Tirhut (Muzaffarpur)
Muslims in the Ghadar, 1857-59: Waris Ali
... ... Dr. Mohammad
Sajjad, Lecturer, Deptt. of History, AMU, Aligarh.
Published Paper reference: Mohammad Sajjad,
Local Resistance and Colonial
Reprisal: Tirhut (Muzaffarpur) Muslims in the Ghadar, 1857-59,
Contemporary Perspectives: History and Sociology of South Asia, vol. 2,
No.1 January-June 2008, pp. 25-45.
Local Resistance and Colonial Reprisal: Tirhut (Muzaffarpur)
Muslims in the Ghadar, 1857-59

The rising of 1857 has been studied much extensively and in diverse
ways. The present paper attempts to study it in a part of north Bihar,
called Tirhut, where, unlike Awadh
1 , the landed
elites/feudal lords generally remained with the British, and they
helped the colonial regime with men and money in suppressing the rebels
. However, before 1857, i.e. in 1829 and 1845-46, the landlords of
Bihar did attempt to confront with and dislodge the British and in this
exercise they also tried to enlist the support of the sepoys. By
1829, the ryots of Tirhut had started
their fight against the European planters in the law courts established
by the colonial regime; and when the Najeebs (the low rank/ subaltern
Indian sipahis in army and police) mutinied in Danapur, Sugauli and in
various police chowkis, the ryots also took to arms to expel the
planters. But there existed a lack of proper coordination between the
najeebs and the ryots in Tirhut which revealed the weaknesses
of the movement and probably because of this, it could be
suppressed easily and rapidly, testifying not only a strong
agrarian base of the movement of 1857 but also the vulnerabilities
of the peasants vis a vis the repressive state machinery. The
argument that the sepoys were basically peasants in uniform is
difficult to be accepted in the case of Tirhut, where we don’t find
concrete evidence of a proper coordination between the Najeebs (sepoys)
and the peasants, even though both asserted against the Europeans
‘Tirhut’ is a corrupted version of the Sanskrit words ‘Tira’ and
‘Bhukti’ which means people living on the river bank. The ancient
Tirhut comprised of the tract lying between 25 degree 28’ N and 26
degree 22’ N latitude and 84 degree 56’ E and 86 degree 46’ E
longitudes, comprising of Champaran, Saharsa, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga,
parts of Monghyr, Bhagalpur and Purnea and some parts of the Tarai
(foothills) of Nepal. It is surrounded by the Himalayas on the north,
river Kosi in the east, river Gandak in the west and the river Ganges
in the south.
Tirhut (an area north of the Ganges in Bihar, India) played an
important part in the history of Indo-Nepalese relation during the
colonial period. It was a stepping-stone to the conquest of Nepal. It
was through Tirhut that Nepali contact with the European traders could
be established
It was probably due to this geo-strategic consideration that in
18th century, Nawab Reza Khan Muzaffar Jung founded the city
of Muzaffarpur. Many years before the East India Company’s accession to
Diwani (1765), he appropriated for the purpose, 75 bighas of land from
4 villages of Sikandarpur, Kanhauli, Saiyadpura and Saraiyaganj and
called the town after his own name. Syed Md. Reza Khan Muzaffar Jung
had arrived in Bengal
More recent studies like that of Rudrangshu Mukherji have explored that
in Awadh, the talukdars provided the leadership and the
peasants formed the general support, see his Awadh in Revolt, 1857-58:
A Study of Popular Resistance, OUP, Delhi, 1984.
S.N. Sen, Eighteen Fifty Seven, Publications Division, Delhi, 1957, pp.
Sabyasachi Dasgupta, ‘The Rebel Army in 1857: At The Vanguard of the
War of Independence or a Tyranny of Arms’, Economic and Political
Weekly, vol. XLII, No. 19, May 12-18, 2007, pp. 1729-1733.
4 The first
recorded British penetration in Nepal was made in 1715. In response to
a request at Bettiah by Raja Dhrub Singh, a missionary came from Rome.
In 1739, Raja Dhrub Singh of Bettiah enlisted Father Joseph Mary’s
service as doctor, who nursed his ailing wife in 1740. The Rani was
cured and the Raja wanted the Father to stay back in Bettiah and to
preach Roman Catholic faith. In 1766, with the help of the authorities
at Rome, an important Roman Catholic Centre was opened in Bettiah.
Before him, Boughton, an English surgeon, had impressed Shah Shuja, the
then Mughal governor of Bengal (1639-60) by curing his ailing wife and
thus Shuja had to show his generosity to the
British and issued a Nishan to the British East India Company, in the
year 1652, against a meager amount of Rs. 3000 a year as custom dues,
to carry out trade from Singhia, near Lalganj (now in Vaishali
district) in Tirhut. Saltpetre was the chief item of export from North
Bihar and its chief centre was Singhiya. Ibrahim Khan (1668-73),
Aurangzeb’s governor of Bihar, earned the hostility of the British, as
he tried to drive out Mr Peacock, the responsible officer of the
factory at Singhiya and interfered with the saltpeter trade of the
British, carried from their factory at Singhiya (Lalganj). The trade in
the chief product of (item of export) of the locality being monopolized
by the British, combined with the famine in May 1669, had ruined the
economic condition of the people resulting into the decline of the
Hajipur town and migration of the people from there to Jahangirnagar
(Dhaka). See Radha Krishna Chaudhry, A History of Muslim Rule in
Tirhut, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Publication, Varanasi, 1970.

from Delhi during Murshid Quli Khan and was appointed as the Chakladar
of Chittagong during the reign of the Mughal Emperor, Md. Shah Rangeela
5. He was also the raja of Chaitpur
It is also said that the town is named after Muzaffar Khan Turbati, a
general of the Mughal Emperor, Akbar, who, in 1570s had erected a
cantonment here, to take care of the Afghan rebels taking shelter in
the tarai (foothills) of Nepal. This cantonment led to the emergence of
a market which was developed into a town in 18th century by
Reza Khan Muzaffar Jang
6. In 1772, Lord Clive
dismissed him and in 1782, his son Dilawar Jang was given a pension of
Rs 1.5 lac per annum by Warren Hastings, who seized the Jagir of Tirhut
7, and it was made the district
headquarters of Tirhut. In 1875, the word Tirhut
disappeared from the terminology of the colonial administration when
Muzaffarpur and Darbhanga were made two districts. In 1907, again
modern Tirhut was re-created, under a separate commissionership
comprising of the districts of Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Saran, and
Champaran8 . After India’s independence, Darbhanga
and Saran (Chapra) were made separate Divisions
(commissionership). Presently, Tirhut
is a Division/Commissionership
(with headquarters in Muzaffarpur)
consisting of 6 districts, viz. Muzaffarpur, Vaishali (headquarters
Hajipur), Sitamarhi, Sheohar, East Champaran (Headquarters Motihari)
and West Champaran (Headquarters Bettiah).
