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Persons with whom Nikāh is Harām
You cannot marry some
relatives - this article presents a summary of such persons who cannot be
married, as commanded by Allah in Quranic verses.
O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will, and you should not treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the Mahr
(dower) you have given them, unless they commit open illegal sexual intercourse. And live with them honourably. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah brings through it a great deal of good.
[Quran: Chapter-4 (An-Nisa), Verse-19]
1. Marriage with one's children, grand-children, great grand-children, etc. is not permissible. Nor is
marriage with one's parents, grand-parents, maternal grand-parents, etc. permissible.
2. Marriage with one's brothers, uncles and nephews is not permissible. According to the Sharīah, a brother
is one whose mother and father is the same, or they have one father but two mothers, or one mother but two
fathers. They are all brothers. But if the father is
different, and the mother is also different; that person will not be a brother. Nikāh with him will be
3. Marriage with one's son-in-law is not permissible. This is irrespective of whether the daughter is
already living with him or not. In all cases, nikāh with him is harām.
4. A girl's father passed away. Her mother married another person. However, before the mother could even
live with her new husband, she passed away or he divorced her. In such a case, the girl can marry this
step-father of hers. However, if the mother lived with
him, it will not be permissible for this girl to marry him.
first cousins, and other permitted relatives, is medically perfect: Read
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Bukhari on Marriage
And marry not women whom your fathers married, except what has already passed; indeed it was shameful and most hateful, and an evil way.
[Quran: Chapter-4 (An-Nisa), Verse-22]
5. Nikāh with one's step-children is not valid. In
other words, if a man has several wives, then one of
the wives cannot marry the children of the co-wives. This is irrespective of whether she had lived with her
husband or not. Nikāh with these children is prohibited under all circumstances.
6. It is not permissible for a woman to marry her father-in-law or even the father or grand-father of
her father-in-law.
7. As long as a sister is married to her husband, it is not permissible for another sister to marry this
brother-in-law of hers. However, if her sister passes away or he divorces her and she completes her
iddah, it will be permissible for the other sister to marry her brother-in-law. In the case where the
brother-in-law divorces the first sister, it is not permissible for the second sister to marry her
brother-in-law until her sister completes her iddah.
8. If two sisters marry one person, the marriage of
the sister whose nikāh was performed first will be valid while the marriage of the sister whose nikāh was
performed later will not be valid.
9. A man married a woman. As long as he remains married to her, he cannot marry her maternal and
paternal aunts and nieces.
10. If the relationship between two women is such that if we had to regard one of them as a man, their nikāh
will not be valid, then such two women cannot marry a person at the same time. When one of them passes away
or one of them is divorced and completes her iddah, only then will it be permissible for the person to
marry the other woman.
11. If a woman and her step-daughter marry a person at the same time, the nikāh will be valid.
12. Adoption is not considered in the Sharīah. By adopting a boy, he does not become one's son. It is
therefore permissible to marry one's adopted son.
13. If a man is not one's real uncle but he becomes an
uncle through some other distant relationship,
marrying him is permissible. Similarly, if a man happens to be one's paternal uncle or nephew through
some distant relationship, nikāh with him is permissible. Nikāh with one's cousins is also valid
irrespective of whether they are paternal or maternal cousins.
14. Two women who are not blood sisters but are maternal or paternal cousins are permitted to marry
one man at the same time. In the presence of such a cousin, another cousin can also marry the same man.
The same rule applies to a very distant maternal or paternal aunt. That is, the niece and this distant
maternal or paternal aunt can marry the same man at one time.
15. All the relations which become harām on account of lineage also become harām on account of
breast-feeding. In other words, if a girl is breast-fed by a particular woman, then this girl
cannot marry the latter's husband because he will now be regarded as her father. A girl who has been
breast-fed by a particular woman cannot marry a boy who has been breast-fed by the same woman. Nor can
this girl marry the children of this woman because she is also regarded as a child of this woman. All the
maternal and paternal uncles and maternal and paternal nephews who become related due to this breast-feeding
also become harām on this girl.
16. If two girls have been breast-fed by one woman, they cannot marry the same man at one time. In other
words, whatever has been explained previously, will also apply to relations based on breast-feeding.
17. A man committed adultery with a certain woman. Now it will not be permissible for her mother or her
children to marry this man.
18. Due to the passions of youth, a woman touched a man with evil intentions. It will now not be
permissible for her mother or her children to marry this man. Similarly, if a man touches a woman with
evil intentions, her mother and her children will be harām on him.
19. In the middle of the night, a man decided to awaken his wife. However, he mistakenly touched his
daughter or his mother-in-law. Thinking them to be his wife, he touched them with the passions of youth. Now,
this man will become harām on his wife forever. There is no way in which she can become permissible for him.
It will be necessary for him to divorce his wife.
20. If a boy touches his step-mother with an evil
intention, she will become harām on her husband. There
is no way in which she can be halāl for him. If the step-mother touches her step-son with an evil
intention, the same rule will apply.
21. A Muslim woman cannot marry a man who belongs to
any other religion. She can only marry a Muslim man.
22. A woman's husband divorced her or he passed away. As long as she does not complete her iddah, she cannot
marry anyone else.
23. Once a woman marries a man, she cannot marry another person unless and until she is divorced by
this person and also completes her iddah.
24. If a woman is not married and she falls pregnant
due to adultery, it will be permissible to marry her.
However, it will not be permissible to have intercourse with her until she delivers the child. But
if the woman marries the same person who had committed adultery with her, it will be permissible for the
person to have intercourse with her.
25. If a person has four wives, he cannot marry a fifth woman. If he happens to divorce one of his four
wives, another woman cannot marry him until the one who is divorced completes her iddah.