful in future”. He gave some examples of the some people who achieved their goal by respecting their teachers. After this, Md. Danish and Md. Rashid presented their oration. End of oration, Jb. Shamim Akhter Sb. announced the result of the students of Rahbar Free Coaching Centre. The award was distributed by Master Maneer Sb. the programme was concluded at 9:00 am by the Hamd of Shaista Mukhtar. ![]() RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Chapra conducted its 24th Awards Ceremony on 13th January 2013, at Islamia High School, Olhanpur: Janab Jamil Ahmad Sb., Manager Logistic in Saudi Arabia, MBA from Delhi, graced as Chief Guest of the function, while Janab Mohd. Arshad Ali Sb., Zakir Hussain Sb. and Janab Salam Khan Sb. were the Special Guests invited on the occasion. The program started at 10 am with recital of the Holy Qura’n by Janab Mohd. Arshad Ali Sb., Hafiz. The program started at 10.00 am with recital of the Holy Qura’n by Janab Mohd. Arshad Ali Sb., Hafiz.. ![]() The program was anchored by Janab Zakir Hussain sb., he gave a brief introduction of Rahbar coaching and Bihar Anjuman activities. He welcomed the chief guest and introduced him to the audience. The Chief Guest, Janab Jamil Ahmad sb congratulated the local committee members to run the Rahbar coaching centre with responsibility. He also requested parents to attend award ceremony on regular basis and keep an eye on their ward’s studies and daily activities. He motivated the students and said that specially 10 class students should be very serious about their board exam preparation. The ceremony was followed by prize distribution to the students who had scored well in Dec. exams. The Vote of Thanks was delivered by head of local committee Janab Salam Khan sb. The ceremony concluded at 11.30 am. ![]() The program started at 4 pm with the recital of the Holy Qur’an by Ajmal Shafique, a student of Class IX, at this RCC. ![]() Br. Ahmad Ullah Falahi welcomed and greeted all the teachers, students, and specially the chief guest. After the inaugural speech, Br. Reyazuddin has said that, recently education has emerges as a technically advanced and important field. The man is identified through education and he is understood in the society. Today’s world is facing education explosion, but meanwhile morality is degrading. We should aim at getting education with moral values, so that would save our generation. Chief Guest Br. Amjad Ali Sb., said "It is an opportunity for me that I am here and distributing prizes in front of you. I think that if somebody would gave award like you so that I would get happiness. But unfortunately I have lost my time, but I wish to study more but in vein due to busy schedule. You people can make this dream successful, because you are here only to read. I leave you hoping that you will keep these things in your mind forever." The program got concluded at 5:10 pm with dua. 22nd Awards Ceremony @ RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Arwal @ Arwal Public School, Purani Arwal, on 10th January 2013: Md Sanjar Imam, High school teacher, Arwal graced the occasion as its Chief Guest, while Haji Alimuddin Sb., Retd. Health Dep., Md. Akbar Shahab, Md. Mojahid Hussain, Press reporter, and Maulana Tayab Mozahiri, Masjid Imam & social worker were the Special Invitees among others. ![]() The Award Ceremony started at 09.30 a.m. with recital of the Holy Qur’an by Shahjehan bano. Shahjehan Bano is a student of class Xth of Rahbar Free Coaching Centre, Arwal. Md. Jawed Aslam Sb, introduced all the guests and invitees. He briefed the audience about Bihar Anjuman and Rahbar Coaching Centre. Then, he called upon Maulana Taiyab Sb to advise the students. |
Anjuman launches Madina Munawwarh Chapter, on 31st January 2013:
Congratulations! Brother Fakhrul Hassan Sb reports from the holy city of Madinah Munawwarah: Dear Brother Assalamoalaikum. Glad to inform you that,by grace of Allah subhanahu taala and with DUA of you all brothers, BA-Madina Chapter launched succesfully on 31st jan2013,al hamdulillah. Meeting Started with telawate quran, Surah An-Naas, by Azizi Mohd Bin Abdullah. Then, self Introduction by all brothers followed. Detailed discussion on Objective of BA took thereafter. A Copy of BA objective was handed over to all brothers. Being the first BA meet, there was good exchange of ideas and interst on BA by all. This is also discussed and agreed that hereafter all the brothers will do dawah for BA, and try to bring more and more brothers for next meet inshaalah. This is also discussed that, how to assist and help the Hujjaj e Keram, during Haj (futire plan) With mashwara by all brother my self nominated as Convenor and Bhai Abdullah as Co-Convenor. Next meet will be held on 7th march 2013 inshaallah, venue and time will be circulated latter. Meeting end up with dua by brother Rezaullah. List of participants is available on request. There colud be some brother may join,but due to short notice dawat not reached to all, and also due to bad weather some brother not abale to join,any way, inshaallah next meet we will do workout from one week before, and we can see decent attendence in-sha Allah. Look forward to your support on reach dawat to brothers whom you know here in MADINA, My association again with BA is after long gap,your sugessions and advice highly important to me. Note: brother Fakhrul Hassan Sb can be contacted on ![]() ![]() 15th Awards Ceremony @ RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Bhagalpur, on 6th January 2013, at Fatima Girl's high School, Puraini village Mrs. Rabiya Khatoon (Zila Parishad member, Bhagalpur) graced the function as Chief Guest, while Mrs. Shamima Khatoon (Principal Of Urdu Girls High School, Bhagalpur) as Guest of honour. The 15th Award distribution Ceremony of Rahbar Free Coaching Centre, Bhagalpur started at 9:00 am. Some local guardians were also present during the Award ceremony. After