The Anti British ‘Plots’ Before 1857
If discomfiture to the princely states could be identified as one of
the causes of the upsurge of 1857, then the British policy towards the
state of Awadh had some bearing on the Bihar Muslims also. Wazir Ali,
the successor of the Nawab of Awadh Asafuddaula (d. 1797) was not
allowed by the British to sit on the throne. They preferred Saadat Ali,
the younger brother of the Nawab Asafuddaula and Wazir Ali was sent to
Benaras on pension. With the enthronement of Saadat Ali the economy of
the state of Awadh underwent significant decline, soldiers were not
getting their salaries while the exploitation of the peasantry
increased heavily
Wazir Ali, through his agent Mulla Mohammad, developed some contacts
with Zaman Shah, the ruler of Kabul. He also included Nawab Naasirul
Mulk of Murshidabad in this anti British scheme. But Mulla Mohammad was
caught in Sind while on way to Kabul and the plot got exposed. Mulla
Mohammad was done to death and many letters were seized from him. Wazir
Ali was arrested and sent to Calcutta but before he could be
transported to Calcutta, on 14th January 1799, he killed several
British officers stationed at Benaras and ran away. In this act he was
accompanied and helped by few people from Bihar. This may be traced as
the initial manifestation of the Bihar’s elite resistance against the
British. Consequently, the British hunt against him and his associates
started with fury, he took shelter with the raja of Jainagar who handed
him over to the British and was imprisoned where he died on 15th May
1817. Meanwhile his wife Elahi Khanam, along with her son was brought
to Patna in March 1807, but the apprehension remained that she may get
people’s sympathy. His another wife Husaini Begum along with her son
was also imprisoned at Monghyr, later on Elahi Khanam was also sent to
Monghyr, from where she

W.W. Hunter, A Statistical Account of Bengal, vol.13, Trubner
&Co., London, 1877, pp. 51-52. Qurratul Ain Haider,
in her short story (Urdu), “Dareen Gard Sawar-e- Baashad” published in
the Urdu quarterly Alfaz (January-April 1981), Aligarh, gives
the details of Muzaffar Jung’s descendents. She also refers to Karam
Ali’s Muzaffarnama. Karam Ali was an employee of Muzaffar
Jung, who had escaped to Bihar to save himself from the wrath of
Sirajud Daulah. He wrote Muzaffarnama; after the Nawab Muzaffar Jung
was sent on pension and that he wrote it to console the Nawab. Sir Jadu
Nath Sarkar has translated a portion of Muzaffarnama into English.
Qurratul Ain Haider also refers to an account of an ICS officer named
John Beames who says that the Battle of Plassey (1757) was not merely a
victory of a European merchant company over a province of India;
rather, it was a collective victory of the native Hindu merchants and
British financial classes over the foreign Mohammedan power.
Karl Marx has also said that India’s colonization by the British was
victory of merchant capital over the feudal system.
In the short story, it is also commented that Nawab Reza Khan Muzaffar
Jung does not deserve sympathy also because he did not have science,
technology, and the values like rationalism with which Clive and
Hastings were laced.
The story is reproduced in her collection of stories, Raushni ki
Raftaar, Educational Publishing House (EPH), Delhi, 1992 and
also in Jugnuon Ki Duniya, ATU, Delhi, 2001, pp.151-176.
Surprisingly, one of the most comprehensive biographies of the nawab
(Abdul Majed Khan, Transition in Bengal, 1765-75: A Study of Saiyid Md.
Reza Khan, Cambridge, 1969) Reza Khan Muzaffar Jung does not mention
his role in developing the urban centre of Muzaffarpur.
Qurratul Ain Haidar, Kaar e Jahaan Daraaz Hai, vol. I, p. 180, EPH,
Delhi, 2003.
Jai Narain Thakur, “Demographic Features of Tirhut”, in Journal of
Bihar Research Society (JBRS), Vol. 55, 1969, pp. 133-143.
K.K. Datta, Anti British
Plots and Movements Before
1857, Meenakshi Publications,
Meerut, 1957, pp. 21-23.
Also see, P.C. Raychaudhry, Inside Bihar, Bookland
Pvt. Ltd. Patna, 1962.

went to Chapra and started living there. His third wife also settled at
Patna after 1817. Their presence in such a degraded position was
disliked by many, and even the colonial state remained apprehensive of
As early as 1829, Rahat Ali (the zamindar of Neora, and the ancestor of
Hasan Imam and Ali Imam) and Meer Abdullah had led a
procession before the kutchery of Patna, protesting against imposition
of tax on the Waqf lands. This had brought them under suspicion.
In 1845-46 when the Anglo Sikh wars took place in the North West
frontier region, some Muslim elites of Patna tried to
take advantage of it to expel the British. They tried to
build an anti British front consisting of Indian troops in
the Danapur regiment. Khwaja Hasan Ali Khan (great
grandfather of justice Khwaja Md. Noor) and Munshi Peer Bakhsh (teacher
in the Danapur regiment and also an author) mobilized some influential
people of Patna including Rahat Ali. The plan was worked out after a
consultation with many Muslim zamindars in the tent of Khwaja Hasan Ali
Khan at the Sonepur fair. This meeting was also attended by one Saif
Ali Khan, who was said to have been an agent of the Mughal Emperor of
Delhi. Munshi Peer Bakhsh and Saif Ali planned to win over some of the
Indian sepoys in the British Indian army. In accordance with this plan,
Meer Baqar, the darogha of Patna was sent to the Sugauli (Champaran)
cantonment to incite the army. Here, he could win over Sada Khan, an
officer at Sugauli. Meanwhile they also established contacts with
Kunwar Singh, the zamindar of Jagdishpur (Arrah, Shahabad) and started
raising an army of their own for the purpose. The raja of Tekari (Gaya)
and his Diwan (Prime Minister) Munshi Chiragh Ali and Khwaja Hedayat
Ali Khan, the Principal Sadar Amin of Tirhut (Muzaffarpur) were also
signatories to this patriotic pledge. Many more Muslim and Hindu
zamindars were in secret correspondence to assemble at the Sonepur
fair; and plans were chalked out to raise forces with the help of
the Raja of Nepal and the Emperor of Delhi. But all these
plans came to the knowledge of Major Rowcroft through a Police Jamadar,
named Moti Mishra. The Police hunt followed. One of the residential
houses of Rahat Ali (the zamindar of Neora, Patna) was at Sabzi Bagh,
Patna. This was raided by the police and Rahat Ali was arrested from
here. The police could also seize some letters which revealed that Shah
Kabiruddin of the Khanqah at Sasaram and Khwaja Hasan Ali Khan were
also involved in it. But Khwaja Hasan Ali Khan could run away with the
help of a darogha, Meer Baqar and took shelter in a village of Tirhut
called Burhee. On 24th December 1845 Munshi Peer Bakhsh was
arrested and was made approver (government witness) who recorded his
statement in the court in such a way that Rahat Ali
was acquitted. On 8th October 1846, Khwaja Hasan Ali Khan
also appeared before the court and thanks to the statement of
the witness Peer Bakhsh, he too was set free on 12th October 1846. Meer
Baqar (the darogha of Patna), Neyaz Ali (the Qazi of Patna),
Barkatullah (the government Pleader of Patna) were dismissed from their
services and probably the same happened with Khwaja Hedayat Ali Khan,
the Principal Sadar Amin of Tirhut. Bheekan Khan, a police
Jamadar, was also court-martialled and imprisoned for 3 years, then he
was sentenced for life but was subsequently relieved only to be
dismissed from his services. Thus, the British could suppress the
rising of 1845-46 but the people’s discontent lingered on and the
grievances remained un-redressed.
