BaKhabar ![]() |
It’s time to move ahead ... Ashi (pen name of a sister)
an overwhelming condemnation over Maulana Ghulam Mohammed Vastanvi's
endorsement of Gujarat’s progress. Seldom did Mr. Vastanvi imagine that
his remark will disturb the simmering state of the community all across
the country. I, somehow, tried to fall in the similar line of
vituperation pouring on Maulana Vastanvi. But before entering the
travesty of condemnation, I decided to come across the pros and cons of
the entire episode. Thanks to the modern era of rationalism!![]() He does not deny, like rarely-found political species regardless of the taboo they walk with, that the Chief Minister of Gujarat owes an explanation to the nation, to the community and to the humanity at all. Also, the dilly dally (read biased) approach to provide the victims with justice and the compensation adds to the woes. As one of the chief clerics from New Delhi has rightly pointed out that “nobody who seeks justice can reconcile with this” (Maulana Vastanvi’s remark). But to stick to the past and not to have the dividends of ‘Vibrant Gujarat’ would land the Gujarati Muslims nowhere. For no reason, Mr Modi can inscribe a provision to give the benefit of state’s infrastructural development to a selective mass. And if at all there is partisanship at the administrative level, raise voice and register similar collective disgust over the malfunctioning of government machineries in the state. But it seems that we have developed the habit of making hill out of a mole. For, there are several offensive acts taking place not just within the country but outside as well, given that to malign the name of Islam is in fad these days. We are so immersed into puny little controversies that we, knowingly or unknowingly, tend to overlook the actual problem. The problem is not that one appreciate one’s good work, the problem would be, if at all, that someone occupying such a high office could have negated the ghastly shadow darkening the character of man behind ‘good governance’ in Gujarat. We must stop being parochial and demonstrate such anguish over the universal agenda of playing politics under the name of jihadis and Islamists. Moreover, subsequent loud-mouthing over such issues by the clerics and politicians of high stature does provide the rabble-rousers with fodder they desperately need. Even people stoop so low that they nullify Maulana Vastanvi’s statement in the light of his not suffering from any economic loss in the pogrom nor undergoing the pain of any woman in his family being raped. Had it been so we could have easily alienate ourselves from lodging strong resentment over sacrileges (remember global uproar over Florida Pastor Terry Jones’s giving a call to burn Islam's holy book on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks last year) taking place too distant in time and space we reside in. It’s high time we relinquished the maniac vision to justify anything and everything with that siege mentality that prohibits us perceiving things in right context. And it is for no reason that Maulana Vastanvi needs to apologize publicly or step down. |
Touching hearts ... ... by Unknown Life, its all about touching-
A Note of Dissent; a call from GujratBringing sunshine to others Who dwell in gloom, Giving a word of encouragement To the faint hearted. Gentle squeezes of a hug To lift the spirit, Wiping tears From those that are crushed. A kind word to an elder To show they are loved, Blessing the birth Of a newborn child. Holding of the hands Sharing the warmth, Giving our hearts To commitments in life. Sharing that special love With someone so close, It only takes a second To touch a longing heart Only to make a difference. Watch this video: Gujrat Riots: Tehelka videos ![]() Respected Vastanvi Sb, How can we move on? How can we move on streets that are drenched in blood of our brothers, sisters, mothers? How can we move on streets that are still littered with the carcasses of our dearest ones? How can we move on .... over the mass graves of our kith and kin, battered, butchered, raped, murdered and baked alive? How can we move on when we see the criminals roaming free, enjoying life under public limelight, living a life of glory bestowed unto them by people like you? ![]() How can we move on Vastanvi Sb, when the Fira'un of our times is still acting God? ![]() You move on Vastanvi Sb, in Maharastra, far away from the fire in which Gujrat still burns, fear still looms, our brothers, sisters, mothers, our children are forced to live like insects. You move on Vastanvi Sb, from Maharastra to UP, to even a safer den ... Sorry Vastanvi Sb, we don't want to move on with you into Modi's trap and deception. We have known far too many of them ... ... we have learnt far too many lessons. So, kindly leave us alone, our two hands are enough to wipe off our tears. We are far better off eating our sookhee rotee rather than move on into one of the hundreds of mass graves over which the Gujrat of Modi shines ... shines red ... bright red ... even in the darkest parts of the night, the bright red shine fails to fade. You move on, Vastanvi Sb, and leave us alone!! ![]() |
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