to Islam
View of Your City
Dates to Hijri
Missions in India
Teachers Sponsorship Project
one teacher is like sponsoring 100 students
a BANEE beneficiary
New Applicants SCHOLARSHIP:
Empowerment Projects
(A) Background
(B) What's
the situation of Muslims in India (C) First-hand
experience (D) Whose
Responsibility is it to impart quality education to mankind? (E) Why
is the quality level so poor? (F) How
to go about it?
(Bihar ANjuman’s Educational Empowerment) projects consist of the following
(a) Sponsoring students (Scholarships), (b) identify model schools
(a) Sponsoring teachers, (b) merit awards to students and (c) High performance
awards to teachers
Establish our own institutions
stage-1, we have been sponsoring students (Eligibility conditions, methodology,
etc: www.banee.org) - we have supported
about 40 students so far. This stage has succeeded alhamdolillah, with support
from many community members. [Details: http://www.banee.org/BANEE_Beneficiaries.htm]
Encouraged by excellent support from you, I am proposing to move on to stage-2,
and start sponsoring teachers.
se to kahin behtar tha;
Apne hissey ki koi shamm'a jalaate jaatey. [Ahmad
Better light a candle than curse the darkness
What is the situation of Muslims in India?
Committee Report should work as a vitalizer for the community. If we don’t act
now, when shall we? You can download full Sachar Committee Report at:
the report, I request you to ponder upon just 4 points, as of now:
25 % of Muslim children in the 6-14 year age group have either never attended
school or have dropped out.
Drop out rates among Muslims are higher at the level of primary, middle and
higher secondary.
While 26% of those 17 years and above have completed matriculation, this
percentage is only 17% amongst Muslims.
In the case of the IITs, Muslims enrolled in undergraduate courses are a meagre
Sachar Committee Report, Fig. 4.16, page-66
scholarship scheme targets students beyond higher secondary (12th). If there is
a high drop-out rate at lower levels, we would not have much hope at higher
(C) Why children drop-out or don’t go to schools at all?
I feel the main driving force is hopelessness. If parents see no future for
their children in education that can get them respectable employment, they would
prefer the child to start earning early. Poor quality education (poor academic
progress brings in hopelessness with respect to future) imparted to hundreds of
thousands of Muslim children seems to be a far greater reason for alarming
drop-out rates than their poor economic condition. Poor economic condition adds
to the hopelessness, though.
my recent visit to muslim-managed educational institutions, and discussion with
members of their management committees, I found the quality of teachers as
(C) First-hand
one girl-school where more than 300 children study up to 10th level, I
met a lady teacher who had passed out 10th from the same school. I asked
her why she did not pursue her studies further. I was expecting an
answer that she had financial problems in the family. But, her reply
shocked me. She said she could not get admission in any college of the
town. Why? Because she had managed to score just 40% marks at 10th
level. And she was teaching science to the students! What future do we
see for students she is teaching there? The story repeats in most of the
muslim-managed institutions, with situation reaching alarming levels in
madarsas of Bihar. What future do you see for the hundreds of thousands
of our children who are studying in these idaaras? Who is responsible
for ruining the careers of this large school/madarsa-going population?
How can our community be so blind to this pathetic state of affairs?
Those who contribute to these institutions must stop to ponder. Are
these generous brothers/ sisters helping the society or are they ruining
the society? Would they earn Allah’s rewards because they have been
contributing generously, or are they accumulating His wrath (May
Allah’s mercy be on us all) because their contribution is being
utilized to ruin the future of such a huge population? Don’t curse me
for saying this, please (I seek forgiveness from all of you who feel
offended, and from Allah). May Allah reward them all, as per their
neeyat (which was purely to help the community)! |
above graph (from Sachar committee report) shows that the gap between us and
“others” is increasing despite thousands of idaaras having been opened (and
serving) with pure neeyat. Neeyat alone cannot yield fruits. Neeyat must be
supported well by sufficient efforts.
Who has the responsibility to impart quality education to mankind?
The fact is that there is a race among muslims (both among so called
intellectuals as well as among the ulemas) to send their children to Christian
missionary schools (St Xaviers, St. Michael’s ….) or to those belonging
Hindu missionary schools (Dayanand Anglo-Vedic or DAV, Ram Krishna or R.K.
Mission …. … ). Why? The reason is simple. We want our children to get the
best education. Who was asked by Allah to pursue education? "Read:
In the name of thy Lord who created man from a clot. Read: And thy Lord is the
Most Generous Who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not."
(Quran, 96:1-5)
"Are those who have knowledge and those who
have no knowledge alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful."
(Quran, 39:9)
"And whoso bringeth the truth and believeth
therein such are the dutiful." (Quran, 39:33)
“… … … and say: "My Lord! Increase me
in knowledge."" (Quran, 20:114)
Who was commanded by Allah to spread the knowledge to the whole mankind, as
Khalifas (each one of us, Muslims, were commanded to act as khalifas/
And strive hard in Allahs Cause as you ought to
strive (with sincerity and with all your efforts that His Name should be
superior). … …. It is He (Allah) Who has named you Muslims both before and
in this (the Quran), that the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) may be a witness over you
and you be witnesses over mankind! So perform … … [Quran
Thus We have made you (true Muslims - real believers of
Islamic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his Sunnah (legal
ways)), a Wasat (just) (and the best) nation, that you be witnesses over mankind
and the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) be a witness over you. ... ... [Quran
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Verily
what a believer continues to receive (in the form of reward) for his action and
his virtues after his death is the knowledge which he acquired and then
disseminated, the pious son that he left behind him, or a copy of the Qur'an
which he left as a legacy, or the mosques that he had built, or the inn that he
had built for the wayfarers, or the canal that he caused to flow, or a sadaqah
which he gave out of his property in the state when he was healthy and alive.