Nevertheless, the unity among a large number of the zamindars, cutting
across religious lines, proved to be an advantage and the British
government refrained from taking any harsh action against them. Rather,
to allay the misgivings of the local population,
they made an announcement that the British government would no longer
make any interference in the religious affairs of the Indians.
Yet, an uneasy calm existed throughout Bihar. Large scale conflicts of
the raiyats with the European planters started taking place. A study of
the Bengal Judicial Proceedings reveals that from 1830s to 1850s
hundreds of cases were registered by the raiyats against the
planters in north Bihar
10 . People’s anger was
sought to be suppressed
through repressive measures and a large scale imprisonments of the
raiyats into the jails, where bad food (mess system) was already adding
to the woes of the peasant-prisoners. In the jails, inter-caste dining
was considered as loss of religion by Hindus.
The Lotah uprising, 1855
In such a charged and explosive situation, the government, in 1855,
decided to withdraw the brass vessels (lotahs) and introduce earthen
vessels in the jails. This particular decision infuriated the prisoners
of the jails of Arrah and
P.K. Shukla, “Indigo Peasant Protest in North Bihar, 1867-1916”
in KK Sharma, P.P. Singh, Ranjan Kumar (eds.), Peasant
Struggles in
Bihar, 1831-1992: Spontaneity to Organization, Janki Prakashan, Patna,
1994, pp. 48-64.

Muzaffarpur. In fact, in April 1854, one of the prisoners of the Alipur
(24 Pargana, Bengal) jail had hit the unpopular jailor Richardson with
the brass vessel and killed him. This incident led to the decision of
replacing the brass vessel with earthen vessel, in the jails of
Muzaffarpur (Tirhut District) and Arrah (Shahabad District), but it hit
the religious sensibilities of the Hindus as the metal brass, in use
since ancient days, carried some religious sanctity. The decision was
greatly resented by the prisoners as well as the common
people of the respective districts. A large crowd of ryots and the
town people had come out on the streets of Muzaffarpur
against this decision and had attacked the jail, setting the
prisoners free. This was probably a re-enactment of what had
happened with the Bastille Prison House of Paris during the French
Revolution of 1789.
This mass assertion brought the colonial state on its knees and the
brass vessels were again allowed to be used. Shaad Azimabadi
(1846-1927), a famous Urdu poet and writer of Patna, has written some
accounts like Tarikh e Bihar (1876) and Naqsh e Paidar, where he has
noted that this lotah uprising was the brainchild of Waris Ali,
claiming to be a
relative of the
Mughal Emperor and posted
as police Jamadar of
Baruraj in Tirhut (Muzaffarpur)
Waris Ali, the lesser known hero of 1857 in Tirhut
On 10th May 1857, the upsurge started from the Meerut
cantonment and since then Bihar was on the verge of similar
insurrection. On 12 June 1857, the Rebellion started from Rohini
(Deoghar, now in Jharkhand), therefore the headquarters of
the regiment was shifted from there to Bhagalpur but here also another
rebellion began in August 1857. The fearful European planters
had started demanding protection from the district administration.
Wahabi leaders began to be arrested. It may be noted here that, in
Bihar, besides the Sadiqpur family of so called Wahabis
, two more groups were active against the British. One was called the
‘Lucknow Group’ consisting of the people like Peer Ali, Yusuf Ali,
Imamuddin and Masihuzzaman and the other was called the ‘Delhi Group’,
consisting of the people like Ali Karim (zamindar of Dumri,
Gaya) and Waris Ali. It was this ‘Delhi Group’, which was alleged to
have planned to induce the Danapur sepoys with money and other
incentives to rebel against the British. The two groups combined and
planned to start an uprising on Friday, 3rd July 1857. Ali
Karim had to be elected as the ruler of the province. The raja of
Bettiah was also suspected to have been involved in the plot. In
Patna, the Commissioner,
William Tayler invited
some Muslim notables of
Patna on dinner and then
treacherously arrested them on 19th June 1857. They included
Molvi Md Husain, Molvi Ahmadullah and Molvi Waizul Haq. Next day all
Muslims were ordered to submit their weapons in the thanas. Merely on
doubts, quite a large number of Muslims were arrested in the town of
Muzaffarpur and in the villages like Singhia and Lalganj
. On
23rd June 1857, Waris Ali, the Police Jamadar of
Muzaffarpur, was arrested from Baruraj police chowki, where
he was posted
14 , ‘by Mr Robertson, the
Assistant Magistrate and some
indigo planters, with his horse saddled, his goods packed and
in the act of writing to tell Ali Karim that he had resolved to join
him at once’. ‘He was a man who had been for years in the district, and
knew well what he was about, himself of high family, as is said, with
the Royal Family of Delhi, and possessed of considerable property’. The
Jamadar was sent to Major Holmes, at Sugauli, for being
hanged but the latter sent him to Danapur to take his trial in the
court of the Commissioner. Some accounts say, he was tried by the
Commissioner, Willaim Tayler, and on 6th July 1857, he was declared
guilty of possessing some letters which were considered to be
treasonable correspondences with one Ali Karim (the zamindar of Dumri,
Gaya) and, therefore he was sentenced to death. One of the letters
seized from Waris Ali, informs William Tayler, expressed resentment
against the wealth amassed by the European planters. The same day, he
was hanged till death
15 . William Tayler, the
Commissioner, says, “The
Najeeb was hanged on
11 Shaad
Azimabadi, Peer Ali: Ek Novel, compiled by Naqi Ahmad Irshad, KBL,
Patna, 1993. This novel has been produced by taking contents from those
two books.
