RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Madhubani @ Parsauni
This centre is to be sponsored by Jeddah Chapter of Bihar Anjuman, insha-Allah
Breaking News: 26th coaching centre approved at Garhwa, Jharkhand
Location: Government
Middle School, Parsauni
Commit your contribution: Click
here, or write to coaching@biharanjuman.org [Subject Line:
"Donation for RAHBAR Coaching Projects"].
Shape the future of more than 1,750 students at 24 coaching centres.
1st Awards Ceremony of RCC Madhubani @ Parsauni, 16th February 2012
Chief Guest:
Janab Md. Afroz Sb, Ex Mukhiya, Parsauni North panchayat
Presided By:
Janab Maulana Badeeuzzamah Qasmi Sb. (retired head mudarris, chhatwan madarsa, Dist. Darbhanga)
Special Guests:
1. 1. Shabbir Ahmad (retired chief accounts officer, BSNL)
2. Hafiz Naseem (Nazim, Hifz department, parsauni madarsa)
3. Maulana Mufti Jahangeer (mudarris)
Speeches by students, a play, and interesting conversation role-play, marked the 1st Awards Ceremony of RAHBAR Coaching Centre, Madhubani @ Parsauni, conducted on 16th February 2013.

The program, conducted by brother Imteyaz (member RCC), started with tilaawate Quran by Hafiz Naseem sb. at 10 AM. A grade 9 student Zeeshan Aarif delivered speech on ilm (education). Another student Majid from grade 8th talked about benefits he is getting being a student at this RCC.
A play was performed by grade 9th students (Zeeshan, Tahseen, Irfan and Faisal). Sheemab and Majid from grade 8th presented an interesting conversation which left the audience spell-bound.
Team leader of this RCC, Maulana Mahfooz Salafi sb, addressed the audience on importance of education. He said that education is the only wealth which increases when it is distributed. He encouraged students to take full interest in getting educated as with education a good society can be built.
Maulana Badeeuzzaman Qasmi sb., in his presidential speech, spoke on the importance of education and called committee members of RCC madhubani @ Parsauni to take full interest and give more time to manage it in a better way.
Inauguration Ceremony of RCC Madhubani @ Parsauni, 27th August 2012
Chief Guest:
Janab Maulana Zubair Ahmad Qasmi Sb. (Muhtamim, Madarsa Kanwah Shamshi,
dist: Sitamarhi)
Presided By:
Janab Maulana Badeeuzzaman Qasmi Sb.

The Inauguration program of RCC Madhubani @ Parsauni was organized at
Government Middle School, Parsauni. The program was conducted by
Imteyaz Ahmad (0ne of the local committee member).The inaugural
Ceremony started at 9:00 AM with beautiful recitation of the Holy
Qura�n by Hafiz Noorullah Haqqanni Sb. Then, Janab Hasan Arshad Sb
(Doha chapter)
was invited to brief about Bihar anjuman and coaching project. Hasan
Arshad explained in detail about bihar anjuman and it working
mechanism. He talked about journey of Bihar anjuman from a localized
committee at Dubai to a global organization. Then he talked about
RAHBAR coaching projects and its objectives.
maulana zubair qasmi sb. Known as faqeehe millat addressed the
audience. In his lively speech of about 35 minutes he mentioned that
current categorization of education (Ilm) as religious knowledge (ilme
deen) and worldly knowledge(dunyawee ilm) has no basis in Islam. Islam
categorizes Ilm as Ilme Naafe' (knowledge having benefit and) and as
ilme-ghair naafe(knowledge having no benefit). He said that if teaching
Bukhari Shareef doesn�t benefit the teacher in his character building
and others around him then this teaching will be known as Ilm
Ghair-Naafe (Non-beneficial knowledge) although it looks too religious.
He said that APJ abdul kalam got scientific education and whole country
got benefitted by his knowledge.So knowledge of APJ will come under
ilme naafe. Maulana expressed extreme happiness over the initiative of
helping poor and non-meritorious high school students and congratulated
the people who are involved in this noble cause. He said that this is
the great work and should be done with pure intentions of getting
reward in hereafter from ALLAH Subhanahu Taala.
The program concluded with the duaa led by maulan zubair qasmi at 10:15
List of Teachers
details coming soon ...
Committee: details coming soon ...
suggestions can make this project more beneficial for the target
students, and
for the society, as a whole. Please take 2 minutes to submit your
by clicking
here, or writing to coaching@biharanjuman.org
Shikwa-e-zulmat-e-shab se to kahin
behtar tha;
Apne hissey ki koi shamm'a jalaate jaatey. [Ahmad Faraz]
Better light a candle than curse the darkness
