Issue No 05, May 2017: Last Date to receive articles is 20th
April 2017
Articles received after this date may be considered
for the April-2017 Issue, insha-Allah.
Allah will never change the condition of a nation unless they
strive to
change it themselves ... Quran, 13:11 >> God helps those
who help
themselves!! Share knowledge even if it be one verse only
..... .
Information About Article for next issue:
Your Article must reflect your original thoughts. Articles
may be on various
contemporary issues, news, views, our mission, vision,
objectives, activities and future projects of Bihar Anjuman or
other organizations. We look forward to you to be generous in
taking up
responsibilities and in submitting your contributions in the
form of
articles, worth publishing news or information related to
Ummah in
general and Bihar or Jharkhand in particular.
We will NOT consider for publication the
issues or matters which:
- are political in nature (promoting, or against, any
particular political party) or controversial in motive
- are against the law in any country of the world,
- are against letter and spirit of Indian constitution,
- perpetrate any kind of social disharmony, fasad, or fitna
- do not uphold accepted Islamic values of brotherhood,
peace, and peaceful co-existence.
You are, therefore, requested to come forward and participate
with your
articles or suggestion or important news or problems of the
areas in Bihar and Jharkhand, ongoing social work needing
etc. All the accepted materials will become part of the
Newsletter and selected ones will also find their place in the
"Articles" section of www.biharanjuman.org, thus ensuring wide
to them. You can get the details about article at http://www.biharanjuman.org/aboutarticle.html
Shikwa-e-zulmat-e-shab se to kahin behtar
tha; Apne hissey ki koi shamm'a jalaate jaatey. [Ahmad Faraz]
light a candle than curse the darkness