12 Cited by
Ashfaq Arfi, op.cit, p. 204. The membership increased to 500
in 1872, (Garcien de Tassey, op.cit, p. 168).
For details see
Qeyamuddin Ahmad, Wahabi Movement in India, OUP, Delhi, 1994 (Reprint).
In Tirhut, the Wahabis remained active till 1860s (1865-71) under the
leadership of Haji Mubarak Ali, see Taqi Raheem, Tehreek-e-Azadi Mein
Bihar ke Musalmanon Ka Hissa, KBL, Patna, 1998, p. 72..
Besides Patna, Tirhut was another major centre of the ‘Wahabis’. After
large scale suppression of the ‘Wahabi’ leaders of Patna like Wilayat
Ali and Enayat Ali, the leadership shifted to one Haji Mubarak Ali of
Tirhut during 1865-71. See Taqi Raheem, Tehreek-e-Azadi Mein Bihar Ke
musalmanon Ka Hissa, KBL, Patna, 1998, p. 72.
14 Vijay
Kumar Thakur, “Movement of 1857-58 in Tirhut and the Rebels”, in JBRS,
Vol. 61, 1975, pp. 105 -122. Thakur makes use of Muzaffarpur
Collectorate Records (Vide Annual report of the Regional Records Survey
Committee, Bihar 1952-53)
15 Waris Ali
was hanged after some delay, in anticipation that some more clues about
the mutineers could be obtained from him, Shaad Azimabadi, op cit.

the evening of 23rd (July) at 6 PM. He had, during his
confinement, simulated madness, but met his death, as most Mahomedans
do, with calmness and fortitude”
16 .
The accounts of Shaad Azimabadi record that Peer Ali, the associate of
Waris Ali, did mobilize people also to protect their deen and dharma,
i.e. faith. In Tirhut, a famous poet and writer, Syed Murshid Hasan
‘Kaamil’ was a literary disciple of a renowned scholar of theology and
Arabic, besides being a great poet of Persian and Urdu, called Fazle
Haq Khairabadi (1797-1861). The later had issued a fatwa-e-jihad
against the British, resigned from the post of kutchery chief, drafted
the ‘first constitution’ of ‘independent India’ based on the
‘principles of democracy’ for which he was sent into the
prison of Andaman
17 . It is intriguing
that the
19th century Urdu accounts like Reyaz-e-Tirhut (1868) and
Aina-e-Tirhut (1883),
18 making mention
of ‘Kaamil’, his
poetry and his teacher, do not mention anything about Kaamil’s
attitude towards the upsurge of 1857. Did Kaamil, like his
teacher Khairabadi, participated in the
rebellion? We don’t find any
source to answer this question. Most probably, ‘Kaamil’ remained loyal
to the British. He composed a poem (qaseedah) in praise of the
Leiutenant Governor, Sir Cecil Beadon, when he visited Muzaffarpur to
inaugurate the industrial and agricultural exhibition in January 1865
In Muzaffarpur, the people’s ire was particularly very high against the
European planters (nilaha sahibs). The peasantry of the villages of the
Tirhut district (Headquarters Muzaffarpur) had come into the
exploitative grip of these planters as early as in the later half of
18th century. In 1789, at Motipur, a Dutch capitalist had established a
sugar mill, which was converted into indigo factory in 1816. In 1780s,
one French, named Danble, had set up his indigo factory at Saraiya.
Alexander Namell had established his factories at Kanti and Motipur.
Mr. Finch started his enterprise at Deoria, William Orby Hunter at
Dholi and Schuman started his indigo factory at Bangra. The first
Collector of Tirhut (Muzaffarpur), Francois Grand (1782-87), had
brought many indigo factories under his personal possession and amassed
a huge wealth by subjecting the peasantry to untold exploitation and
misery so much so that even the Company state got disgusted and
dismissed him from his services.
The peasantry was practically converted into wretched slaves. Even
miles away from the European planters’ residences,
the common Indians were not allowed to
wear shoes, they could not use umbrellas
to protect themselves from the rains. Even as late as in the
early decades of 20th century they had to pay many taxes and
cesses. Some of them were: (a) Bapahi-Putahi tax, i.e. the
son of a deceased father had to obtain approval of inheriting father’s
property from the planters by paying this tax; (b) Tinkathia
system, i.e., out of a bigha (20 kathas) the most fertile 3 kathas had
to be earmarked for the cultivation of indigo, all expenses of the
cultivation had to be borne by the peasant while all income
from this cultivation had to go to the European planters; (c)
Ghorhahi-Bhainsahi Tax, i.e. horse-buffalo tax, tax for horses of the
planters; (d) Banglahi i.e. Bungalow tax- whenever the planters’
bungalow had to be constructed or repaired, a tax of one rupee was
obligatory to be paid by the peasants
20 .
16 William
Tayler, Our Crisis or Three Months at Patna during the Insurrection of
1857, London, 1858, 1882, Khudabakhsh Library, Patna,
2007(Reprint). Besides Waris Ali, there were more such rebels in
Tirhut, like Wazir Ali, Town Police Sawar, who was arrested
‘with a gun and a sword’ and was ‘transported for life with forfeiture
of property of every description’; Shaikh Qurban Ali, who was
sentenced for 3 years imprisonment ‘for using language to create
persons to commit act of sedition’; Ghazi Khan, a Town Police Sawar of
Muzaffarpur, who was transported for life with forfeiture of property
of every description; Khairati Khan was arrested with a sword and was
sentenced the same punishment as Ghazi Khan; Mir Hidayat Ali, Najeeb,
Bihar Station Guard was also given the same punishment;
Kullar Khan, the Town Police Sawar also got the same punishment.
Besides these Muslims, and a good number of bhumihars, rajputs and
Brahmins, there were many Gwalas, Koeris and Kurmis who participated in
the movement and suffered punishments at the hands of the colonial
state. All of them belonged to low economic group. Vijay Kumar Thakur,
op cit.
Jamal Malik, “Letters, Prison Sketches and Autobiographical Literature:
Fadl-e-Haqq Khairabadi in the Andaman Penal Colony”
Indian Economic and Social History Review (IESHR), vol. XLIII, No.1,
January-March 2006, pp.77-100.