distributing of Awards, the guests expressed their pleasure and appreciation for the valuable service rendered to the society by Bihar Anjuman. They were particularly impressed with the fact that the teachers were devoted to this mission. The students were highly enthusiastic during the function and they were impatiently awaiting the announcement of the prize winner. Later, both the honourable guests blessed the students with their valuable advices and guidance on how to make a success of themselves and make their parents and society proud of them. The function was attended by other elites of the locality and the guardians who thanked Bihar Anjuman for organising and maintaining such a valuable educational centre. The function ended with vole of thanks to all by Jb. Syed Ali Manzoor sb committee head and Jb. Najmul Haque Sb., centre in-charge. The function ended with vole of thanks to all by Jb. Najmul Haque Sb. Centre-in-charge. The guests were served with light refreshment and toffees were distributed among the students. 31st Awards Ceremony of RCC Muzaffarpur conducted on 6th January 2013 @ Hazrat Ali Academy, Chandwara: The program was graced by Janab Engineer Sharique sb. as chief guest, while other dignitaries who added glitter to the occasion as social invitees were Janab Mansoor Alam Sb., patron of RCC Muzaffarpur, Mr. Anil Kumar (teacher), Janab Kishor sb, and Dr. Azam Rahmani Sb. ![]() The ceremony started at 4:15 pm, with recitation of Quran, by Md. Sharique, a student of RCC Muzaffarpur. Dr. Azam Rahmani Sb. welcomed the guests and conducted the function. The ceremony started at 4:15 pm, with recitation of Quran, by Md. Sharique, a student of RCC Muzaffarpur. Dr. Azam Rahmani Sb welcomed the guests and conducted the function. The Chief Guest, Er. Sharique Sb, rendered a gorgeous discourse on prominence of education. He said that a student must be prompt in time, and must be disciplined in every custom. He made an appeal to be punctual in the class. One who studies text books himself and is eager to know what the book is saying, is the best student. To get a grand success, a student should be ready to tackle the glitches himself and with the help of class-teachers. Making a schedule, and sticking to it, will make you accomplish the important goal of learning. Pr. Mansoor Alam Sb urged the Muslim community to take up the assigned role of Allah’s khalifa on earth, and help the society around them and the country. This means that they must stop begging or demanding from the government, and focus on giving alone, because “beggars can’t be choosers”. He further said, “Leadership role can only be assigned to those who are always ready to give, which is confirmed by the holy Quran which talks about giving, not about taking, seeking, or begging from others. The first word that was given to the prophet destined to lead the world was "Iqra" (read), and that’s what would make the true believers lead the world once again. So, we need to focus on education alone, if we want to take up the important role of Alla’s khalifa, and lead in contributing to the development of the country and the world.” Finally, the event came to an end after distribution of awards to best performing students (3 categories), the program concluded with dua by Prof. M. M. Alam sb. 20th Awards Ceremony of RCC Gopalganj @ Hathwa was conducted on 16th January 2013, at Iqra Public High School: Mr. Brajesh Prasad Shrivastawa (Owner and principal of Shantiniketan Aawasiye Vidyaalya, Hathwa). The 20th Awards Ceremony of Rahbar Coaching Centre, Hathwa, started at 2:00 P.M. with the recital of the Holy Quran by Nafisa Firdaus, a student of Std IX. Dr. Manoj Kumar welcomed the Chief Guest and introducing him to the audience he said that the severe cold didn’t permit us to hold the prize ceremony in the first week of the month. He said that Mr Brajesh Prasad Shrivastawa is among the first generation of local educationists who popularized English education in this area. He was of the opinion that there are many students whose parents and grandparents would have been the students of his school. He briefed the Chief Guest about Rahbar’s initiatives. Br Hashmi was invited to present the monthly progress report. He expressed his dissatisfaction on the overall performance of the students and asked the teachers to be sincere and honest. The students of Grade X were asked to be ready and prepared for appearing in the entrance test exams of MANUU and Bihar Polytechnic. He asked Jb Sharfuddin, the teacher of Urdu, to provide glossary of the terms of Science and Mathematics in Urdu. Dr Manoj Kumar announced prizes and said that there was no up gradation prize in Grade IX, and that there was only one such prize in Grade X. The Prizes were given by Br Tarique Anwar, principal, Iqra, and Mr Brajesh Prasad, the Chief Guest. The Chief Guest started his talk describing the student life of Sri Rajendra Prasad who had been a student of the local school. He talked about his family background and his achievements as a student and as the President of India. He further elaborated the views of Vivekananda on how to read and told the students that they must concentrate on each and every letter to learn a word, and when they think that they have learned words then they should concentrate on learning a sentence and then a paragraph, then a page. That is how Vivekananda inculcated the habit to look at a page to memorize it without any effort, he said. He distributed some reference materials among the students on ‘good reading’. Br Tarique Anwar presented the vote of thanks and announced that the classes will run as usual from 6 30 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. and from 3: 00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. The vote of thanks was delivered by Janab Mohammad Raza sb. The ceremony concluded at 5:00 P:M. ![]() |
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