Journey to the Day of Resurrection, Pat-2
Gheyas S Mahfoz Hashmi,
Jeddah (hgheyas@savola.com)
...… continued from previous
There are several Hadithes regarding descendents of Adam (AS) brought
forth from his back. At that time itself the difference between Muslim
and Kafir was established. Our prophet (S) said that Allah created Adam
and crossed His hands on the back of Adam. Hence, all those who were
supposed to be born till Qiyamah fell out. (Tirmizi narrated by
Abduhorairah (R). Before this, Allah Almighty has presented the burden
of Amanah on Adam (AS) which description is mentioned in Sura Ahzab/72
which reads as:
Lo! We offered the trust unto the heavens and the earth and the hills,
but they shrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And man assumed
it. Lo! he hath proved a tyrant and a fool.
The birth of the
last prophet (S) confirms that the human history has entered into the
final era of the world. Our prophet (S) says, “I and Qiyamat are like
two fingers.” (Sahihain at the authority of Anas (R). Let us
start our travel to final destination (Heaven) making transit at
stations coming during the journey. Hell was not made for Muslim. If he
goes there it is his sole fault.
Mother’s Womb: It is a laboratory where Allah Almighty makes shape of
the Human. Allah says in His book Quran: It is (Allah) Who shapes you
in the mother’s womb as He wishes (Aal- Imran/6). From here now the
travel of man gets start. It is the same child that was from Adam (AS)
in whom Allah has breathed His spirit. It is the spirit of The Creator
Who is the Nour and Who takes the man from Darkness to Light.
World: The child came to this world after having a prescribed time in
his/her mother’s womb. Parents are very happy but the real happiness
will be at time when he/she will grow to be a Allah-fearing in which
parents have their responsibility. Alhamdulillah the child has grown up
(matured) and his/her actions became accountable to Allah, based on
which he/she will be judged at the Day of Judgement. Now the man is
free to pass his life in darkness or light, in evil or goodness, in
knowledge or ignorance, in obedience or disobedience to Allah.
Accordingly he can enjoy the good living at the Heaven or bad living at
the Hell (Naouzo Billah) as a reward from Allah Almighty.
This world is neither a place of punishment for him, as the monks
think, nor a place of rewards as the believers of the law of
transmigration think, nor a place of entertainment and enjoyment, as
the materialists think, nor a battlefield, as the followers of Darwin
and Marx think, but in fact it is a place of test and trial for him if
his each and every activity is according to the Quran & Sunnah
or not. Allah says: Who has created life and death to try you which of
you is best in performing job (Almulk/2)
The man is free to pass his life according to the teachings of Allah
and His last prophet (S) or to pass his life according to Shatan or
personal wishes or relying on his own assumption. or to preferring his
Peer’s way of life to Quranic verses and authentic Hadithes. The aim of
life is not to achieve worldly happiness but to complete humanity as
per Shari’at.
Muslim-dominated seats are reserved for SCs?
By Mumtaz Alam Falahi,
like killing of two birds with one stone. Constitutional requirement
for one community is fulfilled at the cost of the other. Seats are
reserved for Scheduled Castes in legislative bodies in the country – a
constitutional obligation – but it is done in effect by diminishing the
Muslims representation in the very legislatures. It’s an irony that the
very constitution debars Muslims from being included in the category of
Scheduled Castes.
There are scores of assembly and parliamentary constituencies across
the country which are reserved for SCs though Muslim population in
those constituencies far outnumbers the SCs. The charge of some design
against Muslims gets stronger when one finds a number of seats
unreserved (general) though SCs are majority community in those

Six years back,
the issue was highlighted by the Sachar Committee.
“Another issue emphasized before the Committee was that a number of
Parliamentary and Assembly constituencies with substantial Muslim voter
population are reserved for SCs while the SC population was not high
there. Contrarily, constituencies with comparatively lesser Muslim
voter population remain unreserved even though they have sizeable SC
population,” says the Sachar Committee Report.
Attention of the Committee was drawn to the issue of Muslim
concentration assembly constituencies being declared as ‘reserved’
constituencies where only SC candidates can contest elections. By this
move, it was argued that Muslims are being systematically denied
political participation.
The Sachar Committee went into the issue. While the Committee could not
look into the issue of voter lists, an effort was made to ascertain the
facts on the issue of reserved constituencies. “Our analysis relating
to the reserved constituencies for the SC candidates in three states of
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal suggests that there is truth in
the allegation,” reads the report.

“Data relating
to the reserved constituencies for the SC candidates in three states of
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal was analysed by the Committee.
These states have a relatively large share of the Muslim population in
India. The data shows that constituencies which have been declared
reserved for SCs by the Delimitation Commission in these three states
are by and large those constituencies where Muslims live in greater
numbers often more than 50 per cent as well as their proportion in the
population is higher than that of SCs. On the other hand, there are
quite a large number of other constituencies within the respective
states, where the share of SCs is large, often closer to or even more
than one half but these are declared as ‘un-reserved'. Arguably, this
can be seen as discriminatory and certainly reduces the opportunities
that Muslims have to get elected to democratic institutions,” the
report further says.
The Sachar Committee table is based on data from Election Commission of
India, 2004 and Census of India, 2001.

It was suggested
to the Committee that it would be more equitable to reserve those
constituencies where voter population of SCs is high rather than those
where it is low and, instead, Muslim presence is high.
And the Sachar Committee had recommended establishing a more rational
procedure for delimitation of constituencies.
“The Committee also recommends the elimination of the anomalies with
respect to reserved constituencies under the delimitation schemes
discussed in Chapter 2. A more rational delimitation procedure that
does not reserve constituencies with high minority population shares
for SCs will improve the opportunity for the minorities, especially the
Muslims, to contest and get elected to the Indian Parliament and the
State Assemblies. Apart from these two initiatives it is important to
evolve other methods to enhance political participation of the
Community,” the Sachar Committee had recommended but it seems no step
has been taken in this regard so far.