18 Ayodhya
Prasad Bahaar, Reyaz e Tirhut, Chashma e Noor, Muzaffarpur, 1868 and
Bihari Lal ‘Fitrat’, Aina-e-Tirhut, Bahar-e-Kashmir, Lucknow, 1883.
Both these books have been reprinted and edited by Hetukar Jha,
published by the Kalyani Foundation, Darbhanga, in 1997 and 2001
19 This
exhibition was organised with a view to promote an improved system of
agriculture and more especially to enlist the interests of the
zamindars in it. C.E. Buckland, Bengal Under the Lieutenant Governors,
Vol. 1, S.K. Lahiri & Co., Calcutta, 1901, pp. 293-295.
For details see Ashraf Qadri, Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Hind Mein Muslim
Mujahedin-e-Champaran Ka Muqaam, Bettiah, 1992, p.38. Also see PK
Shukla, “Indigo Peasant Protest in North Bihar, 1867-1916”, in K. K.
Sharma, P.P. Singh, Ranjan Kumar (eds.), Peasant Struggles in Bihar,
1831-1992: Spontaneity to Organization, Janki Prakashan, Patna, 1994,
pp. 48-64.

They, quite mercilessly, oppressed the peasantry, by forcing them to
cultivate indigo and sugar
21 . Sugar formed a
leading item of export
from Bihar in 1780s, because tea had become a popular item of drinking
in Europe
22 . In 1789, the Dutch erected a sugar
factory at Motipur. This factory became
an indigo concern under the Neel & Co., in 1816. The East India
Company, owing to some reasons, discontinued the cultivation of sugar
cane, viz. firstly, white ant invasion in 1802-03, spelled a great
disaster for the crop,
which used to engage field for the whole year (from November
to November).Therefore causing famine, as most fertile portions of the
land were forcefully earmarked for indigo and sugar
cultivation, rather than the cereal crops/coarse grains to be consumed
by the cultivators/ peasantry. Secondly, high duty on sugar in England
came as an impediment in its export. Thirdly, as the field remained
engaged for the entire year, the crop failure was a great
disaster for the peasantry. The discontentment of the raiyats against
the planters was first noticed
(as recorded in ‘orthodox’ official documents archived) in January
1830, when the officiating Magistrate of Tirhut
informed the Government of Bengal about the defiance of the raiyats
against the planters. In 1839, a faujdari case was filed against the
planter, Mc Lead, of Saraiya factory. In 1856, 38 cases were filed by
the raiyats of Tirhut against the planters
.The colonially induced
commercialization of agriculture, without modernizing the techniques
and providing the irrigation facilities etc. drove
the oppressed peasantry to
frequent rebellions in the
region throughout the colonial
24 .These accumulated discontentment of
peasantry, combined with
those of the Indian soldiers of the British East India Company,
resulted into the upsurge of 1857.
After the ‘Mutiny’ started in May 1857, the rack rented peasantry also
mustered the courage to rise against the European planters. Afraid of
the violent attacks, the European planters, by June 1857, started
running away to the town of Muzaffarpur. They
pleaded desperately for state protection. On
14th June 1857, the Magistrate of Muzaffarpur
had ordered all indigo planters and other Europeans to
assemble in the town of Muzaffarpur for mutual protection
. In all,
about 80 Europeans had gathered in the town. There was panic in
Muzaffarpur. The very fact that the planters were most panic stricken
and were the worst target of the people, is a testimony of their
exploitative exercises perpetrated against the peasantry. The extent of
the exploitation may be imagined by the fact that even in the post
mutiny period, when anti colonial assertion grew stronger by the turn
of the 20th century, the European planters of Champaran, continued with
their unparalleled villainy against the peasantry. It could be fought
under the lesser known leadership of the people like Peer Md Munis
(1882-1949), Hafiz Deen Md Ansari (1883-1961), Shaikh Gulab (1857-?),
Batakh Miyan (1867-1957), Hafiz Md Saani (1888-1951), Shaikh Adalat
Husain (1858-1943) and many more leaders
26. The
Company’s officers (in Muzaffarpur) adopted ‘strong measures’ for
the apprehension of the ‘mutineers (najibs)’, enforced strict
censorships on the press,
prohibited ‘any subject of a Foreign state (Nepal)
21 The
profit extracted by the British through the indigo plantations can be
guessed from the fact that, in 1782, when Tirhut was made a district
(including Darbhanga) with Muzaffarpur being the headquarters, Francois
Grand came as the first collector of Muzaffarpur. He established a
number of indigo factories belonging personally to him and amassed a
great wealth for himself. Having earned money, he became arrogant,
divorced his wife and went for the second marriage. The divorced wife
went to France where she married a leader of French Revolution and
close associate of Napolean named Talleyrand. Lord Cornwallis came to
know of his indulgence in corruption, instituted an enquiry against
him, sacked him from the services and seized his entire property. This
made him so wretched that he had to go back to his first wife in
France, spent his rest of the life there and died.
For details see N.P. Singh, “Growth of Sugar Cultivation in Bihar
(1793-1913)”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress (PIHC), 1984.
P.K. Shukla, “Indigo Peasant Protest in North Bihar, 1867-1916”
in K.K. Sharma, P.P. Singh, Ranjan Kumar (eds.), Peasant
Struggles in Bihar, 1831-1992: Spontaneity to Organization, Janki
Prakashan, Patna, 1994, pp. 48-64.
Except the Indigo Riots of 1859, not much has been written on those
rebellions against the colonial state. For the indigo riots of 1859-61,
see A.R. Desai (ed.) Labour Movement in India. Even the ‘Wahabi’
movement enjoyed its wider support more among the peasantry.
For this, see Qeyamuddin Ahmad,
Wahabi Movement in India,
OUP, Delhi, 1994 (Reprint),
and also see Binay
Bhushan Chaudhry, “Movement for Rents in Eastern India
1793-1930” in Indian Historical Review (IHR), Vol. III, January 1977.
25 Charles
Ball, History of the Indian Mutiny, Vol. I, p. 449.cf. Vijay Kumar
Thakur, “Movement of 1857-58 in Tirhut and the Rebels”, in JBRS, vol.
61, 1975, p. 105.