(These are the acts of goodness the reward of which) reaches him even after his
death. [Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 254, Narrated byAbuHurayrah,
Transmitted by Ibn Majah, Bayhaqi in Shu'ab al-Iman]
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Do you
know who is most generous? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best.
Whereupon he said: Allah is the Most Generous, then I am most generous to
mankind, and the most generous people after me would be those who will acquire
knowledge and then disseminate it. He will come on the Day of Resurrection
singly, like a ruler, or he said: As a single Ummah. [Al-Tirmidhi
HadithHadith 259, Narrated byAnas ibn Malik, Bayhaqi transmitted in Shu'ab al-Iman.]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: A learned
person is as much above a worshipper as I am above the least of you. He added:
Allah, His angels and all those in Heavens and on Earth, even the ants in their
hills and the fish in the water, call down blessings on those who instruct
people in beneficial knowledge. [Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 1392,
Narrated byAbuUmamah, Transmitted by Tirmidhi.]
Why the quality of teaching is so
This is basically due to lower wages paid to teachers. They are paid lower wages
because of poor financial strength of these institutions. So, there is a vicious
circle: u charge less fees or no fees from students … so you have poor
financial strength … so you pay teachers equivalent to labourers … so
quality of education is pathetic … so higher networth (richer sections) people
of society don’t send their children to your school … so fees have to be low
or nil … so financial strength has to be poor … … so on.
Now we MUST ponder upon how we can break this vicious circle. Sponsoring a
teacher, paying him/ her respectable salary, with a view to impart quality
teaching could be just one solution out of many possible. This solution seems to
me as the most cost-efficient one, at the moment.
Sponsoring one student is equivalent to helping one student, whereas, sponsoring
a good teacher (by selecting a quality teacher and paying market-level salary)
is equivalent to helping more than 100 students. Sponsoring a good school
teacher also means reaching the level where there is maximum drop-out rate. It
means not just laying a string foundation for academic development of the
children, but also building confidence among the parents of potential drop-outs
that there is a bright future ahead for their children (and their family).
How to go about it?
must appoint quality teachers, keep them on our payroll, monitor their progress
and monitor the progress of students they teach, depute them in educational
institutions run by good muslims who are inclined towards imparting quality
knowledge and are ready to cooperate with us in all our programs.
Let's be very clear about what we want. QUALITY education is a MUST. If we
cannot provide that, let's stop talking about it, because if we can't impart
quality education, we would be a partner, with numerous others, in ruining the
life of thousands of our children. These children must be considered as great
asset for our community and must get the best education, and ONLY the best.
Khaana-pooree and khairaatee culture has to be halted. At least, BA must not be
a partner in this culture.
Verily never will
Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves
[Quran, 13:11]
This global network can help greatly in the whole process, in (a) identifying
such schools, (b) selecting quality teachers, (c) training the teachers and
guiding/ motivating the students, (d) sponsoring their salary and perks (minimum
salary Rs. 4,000 per month), and (e) assessing their performance regularly.
Let’s continue to discuss the issue. I will propose the nitty and gritty of
operational mechanism later. In the meantime, I expect your comments and
suggestions, to pour in. Keep hesitations away. Those who wish to commit
financial assistance towards this process may please do so at:
at http://www.banee.org/hands.htm
view existing commitments at:
Allah make our neeyat pure, and let our neeyat take proper shape. May Allah make
things easy for us in this respect! Every good intention that is supported by
proper action (wherein our efforts are aligned with our intention) shall result
in the desired outcome ……….. for the simple reason that Allah is the Most
Just and the Most Fair, and He cannot allow our genuine efforts to go waste.
Definitely what is lacking is either the purity of our intention, lack of proper
action or the half-hearted efforts that we are famous for.
Surely! Allah wrongs not even of the weight of an
atom (or a small ant), but if there is any good (done), He doubles it, and gives
from Him a great reward. [Surah#4, Al-Nisa: Verse#40]
May Allah unite us in our efforts, if not in our thoughts, so that our knowledge
and skills, experience and expertise, talents and energy, capabilities and
capacities, sincerity and good intentions, wisdom and strength, wealth and
resources could be utilized in the most optimum manner for our mutual benefits
and for the benefit of the society!
Allah Ta'ala ka aisa intezam hai ke woh kaam karwa hee lete hain. Allah's
administration is the only administration which has never failed, nor will it
ever fail. If we don't do the work commanded by Allah, somebody else will do and
take the place which Allah had reserved for us. Look at the history of the
decline of Muslims. Social reforms and social service were commanded by Allah to
be continuously pursued by Muslims, but was largely undertaken by Christians
after the Muslims got busy with conquering of thrones and rejoicing over the
resulting power. This is Allah's mechanism, I believe, if one group doesn't do
some work that is necessary for the society, it's not that Allah would wait for
this group to wake up from its slumber.
Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and
Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do
righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be
no fear, nor shall they grieve. [Al-Baqara,
Chapter #2, Verse #62]
Fortunately, we have firmly resolved and pledged before Allah that we would be
ready to face all kinds of challenges but never go back on our commitment to
work towards achieving the vision of winning back the race from other
communities. And, it's inspiring to note your commitment and determination.
Togetherness makes sure that if one of us starts losing strength of our resolve,
some one else will come forward, lend a hand, and help in gaining back the lost
ground; thus bouncing back with stronger resolve would be much easier.
Jazakallah Khair!