| BaKhabar ![]() |
JOURNEY TO THE DAY OF RESURRECTION, Part- XXII [Jannah, the Garden] - By Gheyas S Mahfoz
Hashmi, Jeddah (
… Continued from
previous issuesUp to the last issue, Muslim’s journey in Aakhirah till entry to Jannah (Paradise) has been described step-by-step. Here is a concise description of Jannah, the final destination.
The literary meaning of Jannah is a garden where things are hidden. Jannah is gigantic beautiful garden, which will be a permanent dwelling place by Allah Almighty to those who are obedient to Him and His last Prophet (S). Quran is full of description of Jannah and things therein, particularly in last part of the Quran, i.e. those Chapters / verses that have ascended in Makkah. ![]() Abu Hurayrah (R) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said,"Allah, the Exalted, has said: 'I have prepared for my righteous slaves what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and the mind of no man has conceived.' If you wish, recite: 'No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do.' [Al-Bukhari & Muslim, As-sajdah/17] Quran also names Jannah as Firdaws, Al-Salam, Al-Mawa, Al-Khuld, Al-Naim, etc. Jannah is above seven heavens, as if seven heavens are earth. As for its width Allah Almighty says: And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil) (Al-Emra/133). Some interpreter has understood from “Width” as its volume in size, and some as its value and importance. As per authentic Hadith, there are 8 gates for Jannah and they are 1. Baabus Salaah, 2. Baabul Jihad, 3. Baabus Sadaqah, 4. Baabur Rayyaan, 5. Baabul Hajj, 6. Baabul Kaazimeenal Ghaiz Wal ‘Aafina ‘Anin Naas, 7. Baabul Aiman, and 8. Baabuz Zikr: Every gate is for particular person for performing particular deeds here. Those who have all qualities will have welcome at each gate. It is beyond our ken to understand the nature of these gates, and the manner in which one will enter them. Allamah Ibn Hajar has recorded the possibility that these doors are found inside paradise after entering the main gate. Good news is for ladies. Those ladies who, according to our prophet (S), perform 5-time prayers, do fasting of Ramadan, protect their secret parts and are obedient to their husbands (not in sinful), can enter Jannah from any gates they want (Mishqat). Guard of Jannah will open the gate first for our prophet (S). Grades and ranks in Jannah are variable in nature keeping the deeds of Muslim. Just for martyrs, there are 100 grades. ![]() |
on Hadith No. 4379 of Abu Dawoud - By Gheyas S Mahfoz
Hashmi, Jeddah (
![]() One of our brothers has quoted the above Hadith in last issue of Bakhabar. In Islam, the most difficult thing is MAKING REGULATIONS AND DRAWING UP LEGISLATION and SCIENCE OF HADITH. Scholars have precisely discussed these two issues which are available in hundreds of books. I personally advise our brothers in Islam not to write a hadith or involve himself in matters that are concerned with legislation because legislation does not depend merely on one Hadith or evidence but so many things are looked into, i.e. Quran, all authentic Hadiths on the same subject, tradition of Sahaba Kiram, examination of primary textual evidence, Fiqh, Ijtihad, Scholars’ viewpoint, etc. However, they can choose to write on Muslim building characters, self-purification, Fazayel Aamal and stories of the prophets and their nation, Seratunnabi, etc about which ample information is available in Quran, Hadiths, authentic books of History and Sirat. ![]() If such kind of Hadith is quoted the people will draw up a fatwa on their own and will take it for granted. As far as the authenticity of the above hadith is concerned, there is difference of opinion. First of all, this hadith is Muttarib (unstable), where difference in text or in chain or narration is found. One of the Rawi (narrator) of this Hadith (سماك بن حرب) is treated as weak by some scholars. Some have graded this hadith to the lowest degree of authentication. According to Beqahi, (Maez, Jahniah, Ghamdiah), most of those who had accepted of their heinous crimes were not set free (contrary to the one described in the concerned hadith) and there are famous narrations to support this. Regarding punishment to those who accepted their crimes (such as, Fornication, Theft, Wine-drinking) and made true repentance, scholars differ about them based on evidences they have and the knowledge & wisdom they have applied. It is given in brief as below:- Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik and some of Shafayee scholars are of the opinion that they will be punished. Imam Hambal has gone against it. According to Inb Taimiah and Ibn Qayyam they will not go unpunished unless they genuinely repented in order to purify their soul. Some say if the matter has not gone to the judge, the punishment will not be carried out. ![]() ![]() |
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