For details see Ashraf Qadri, op cit. Apart from the profiles of the
patriotic leaders, the author also counts the various kinds of taxes
and cesses that were exacted from the ravaged peasantry by the European
planters supported by the big zamindars like the Bettiah raj. Also see
Razi Ahmad, Indian Peasant Movement and Mahatma Gandhi, Shabd
Prakashan, Delhi, 1987. Also see Girish Mishra, Agrarian Problems of
Permanent Settlement in Champaran, People’s Publishing House, Delhi,

penetrating into the interiors’ and arranged for the fortification of a
house at the western end (Sikandarpur) of the town.
By early July, steps were taken by the Company’s government to seize
the mutineers and deserters who were to be
found in Tirhut. On
3rd July
1857, Richardson, the
Magistrate of Muzaffarpur
informed the Patna Commissioner, William
Taylor, that in order to effectively arrest the rebels; the security
arrangements at the major river ghats were increased. Nilaha
sahibs were also expected to help the colonial state; incentives were
announced for those who could provide clues about the rebels; all eight
zamindari ghats on the Gandak and the Ganges were to be properly
guarded and the landholders were instructed to give information about
the mutineers and they had to be detained on their estates.
The police posts at Lalganj and Hajipur were provided with large number
of security personnel. In the town of Muzaffarpur also, larger number
of policemen were deputed.
It was on 25th July 1857, that the mutiny in army took place
simultaneously at Sugauli (in Champaran) and Danapur (near Patna). Four
soldiers killed Major Holmes and his wife. The Danapur ‘mutineers’
entered Arrah, plundered the treasury, and released the prisoners and
the upsurge got greater fervour after Kunwar Singh arrived on the
scene. On 29th July, Mr. Forbes, the Judge of Muzaffarpur,
wrote to Tayler about the dangers prevailing in
Muzaffarpur. On 30th July 1857, the Magistrate, E.F. Lantaur,
implemented martial rule in Muzaffarpur and other towns. But in the
face of strong rising, on 31st July 1857,
the collector and other officers left the town and the government
treasury was subjected to loot by the rebels and marched towards Siwan.
Soon Lantaur came back to the town and the planters were sent back to
the villages and more policemen were called to Muzaffarpur. By 14th
August 1857, Lantaur observed that the district of Tirhut had
come to peace and normalcy and the planters returned to their factories
after leaving their families at Danapur.
The planters and loyal zamindars like those of Dumra, Pupri, Kamtaul,
Pandaul, Deoria, Jitwarpur were given the powers
of a magistrate, to check any mutineer entering
into Tirhut from the borders of Nepal. The king of Nepal,
Jang Bahadur, the zamindars of Bettiah, Hathwa, Sursand,
Pandaul, and the Mehtas and others assisted the British to suppress the
movement. The zamindar of Sursand offered a reward of Rs. 30/- for each
deserter seized. On 5th September 1857, HL Dampier succeeded
Lantaur, who initiated the
cases of murder and
robbery against the Indians
with as much of ruthlessness as his
predecessor. In one of the cases the charge was
that the accused had cried out that “the Supremacy of the English and
the Company was at an end and that it was Kunwar Singh’s reign”.
Confiscation of properties, execution of leaders, and transportation,
and long term imprisonments, exaction of collective fines
from the villagers, chastisement of the common people in rural areas,
burning and destruction of houses were some of the sufferings
of the people of Tirhut, as a result of the state reprisal that
followed the ‘mutiny’. This once again led to people’s anger, and
apprehension developed that the rebels might stage a comeback
coming from Azamgarh-Gorakhpur via Rewa
ghat. Some notables of
the town had to send
their families again to the
interiors.The house of the Darbhanga Maharaj on the southern bank of a
lake at Sikandarpur in Muzaffarpur was chosen to be developed
like a fort to provide shelter for the European planters of the
district. Several minor zamindars (like that of Bakhra, near Rewa Ghat)
helped the British near Gandak, when a party of men in revolt was
approaching Tirhut from that side. Military alert was
maintained at Motipur, Deoria, Saraiya etc. because from Nepal via
Champaran, the mutineers might stage comeback By December
1857, the Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry, consisting of 300 troopers, under
Richardson, was sent to be stationed at Pusa (which was strategically
located at a point from where the three important towns viz.
Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga and Hajipur could be accessed easily) for
Tirhut’s protection; and all the roads and ghats (between Hajipur-
Pusa, Pusa-Muzaffarpur and Pusa-Darbhanga) had to be put into thorough
27 . This arrangement was done also
because of the fact that
Rebellion had started in Dhaka (East Bengal) on 18th
November 1857. To gather intelligence inputs, new
lines of telegraphic
communications were planned to
be developed between Purnea
and Muzaffarpur via Bhagalpur -Kishanganj- Supaul.
Their hunt against the Najeebs (the rebel soldiers) continued, who were
moving in Nepal and by April 1858, once again apprehensions developed
about their attack on Tirhut by crossing the river Gandak
Pusa is a village in the district of Samastipur (a town founded by Haji
Shamsuddin Ilyas, 1342-57, the governor of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq; it was
called Shamsuddinpur, which subsequently got corrupted as Samastipur;
alongwith it he also founded the town of Hajipur). This deployment of
the cavalry at Pusa, led to its emergence as a famous centre for horse
breeding, and eventually a college for agricultural sciences (now
Rajendra Agricultural University) was started here. In the earthquake
of 1934, this institute got severely damaged, so its laboratories etc.
were shifted to New Delhi where the road is named as Pusa Road.

HL Dampier, in his correspondence with the Commissioner of Patna during
June-August 1858
28 , expressed his thanks to the
European planters of
these areas like Saraiya and Deoria. He also thanked ‘the Bakhra Babu
and indeed all maliks in the neighbourhood who had responded creditably
to the Magistartes’ call in suppressing the mutineers’. These
zamindars and the police officers were assured favours and
promotions to reciprocate their loyal services. One such loyal officer
was Dewan Maula Bakhsh
29 . William Tayler
admired him as a man who from
the commencement of the troublous times had exhibited the greatest
zeal, and on whom he placed implicit reliance,
‘through whose zealous
cooperation, unremitting zeal,
and unimpeachable integrity’
capture and conviction of the mutineers and the discovery of
the plans/correspondences could be done successfully. He
recommended that his loyal services should be rewarded
Modern Education and the Upsurge
Some degree of suspicion and distrust was created by the introduction
of modern education and missionary activities of the Christians. Even
before the implementation of Lord Bentinck’s Resolution of 7th March
1835, the Resumption Laws had been implemented with the result that a
large number of great landholders, who were the real patrons of the
indigenous learning, were reduced to paupers. The government had, thus
indirectly caused the ruination of a large number of indigenous
educational institutions. After the adoption of the Resolution (of
1835), there began a period of reaction. Stipends and
scholarships which had hitherto been awarded to poor and meritorious
students of classical learning were stopped. In 1837, Persian was
abolished as the language of the court, throwing a large number of
educated people out of employment. People felt that the
government was promoting English and suppressing the native languages
which added to their discontentment
This is, however, not to say that all Muslims (or all Indians) were
suspicious about education. Some Muslims like Syed Imdad Ali (d. August
1886), Syed Md Taqi, Shaikh Maula Bakhsh did take interest in spreading
modern education and introduction, belated even though, of Arabic and
Persian teaching in the Anglo Vernacular schools of the government did
help allaying misgivings to an extent. William Tayler, the
Commissioner, Patna Division, was able to smell the people’s
misgivings. He, therefore, always insisted on having provision of
teaching Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian in the Govt. Anglo Vernacular
Syed Imdad Ali, Principal Sadar Amin (of Patna, then of Arrah, Tirhut
and then of Gaya from where he retired in 1875; he had entered into
government services in 1829) had been taking interest in modern
education, since January, 1840, or even earlier. He used to take great
interest in education and the spread of knowledge
When he was serving on the same position at Arrah in 1856, he was
appointed Vice President of an educational committee formed by the
Commissioner William Tayler. (The President was the Maharaja of
Dumraon). Kunwar Singh also provided donations to its school. After the
rising of 1857, the enrolment of Muslim students in the Arrah School
had plummeted down, but ‘the efforts of the Sadar Amin Imdad Ali and
those of Molvi Wahiduddin, the Principal Sadar Amin were of great help
in enhancing the Muslim enrolment in 1859’.
In February 1845, an Anglo Vernacular School was established in
Muzaffarpur (Now called the Zilla School) with the initiatives of local
European officers like E.V. Irwin and A.R. Young. The local authorities
felt that the introduction of teaching Persian and Arabic might make
the institution more popular among the inhabitants, they induced the
local zamindars to organise funds for the purpose. In 1852, Syed Md
Taqi, a respectable zamindar of
28 Cited
extensively by S. Narain, ‘The Role of Tirhoot in the Movement of
1857-59’, in Journal of Bihar Research Society (JBRS), March, 1954,
Dewan Maula Bakhsh (the Deputy Magistrate and the rais of Rasulpur,
Muzaffarpur) was a follower of Shuttari sufi, Shaikh Qazin (d. 1495 AD)
of Basarh, Vaishali. He died at Gwalior while coming back from Makka
after performing Haj, in 1283 AH. His younger son Md Hasan Khan donated
land of Lal Bagh, Patna for the Engineering College. His grandsons
(Hadi Hasan Khan Naayaab and Mehdi Hasan Khan Shadab) and his great
grandsons Aijaz Hasan Khan, Reyaz Hasan Khan Khayal and Abul Hasan Khan
made some mark as great poets of Muzaffarpur. Abul Hasan Khan’s son
Ahmad Hasan Khan served as the Professor Emeritus in the RDS College,
Muzaffarpur. The Dewan Road, Kalyani, Muzaffarpur, is named after this
Dewan Maula Bakhsh. Aijaz Hasan Khan and Reyaz Hasan Khan Khayal were
the hosts of Shibli Nomani (1857-1914), when he visited Muzaffarpur in
January 1907, to campaign for his Nadwatul Ulema.
30 Iqbal
Husain, in his Urdu autobiography, Daastaan Meri (Patna, 1989),
testifies that he was really rewarded with inaamaat wa ikraamaat for
having been loyal to British during Ghadar.
31 Jata
Shankar Jha, Education in Bihar, KP Jaiswal Research Institute (KPJRI),
Patna, 1979.
32 For the
details of his life history, see my essay in Tehzeebul Akhlaq, Urdu
monthly, Aligarh, February, 2006 and for its abridged English
rendering, see Milli Gazette, Delhi, 1-15 February, 2007. Also see, A
Brief History and Genealogical Tree or Pedigree of Moulvi Syed Imdad
Ali Khan Bahadur and his Descendents, Calcutta, 1916.

Tirhut, came forward with a gift of the entire village of Jogiara which
was valued at Rs 20,000/-, with an annual rental of Rs.
2,000/-, “for the purpose of maintaining an Arabic and Persian teacher
in the govt. School at Muzaffarpur and for such other educational
purposes in connection with that school, as its managing committee and
the council of Education may determine”. In fact paucity of grants from
the government was about to close down the school in 1855-56, it was
the Jogiara endowment which could save it. At Lalganj, Shaikh Maula
Bakhsh (the rais of Rasulpur, Muzaffarpur and the deputy magistrate)
gave 14 biswas of land to be held rent free for ever, and also allowed
temporary use of unoccupied building for the immediate start
of the school. ‘The fever of seeking employment as soon as they had
acquired a little knowledge of English was greater in Muzaffarpur than
in other districts. There were more temptations in this district, where
many of the European planters engaged writers (clerks) and
accountants’. Most such aspirants, however, were Bengalis, who
were pressing more for teaching Bengali than for Urdu/Hindi,
in the Government Anglo Vernacular schools. In 1859, the
schools at Bakhra, Sitamarhi and Lalganj were in flourishing condition.
It may also be noted here that when Imdad Ali came to
Muzaffarpur as its Principal Sadar Amin, he, with the help of Syed Md
Taqi, established Bihar Scientific Society in May 1868 and opened many
schools in the villages of Muzaffarpur like Paroo, Jaintpur, Hardi,
Narhan etc. The school at Muzaffarpur was called ‘Society School’,
which was later on named after Chapman
33 . He
also founded the
Collegiate School on 7th November 1871, foundation stone laid by G.
Campbell, the Lt Governor, and the College (now named after
Langat Singh) was also founded by the Bihar Scientific Society. He had
also established a library and had close relations with Syed Ahmad
(1817-98) of Aligarh, who was the Life Honorary Secretary of the Bihar
Scientific Society, Muzaffarpur.
In the town of Muzaffarpur there were three schools supported and
conducted by some German missionaries, one of which was, started as
early as 1840.
In April 1855, R.B. Chapman, was the Inspector of Schools in Bihar, and
had to commence operations for implementing the Woods’ Despatch (1854)
of Education. By this time, great resentment of the common people had
started surfacing against the British, particularly on the lotah issue.
The inspecting officers, says, Jata Shankar Jha, who went round the
villages on their circuit to enlighten the people with the new scheme
of education were often greeted with such remarks as, “udhar Magistrate
sahib khilate khilate, aur idhar tumlog parhate parhate”. (i.e. the
Magistrates in the jails make us take our food with different castes
leading to loss of religion, and now the school inspectors are asking
our children to go to schools where Christian missionaries would
convert us). The people were afraid of losing their religion.
Another event which proved no less disastrous to the cause of education
and adding to resentment against the Raj was the publication
and wide circulation of a missionary pamphlet exhorting Indians to
embrace Christianity. This caused universal alarm among the Hindus and
Muslims. Education was found to be one of the causes of the anti
British plot of 1845-46 in Bihar
34 . An
anonymous petition to the Lt
Governor in 1855 had expressed grievances against the educational
system and had said, “Hundreds of people have been deprived of their
bread by the establishment of schools…”
Thus, we
find that there were mixed feelings about modern education in Tirhut
and in Bihar as well; while a small section was inclined towards
obtaining modern education and
employment in the colonial
administration, majority was
suspicious and distrustful towards it, and their resentment
found expression in the rising of 1857.
The above recounting of the facts pertaining to the rising of 1857 in
Tirhut (Muzaffarpur) leads us to an understanding that agrarian
discontent, economic deprivations and threat to religious sensibilities
(which might have got magnified due to exclusion from the
political/administrative power), were the main causes of the violent
rising of 1857. Regardless of the fact that the rising was started,
initially, by the low rank armed soldiers, but the popular resistance
was always present before, during and after the Ghadar. In the works of
the apologists of British colonialism (William Dalrymple’s The Last
Mughal:The Fall of a Dynasty, Delhi, 1857, Penguin, Delhi, 2006, is the
latest exposition of that historiography), religious frenzy is said to
be the most formidable cause and motivating factor for the upsurge. The
findings of this essay, in the context of Tirhut, find it difficult to
agree with such conclusions drawn by the apologists of colonialism.
Moreover, it is important to note that the conflict of the
Naseem-e-Shemaal, Urdu Monthly, Muzaffarpur, January, 1946 (Only one
issue available in the Khuda Bakhsh Library, Patna).
Jata Shankar Jha, Education in Bihar, KPJRI, Patna, 1979, p. 300, p.318.

peasants with the Congress during the heydays of the anti colonial
struggle and the peasant-state conflict in the post colonial Bihar are
also needed to be seen in a historical continuity
It also comes out that among loyalists/traitors as well as the
patriotic rebels/ revolutionaries, both the Hindus and Muslims were
C.A. Bayly, the famous Cambridge historian, has argued that the Eastern
India’s politics of 18th -19th centuries
was ‘characterized by the consolidation
of Hindu states of Rajputs and
Bhumihars’, and ‘had strong clan
organizations’. Resting upon this clan, the revenue
contractors of Awadh emerged as the estates of Banaras, Hathwa, Bettiah
etc., who asserted against (Muslim) Awadh
37 . It
is, nevertheless,
important to note that the rising of 1857, was marked by remarkable
display of Hindu-Muslim unity in Muzaffarpur as elsewhere in India.
It may also be inferred that, unlike several other places, the
leadership of the ‘rebels’ was not as strong in Tirhut so as to
completely replace the British administration with Indian
administration, even for a brief period, when the district officials
had run away on 31st July 1857 from Muzaffarpur. The movement in Tirhut
‘had its roots in the lower economic group of the society’
, which
may partly explain the weakness of the leadership. As said in the
beginning, unlike Awadh, peasants of Tirhut were not led by
the landlords, nor was there any strong link or coordination between
the sepoys (najeebs) and the peasants. Conversely speaking, in Awadh,
the taluqdars and sepoys were having coordination among themselves to
rebel against the British, whereas, in Tirhut, the zamindars and the
European planters together sided with the colonial state to suppress
the rebel sepoys (najeebs) and ryots. Till April 1859, the apprehension
of ‘coming back’ of the mutineers (najeebs) persisted, hence
the colonial decision to enhance policing on all ghats. (Now, a policy
decision was taken by the colonial state that Muslims and upper caste
Hindus had not to be recruited in police. Rather, Dusadhs, Chamars,
Musahars etc. were to be preferred)
39. Probably
because of this
apprehension, the construction of roads and rail, (like that
of Lalganj- Vaishali-Kesaria-Sugauli) and of bridges on the ghats (like
that of Rewa Ghat connecting Muzaffarpur with Chapra through
much shorter distance), remained neglected by the colonial
administration. It, however, looks ironical (or may be
outrageous) that even the independent India’s governments persisted
with such conscious negligence and it took almost 150 years after 1857,
and about six decades after the independence that the necessities of
such communications could be realized by the powers that be. Such
constructions for infrastructural developments are yet to be undertaken
/completed. This area is yet to be put on the rail map, despite the
fact that several leaders of North Bihar have enjoyed the portfolio of
36 For
meticulously detailed and nuanced analysis of peasant struggles in
Bihar, see, Arvind N. Das, Agrarian Unrest and Socio-Economic Change in
Bihar, 1900 -1980, Manohar, Delhi, 1983. Das gives evidences that in
1920s -30s, the Swami Sahajanand Saraswati (d. 1950) led peasant
movements found strong support base among the peasantry of Tirhut.
At Dukhan Saraiya (Paroo), Goraul and many more villages of
Tirhut, the annual sessions of the Bihar Kisan Sabha were
held, and resolutions for abolition of zamindari were passed. In
1960s-70s, a part of Tirhut like Mushahri in Muzaffarpur witnessed
armed revolution of peasants, in the wake of Naxalbari.
Also see, G. Mc. Donald, “Unity on Trial: Congress in Bihar, 1929-39”,
in D.A. Low (ed.), Congress and the Raj: Facets of the Indian
Struggle, 1917-47, OUP, Delhi,
2004 (Reprint). See Francine
Frankel, “Caste, Land and
Dominance in Bihar: Breakdown
of the Brahmanical Social Order” in Frankel and Rao (eds.)
Dominance and State Power in Modern India: Decline of a Social Order,
vol. I, OUP, Delhi, 1989.
CA Bayly, Rulers, Townsmen and Bazars: North Indian Society in the Age
of British Expansion, 1770-1870, Cambridge, 1983, pp. 17-18.
Vijay Kumar Thakur, op cit, p.122. It however needs to be probed as to
why did the landed elites of Bihar generally remained with the British
in 1857, whereas a large number of them had fought against the British
in 1829 and in 1845-46.
S. Narain, op cit. For more instances of the colonial reprisal in Bihar
in post 1857, see Qeyamuddin Ahmad, “The Unique Trial of Arrah
Town for Rebellion Against Government During 1857-59” in JBRS, vol. 46,
1960, pp. 155-162.